Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
No, what I said was sexist.....but you proved my point. Thanks.
Actually what you did was insult "typical" women, most of them seem quite capable of having a rational political discussion.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Actually what you did was insult "typical" women, most of them seem quite capable of having a rational political discussion.

No I did not. Typical white person is not offensive....atleast that is what we are told........Hey I am just trying to expand my mind and learn the "liberal" mindset so I can get cozy with Obama also...I mean he is so so so so Obamalicious and all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
No I did not. Typical white person is not offensive....atleast that is what we are told........Hey I am just trying to expand my mind and learn the "liberal" mindset so I can get cozy with Obama also...I mean he is so so so so Obamalicious and all.
I saw the clip of Bami trying to dance on the Ellen show again. I think he may have to forfit his membership in the black community.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Do you guys remember when work meant we had to look for stuff to do to waste time before we could punch out? This is a cool way to waste time. I cannot believe my work pays me to do this! I hope they aren't spying, though. But, I am not looking at web streaming or ads to other hospitals so they shouldn't care, I hope!

No wonder our health care costs so much... We have people working in the hospital and guess what they are not working hence making it mandatory to hire more people to cover for the lazy..... whilst we have a 6 hour waiting line fora 6 year old girl walking home from school and get hit in a random drive by...
Thank God we have people who actually goto work and work.....
Lemme guess your deserving of a raise as well and probably on WIC....
"THE MAN" has always' got his foot on your neck right ?
It is ashame that we have so many unemployed people in our country due to someone taking a job and not doing it but instead "wasting time on the INTERNET" when their are plenty of people who need the job and will do it 110%.
Your comment literally made me sick....
Go heal sick people see if they need anything show some affection as opposed to telling them they will just have to wait your blogging perhaps make their day alittle better. I mean they are there because they do not feel good and need medical attention...


Hey, it's an extra shift, too! Time and a half, plus $11 an hour. And, I have one 87 yo pt, sedated, chemically paralyzed and on a ventilator. I am code nurse, though so if someone tries to die, I'll be busy enough. It is ultra cool to be paid for being experienced and college educated. Sure beats working for minimum wage at Home Depot!
Plus, I can feel good about what I did at work, not like those Haliburton guys do in Iraq.
Interesting part is, as nurses retire, the cost of us is going to skyrocket!
Geez, O is right. Some people really are bitter!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Plus, I can feel good about what I did at work, not like those Haliburton guys do in Iraq.
So the guys doing the support work for the troops in Iraq shouldn't feel good about themselves? You're pathetic.


Yes. If they were patriotic, they would enlist, go to the front lines for $26 grand a year. They are war profiteers. They will get a special place in hell, along with all the chickens hawks here who would sacrifice everyone elses son, and keep glorifying war. You are pathetic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
...Journey, I love your posts, but replying to some of these fanatic comments just keeps them around! No one reading any of this believes McCain is the same as BUSH, a racist, Satan, or a neo-con. These guys are looking for something and coming up with nada.
Our candidate is wonderful, and they don't like theirs. Really, the comparision is really stark! .. Did you see Carter is taking an envoy to Syria? So many al qaeda operatives from Afghanistan/Iraq are there, we really need to send someone else with a spine to tell Syria how it is.. Hopefully, we can put an end to there terroristic sympathies if we can just keep the liberals out with their views on Gay marriage, abortion, and taking from the rich and giving to the poor. Allah knows they won't accept views like that and take us seriously.
There will be a lot of fuss from those that think war is about oil, though. Hope Mc can stay strong.
Darth, my friend, I came to the same conclussion while at the gym this afternoon. Debate is fine until one side begins admitting they aren't reading or looking up anything for themselves.
So, I will be changing the way in which I respond.
I still won't go as far as to say how "wonderful" our candidate is, but he's not a Socialist. That, to me, is enough for now. I did gain a lot of respect for him when I learned that he has 2 sons in the military and doesn't talk about it openly.
Carter talking to Hamas is just another piece in the Leftist puzzle. We're seeing "Hamas" come up more and more. I'm beginning to think the Left doesn't believe Hamas is a terrorist group.

