Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
Are you kidding me. We still on Obama and Wright. How many pages of this are we gonna go through?That is so played out. We get it, you don't like Obama and you are not going to vote for him. Its okay, I like him and I am going to vote for him.
Power to the People.
OBAMA 2008.
Thats my point... the whole debate on that issue solves nothing... its old... I want to know if I and this country will be better off in the next 4-8 years... If issues that have been sitting on the table term after term will finally get handled


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
I remember you though... you are the person who was trying to argue about "American Gangster" and I told you the whole cd was a story that progressed from track 1-15...similar to a movie..

I remember you too. I then posted the lyrics to the song and others on that cd and they sure were super lets refresh our memory
This seeems like a goood role model who endorses these kind of lyrics.
So if this is so wonderful how about your mom do the video for this one pr your daughter? I doubt that woud ever happen.... This is all about building people up or wait a minute ITS GANGSTER RAP !!!
Lyrics inappropriate for the forum. Please do not use **** symbols to beat the word filter. 1Journeyman

I certainly was wrong who would not wanna vote for a guy who thinks this is "flossy"


Active Member
Iconic jZ is truly Iconic. I love how he builds people up with his musicc talks sincerly about ladies andd is so brilliant in his wording
this is that ignorant ---- you like
nigga f**k ---- ass bitch trick persice
i got that ignorant ---- you love
nigga f**k ---- maricon puta and drugs
i got that ignorant ---- you need
nigga f**k ---- ass trick plus weed
im only trying to give you want you want
nigga f**k ---- ass bitch you like it don't front
Just the way we should all want our country run we could start callin everyone the "N" word and ladies the "b" word...
Feel me ?


Active Member
Whilst I am not against rap I am against all the derogatory lyrics. I am against calling ladies the "b" word and solving all our issues with a "gat" and I am certainly against using slangs such as the "n" word
I truly belive a president should be way out of the ghetto mentality and groovin on this sort of trash.
Whilst he is encouragig young men and ladies to solve problems with guns and treat ladies like pigs I think a real man teaches youth how to solve problems with their mind and in the 'RIGHT' way.
I am sure
STANLEY TOOOKIE WILLIAMS woould love this song as well.


Rylan, I love your posts, but replying to some of these fanatic comments just keeps them around! No one reading any of this believes Obama is Hitler, a racist, Satan, or a terrorist. These guys are looking for something and coming up with nada.
Our candidate is wonderful, and they don't like theirs. Really, the comparision is really stark!
So, I really like his view on talking with both sides of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. We will always have enemies if we keep the policies of the last administration going. Did you see Carter is taking an envoy to Syria? So many refugees from Iraq are there, we really need to do something. Hopefully, we can start a new peace process if we just keep the war pigs out of it.
There will be a lot of fuss from those that profit from war, though. Hope O can stay strong.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Rylan, I love your posts, but replying to some of these fanatic comments just keeps them around! No one reading any of this believes Obama is Hitler, a racist, Satan, or a terrorist. These guys are looking for something and coming up with nada.
Our candidate is wonderful, and they don't like theirs. Really, the comparision is really stark!
So, I really like his view on talking with both sides of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. We will always have enemies if we keep the policies of the last administration going. Did you see Carter is taking an envoy to Syria? So many refugees from Iraq are there, we really need to do something. Hopefully, we can start a new peace process if we just keep the war pigs out of it.
There will be a lot of fuss from those that profit from war, though. Hope O can stay strong.

Oh I do Believe this Obama fella is a racist , has ties to radical terrorist organization's, And believe me if this guy doesn't have the devil in him then I don't know who does .
As far as Carter taking an envoy to Syria ... I say gee do you think it could have been done a little sooner ? As pointed out else where there has only be turmoil in the region for decades


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Oh I do Believe this Obama fella is a racist , has ties to radical terrorist organization's, And believe me if this guy doesn't have the devil in him then I don't know who does .
As far as Carter taking an envoy to Syria ... I say gee do you think it could have been done a little sooner ? As pointed out else where there has only be turmoil in the region for decades
Are you for real man? Seriously?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Are you for real man? Seriously?

