Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Lets start off with this idea I am not a lying racist . Preaching equality while backing the black agenda . My Distinguished life involves being a good role model to my family and children to others in my comunity . Unlike obama who attends a church built on hate and then he lies and turns on his mentor only to further his carrer .
I guess that wouldn't really make him and idiot so much as a hypocrit . You believe in change all you want I will keep my feet on the ground and my head in the real world .
Also note that my inabilty to spell does not make me ignorant of life's lessons .
It just amazes me how you obama supporters always resort to personal attacks . Spend a few moments that you would spend hinking of a personal attack and look at the issues obamas change would really bring about .

Please explain this so called "black agenda?" I don't ever remember seeing him turn on his "mentor" and throw him under the bus. So the church he attended was built 100% on hate and lies and all of their sermons and rhetoric was spent bashing whitey and america, this you know for a fact? I can see the whole guilt by association bit...after all, my dad is raging bigot so I must be a bigot by association?
Isn't the majority of this thread a personal attact on Obama? I find it funny that you can dish it out but have no stomach to take it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
I can see how you would think it was only one sided. Just like you think all our problems are one sided.

The world is not nearly as complicated as you liberals want to make it out to be Suzy. Many, many times there are two sides to an issue; The right and the wrong.
There is certainly some grey area, but not nearly as often as you try to make it out to be.
*Bombing school busses to kill kids- Wrong
*Bombing cafes to kill civilians- Wrong
*Tying bombs to mentally handicapped people and using them as homicide bombers- Wrong
*Supporting partial birth abortion- Wrong


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Obamas a hypocrite? Are kettle or pot?
Ok I don't get what your after , But ok .
I have never argued in favor of hate of another race , creed ,religion. Nor have I turned my back and denounced my mentors (Nation, Church, Military).

But thats ok I understand you were waiting for a moment to attempt tothrow the pot calling the kettle thing back at me (ala I know you are but what am I? )


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Proof is in the link, huh? I can find a link that says civil contractors make $600 bucks a day, while our valiant enlisted heros make $26,000 a yr. Links can show what ever the poster wants to show. Would anyone think you would provide a link that went against a Con right wing theory?
So, no one commented on the Kentucky Con being a racist, 'cause you guys think it's OK.....
Kellogg brown and root had the lowest bid. Now then if your willing to go abroad and drive a tanker full of fuel unarmed in a convoy of 50 across hostile areas please feel free to either a join the military or b offer your services for free.
I have a buddy I went to driving school with when I received my CDL ( had to get it to drive the trucks I owned for my landscape company what a waste of a month ) anyway he went over and never came back. His 600 an hour will never bring him back to his family and children.
If you have a problem with people making a profit then why are you all for obama ffs this guy is extremely wealthy and has been given handouts for a long long time. atleast the men and women who make 600 an hour earn it with their life.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Please explain this so called "black agenda?" I don't ever remember seeing him turn on his "mentor" and throw him under the bus. So the church he attended was built 100% on hate and lies and all of their sermons and rhetoric was spent bashing whitey and america, this you know for a fact? I can see the whole guilt by association bit...after all, my dad is raging bigot so I must be a bigot by association?
Isn't the majority of this thread a personal attact on Obama? I find it funny that you can dish it out but have no stomach to take it.

MY god are you blind ? Seriously are you so infatuated with this guy that you can't see the truth infront of your face ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Which country is it that has the elected official from HAMAS? What will we do if Iraq elects a HAMAS leader this fall? It very well could happen, then we'll have to kill him, too. That will go over great in a country we are occupying so they can have elections.
Hamas wasn't elected in gaza, you realize that, right? They overthrew the elected Palestinian Fatah party...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
MY god are you blind ? Seriously are you so infatuated with this guy that you can't see the truth infront of your face ?
If ignorance is bliss you know they are extremely blissful


Do you guys remember when work meant we had to look for stuff to do to waste time before we could punch out? This is a cool way to waste time. I cannot believe my work pays me to do this! I hope they aren't spying, though. But, I am not looking at web streaming or ads to other hospitals so they shouldn't care, I hope!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Do you guys remember when work meant we had to look for stuff to do to waste time before we could punch out? This is a cool way to waste time. I cannot believe my work pays me to do this! I hope they aren't spying, though. But, I am not looking at web streaming or ads to other hospitals so they shouldn't care, I hope!

Again your post is pointless to the discusion .

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Proof is in the link, huh? I can find a link that says civil contractors make $600 bucks a day, while our valiant enlisted heros make $26,000 a yr. Links can show what ever the poster wants to show. Would anyone think you would provide a link that went against a Con right wing theory?

Ok, in your eyes, news stories aren't valid, links aren't valid, opinion pieces aren't valid, historic voting record is not valid.....that leaves us with, with, with, with ......................
I will address your con question the minute you address my questions I have asked with a serious reply. One that actually answers the question without asking a question as your answer.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Rylan, I love your posts, but replying to some of these fanatic comments just keeps them around! No one reading any of this believes Obama is Hitler, a racist, Satan, or a terrorist. These guys are looking for something and coming up with nada.
Our candidate is wonderful, and they don't like theirs. Really, the comparision is really stark!
So, I really like his view on talking with both sides of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. We will always have enemies if we keep the policies of the last administration going. Did you see Carter is taking an envoy to Syria? So many refugees from Iraq are there, we really need to do something. Hopefully, we can start a new peace process if we just keep the war pigs out of it.
There will be a lot of fuss from those that profit from war, though. Hope O can stay strong.
Wait, I can do that to.
Journey, I love your posts, but replying to some of these fanatic comments just keeps them around! No one reading any of this believes McCain is the same as BUSH, a racist, Satan, or a neo-con. These guys are looking for something and coming up with nada.
Our candidate is wonderful, and they don't like theirs. Really, the comparision is really stark!
So, I really like his view on border security. appointing conservative judges to the supreme court to get Roe V Wade overturned, and the fact that while he wants to stay in Iraq he puts his money where his mouth is by having family serving there.We will always have enemies if we change the policies of the last administration and adopt the policies of teh clinton era, because as we know Clinton did all this before and it didn't work.. Did you see Carter is taking an envoy to Syria? So many al qaeda operatives from Afghanistan/Iraq are there, we really need to send someone else with a spine to tell Syria how it is.. Hopefully, we can put an end to there terroristic sympathies if we can just keep the liberals out with their views on Gay marriage, abortion, and taking from the rich and giving to the poor. Allah knows they won't accept views like that and take us seriously.
There will be a lot of fuss from those that think war is about oil, though. Hope Mc can stay strong.


Hey, you can demand I talk with you. And, you can cut n paste stuff from right wing sites. I am just here to waste time....
and, in the words o' Cartman "I do what I want". So, don't answer me. I don't think I was talking to you anyway. I'm pretty sure you are the guy who said he wasn't going talk to me anymore, right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Hey, you can demand I talk with you. And, you can cut n paste stuff from right wing sites. I am just here to waste time....
and, in the words o' Cartman "I do what I want". So, don't answer me. I don't think I was talking to you anyway. I'm pretty sure you are the guy who said he wasn't going talk to me anymore, right?

Originally Posted by Darthtang AW

You are a typical woman trying to talk politics......