I do find it funny regarding oil. 5 years ago the Left was saying we went into Iraq for oil. Now they are demanding we take Iraq's oil. Still haven't figured that one out completely.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Yes. If they were patriotic, they would enlist, go to the front lines for $26 grand a year. They are war profiteers. They will get a special place in hell, along with all the chickens hawks here who would sacrifice everyone elses son, and keep glorifying war. You are pathetic.

So what you are saying is you let you political idealogy cloud your judgement to the point you don't want to see our troops receive the support they need.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Hey, it's an extra shift, too! Time and a half, plus $11 an hour. And, I have one 87 yo pt, sedated, chemically paralyzed and on a ventilator. I am code nurse, though so if someone tries to die, I'll be busy enough. It is ultra cool to be paid for being experienced and college educated.
Your right it does pay off apparently for you especially you can suck money from the 87 year olds insurance company for blogging instead of something more productive to the hospital and the Pt.
Sure beats working for minimum wage at Home Depot!
I did not know that it was bad to work for a living and Even worse to work for Home Depot. I guess I missed something.. Perhaps I should buy the 'American gangsta" cd and make money the way JZ says to do it maybe that would be a better solution. Would you happen to have any suggestions on how to be a lazy street dealing crack head or can I get it all straight from obamas fav CD ?
Personally home depot beats calling ladies hoes to make a buck and I love to goto home depot most off the people are extremely friendly and knowledgeable and go out of their way to help the customer unlike some nurses I have heard of...
Plus, I can feel good about what I did at work, not like those Haliburton guys do in Iraq.
I tell ya when you go abroad and run supplies for your country whilst being shot at while your family is at home wondering if your ever coming home alive lemme know how you feel. I am pretty sure they feel pretty good about
A. The money is good
B. They are helping our troops with food/haircuts/clothing and much needed supplies.
I guess if you feel good about bragging on the INTERNET that you don't do anything but blog while getting paid for it then you should try really working and seeing the end result of actually earning your keep.
Interesting part is, as nurses retire, the cost of us is going to skyrocket!
If we get more nurses like you I am sure it will. more money for less work. I can see the picket line now. You do know some people actually take the pledge to help people seriously and are not there to get rich but to really help people can you believe that ?
Geez, O is right. Some people really are bitter!
bitter is not the word for what I am it is sickened by your gross negligence to follow The Hippocratic Oath what many nurses past and present have done while not mandatory some actually believe in it and follow it. You sure seem to not follow it.
I SWEAR in the presence of the Almighty and before my family, my teachers and my peers that according to my ability and judgment I will keep this Oath and Stipulation.
TO RECKON all who have taught me this art equally dear to me as my parents and in the same spirit and dedication to impart a knowledge of the art of medicine to others. I will continue with diligence to keep abreast of advances in medicine. I will treat without exception all who seek my ministrations, so long as the treatment of others is not compromised thereby, and I will seek the counsel of particularly skilled physicians where indicated for the benefit of my patient.
I WILL FOLLOW that method of treatment which according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patient and abstain from whatever is harmful or mischievous. I will neither prescribe nor administer a lethal dose of medicine to any patient even if asked nor counsel any such thing nor perform the utmost respect for every human life from fertilization to natural death and reject abortion that deliberately takes a unique human life
WITH PURITY, HOLINESS AND BENEFICENCE I will pass my life and practice my art. Except for the prudent correction of an imminent danger, I will neither treat any patient nor carry out any research on any human being without the valid informed consent of the subject or the appropriate legal protector thereof, understanding that research must have as its purpose the furtherance of the health of that individual. Into whatever patient setting I enter, I will go for the benefit of the sick and will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief or corruption and further from the seduction of any patient.
WHATEVER IN CONNECTION with my professional practice or not in connection with it I may see or hear in the lives of my patients which ought not be spoken abroad, I will not divulge, reckoning that all such should be kept secret.
WHILE I CONTINUE to keep this Oath unviolated may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of the art and science of medicine with the blessing of the Almighty and respected by my peers and society, but should I trespass and violate this Oath, may the reverse by my lot.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Yes. If they were patriotic, they would enlist, go to the front lines for $26 grand a year. They are war profiteers. They will get a special place in hell, along with all the chickens hawks here who would sacrifice everyone elses son, and keep glorifying war. You are pathetic.