You know I ask myself the same thing about you obama supporters . But I guess as long as you believe in the change this idot keeps talking about then Who am I to interupt your pipe dream .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
As I mentioned .. you failed to state what it said... I also believe this was on a Internet Bulletin in which people can write whatever they want...similar to this one... You mentioned it as not important to what it said...or the relevance it had to the subject matter. Anything and everything can be taken out of context.. if you are going to charge Obama with something (especially something he has no control over)... at least have the proper information to back your claim up.
As far as Farrakhan... lets talk about why he was honored... Farrakhan doesn't have the stigma he has with people like yourself in the black community. We realize he has said some unsensitive things in the past... The whole Jewish came as a result of an attack from Jewish Institutions against Presidential candidate Jackson back in '84.. in which Farrakhan responded... both parties were involved and it was bickering or statements made b/w the two.. Farrakhan has since sought to work directly with Jewish organizations... That is some background.. if you are going to tell the truth ..tell it all.
Now back to the church... Farrakhan has done many positive things in the black community... he was recongized for his prison work and helping ex cons turn there lives around...
this is "typical" america.... we always want to highlight the negatives in a person... we never talk about the good they do or their positive achievements. He did this work in that community.. regardless of his religious belief... or past statements... I have no problem with him being recongized for helping other people.
Once again; You are completely wrong. If you would just take about 3 seconds to actually read the posts after the ones you make you might find your questions are actually answered. The links, TO PICS OF THE ACTUAL BULLETIN were posted for you.
No, it was NOT a blog or a forum. It was posted in the "Pastor's Page" section of their church newletter. Page 8. http://tucc.org/upload/tuccbulletin_june10.pdf Not be confused with this letter later printed in the same fashion: http://bp2.blogger.com/_L6pDyjqqsvY/...r%27s+page.jpg
Among other things, the propoganda states Hamas has never attacked Wstern countries... Read for yourself. I refuse to waste time summating the truth when clearly you don't bother to read it for yourself when your questions are answered anyways.
It's ironic you tell me not to take things out of context and that I should "have the proper information to back it up". Guess what... I did have the proper info and posted it plain as day for you to see... How about you get the proper info?
Farrakhan is a racist. Would you be ok if a Grand Wizard of the KKK was given a Lifetime Achievment Award by a church McCain was a member of for 20 years? I know I wouldn't be. Farrakhan's Racism issues are far more recent than 1984. Again we've posted the speeches and quotes. If you fail to read the info that's your issue, not mine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
You know I ask myself the same thing about you obama supporters . But I guess as long as you believe in the change this idot keeps talking about then Who am I to interupt your pipe dream .

Lol, you call this man an idiot? What have you done in your very distinguished life to make claims such as this? You can't even spell idiot right


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
That is not the solution because the idealogy can't be killed..with bullets... You can't kill them all either...the issue will move generation to generation. This is the flaw in your philosophy. You can't kill a belief structure by guns and war, when part of the problem is that very thing... and it encourages recruitment against a known and seen enemy. Please tell me from past history when war was an answer with issues of idealogy... you may use WWII as an example... but it is much different than this issue. We were fighting a foreign gov't... and militarily we were able to defeat them based on conventional warfare... this is a new beast based on a thousand years of anti-christian(western) idealogy, which was reborn in the 50's.. this is deep rooted and is as much cultural as it is political and religious. You can make some slight comparisons to nazi Germany... but the situation is very much different
My answer would possibably be to divest in oil... go after bin Laden ... increase aid/education ... revamp foreign policy ... and attempt to find a Israel/Palentine solution ... the latter may not be possible given if you beileve in the Bible... I see no valid reason why the region and city can't be holy for everyone... but unreasonable people are probably unlikely to reason. Divesting in oil will also be difficult because we owe the Saudis so much $$$, and they have the leverage becaue our economy is based on oil. Thats why we are so slow to do it.. we have the technology to do it... but politically it is a risk.

The Japanese worshiped their Emperor during WW2... doesn't get any more ideological than that...
Peace will never come between Israel and the Palestinians because the Palestinians refuse to accept the fact that Jews have a right to exist...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I do have a job... can't respond to everything all the time... nor do I read everything.
And that, my friend, is a huge issue when you turn around and post things to other people like "you didn't show proof" or "you need to get all the facts"...
Sadly Rylan, we consistently answer and provide the info you ask for...


I can see how you would think it was only one sided. Just like you think all our problems are one sided.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Lol, you call this man an idiot? What have you done in your very distinguished life to make claims such as this? You can't even spell idiot right

Lets start off with this idea I am not a lying racist . Preaching equality while backing the black agenda . My Distinguished life involves being a good role model to my family and children to others in my comunity . Unlike obama who attends a church built on hate and then he lies and turns on his mentor only to further his carrer .
I guess that wouldn't really make him and idiot so much as a hypocrit . You believe in change all you want I will keep my feet on the ground and my head in the real world .
Also note that my inabilty to spell does not make me ignorant of life's lessons .
It just amazes me how you obama supporters always resort to personal attacks . Spend a few moments that you would spend hinking of a personal attack and look at the issues obamas change would really bring about .


Proof is in the link, huh? I can find a link that says civil contractors make $600 bucks a day, while our valiant enlisted heros make $26,000 a yr. Links can show what ever the poster wants to show. Would anyone think you would provide a link that went against a Con right wing theory?
So, no one commented on the Kentucky Con being a racist, 'cause you guys think it's OK.....


Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Lets start off with this idea I am not a lying racist . Preaching equality while backing the black agenda . My Distinguished life involves being a good role model to my family and children to others in my comunity . Unlike obama who attends a church built on hate and then he lies and turns on his mentor only to further his carrer .
I guess that wouldn't really make him and idiot so much as a hypocrit . You believe in change all you want I will keep my feet on the ground and my head in the real world .
Also note that my inabilty to spell does not make me ignorant of life's lessons .
Obamas a hypocrite? Are kettle or pot?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
... so who cares... What you forget is these issues are small in the scope of things... ....
Being associated with a Domestic Terrorist Group (Weather Underground) and being, at the very least, an apparent sympathizor to an International Terrorism Group (Hamas) is in no way "small things" in the 21st century.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Why? McCain's ticket is the war... all other issues he is not in tune with what the majority of americans want.
Not true.
*McCain isn't a Socialist
*Isn't associated with domestic terrorists
*Won't warp our Foreign Policy to meet the demands of our enemies


Which country is it that has the elected official from HAMAS? What will we do if Iraq elects a HAMAS leader this fall? It very well could happen, then we'll have to kill him, too. That will go over great in a country we are occupying so they can have elections.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Thats your problem... you bring up a valid topic but ruin it by your rhetoric.. Now Farrakhan is murderer? or can be associated with Manson?... this has nothing to do with the conversation, ans shows your lack of insight on the issue.
BET has drasically changed since Viacom.. This is a feeling that many people feel... and they feel that the images seen on TV mostly depict black people in a unsavory light... if you look at tv today... many Christians and even Muslims believe TV has gone to the deep end of unmorality. He states he is not anti-semitic... but basically is upset with these hollywood types who are hypocrites and promote images and stereotypes and is corruptive.
what is wrong with this statment?
" What I hate is the degree of control that they exercise over Black intellectual, cultural expression. I do not think that no human being should determine how high we can go, that can only be determined by God and by us; not by no white man, no black man, no human being"
You said this fool's racist comments are in the past, doesn't seem to have change one bit in the last 20 years. He was making these statements right up to 2007.