Chicken hawks ? sending other son off to war ?
1. Nobody is in the military that does not choose to have inlisted .
2. going to the military for your 26k a year and a college education is no more nobel than the private sector going over for the money they are making .
So your chicken hawk remarks hold no water .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Yes. If they were patriotic, they would enlist, go to the front lines for $26 grand a year. They are war profiteers. They will get a special place in hell, along with all the chickens hawks here who would sacrifice everyone elses son, and keep glorifying war. You are pathetic.
What is the age limit to join the airforce suzy ? Wait I am over that but I can however get a job withh kellog or hal andd do my part and also get paidd for doing a job and actually having to do it. You on the other hand are profiting off the gov by accepting a job and instead of doing it blogging on here. Who is right and who is wrong ?
They get paid a higher wage because THEY CAN NOT HAVE WEAPONS !!!! They have a bad day and they die. You have a bad day probably means your internet was down at work...


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
So what you are saying is you let you political idealogy cloud your judgement to the point you don't want to see our troops receive the support they need.
It would seem so.
What many people fail to realize is that "support" companies do jobs the military has turned down. The army doesn't want to do the jobs companies like Haliburton, etc. do.
Its a part of that whole "Free Enterprise" system that Democrats seem to be more and more dismissive of.
Regarding health care, as inefficient as it is now, can you imagine nationalized health care? Instead of one 87 year old patient paying to have people websurf, we'll all be paying for it... What a deal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Darth, my friend, I came to the same conclussion while at the gym this afternoon. Debate is fine until one side begins admitting they aren't reading or looking up anything for themselves.
So, I will be changing the way in which I respond.
I still won't go as far as to say how "wonderful" our candidate is, but he's not a Socialist. That, to me, is enough for now. I did gain a lot of respect for him when I learned that he has 2 sons in the military and doesn't talk about it openly.
Carter talking to Hamas is just another piece in the Leftist puzzle. We're seeing "Hamas" come up more and more. I'm beginning to think the Left doesn't believe Hamas is a terrorist group.

I do find it funny regarding oil. 5 years ago the Left was saying we went into Iraq for oil. Now they are demanding we take Iraq's oil. Still haven't figured that one out completely.

Good points there all around .


Listen, I am code nurse. If no one is dying, I have little to do. But, if someone is dying, you want me there. So, bite me. That is the way critical care works. We are running our asses off, or waiting to run our asses off. Come to my world for one day. So, you are a retired old man who has nothing else to do with his life than sit around playing on the internets and insulting people? Of course, no one else here is at work, right? Just us lazy nurses.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Chicken hawks ? sending other son off to war ? ...
So your chicken hawk remarks hold no water .
What is amusing is we have repeatedly explained McCain actually has 2 sons of his own he has sent off to war. Therefore the remarks really hold no water.
Further, when Obama sends troops to fight and be killed by 12 year olds in Darfur which of his sons will he be sending?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Listen, I am code nurse. If no one is dying, I have little to do. But, if someone is dying, you want me there. So, bite me. That is the way critical care works. We are running our asses off, or waiting to run our asses off. Come to my world for one day. So, you are a retired old man who has nothing else to do with his life than sit around playing on the internets and insulting people? Of course, no one else here is at work, right? Just us lazy nurses.
Foul languge is not needed suzy . Try portraying your self as an adult . Adults can disagree with out slander and/or cursing .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Listen, I am code nurse. If no one is dying, I have little to do. But, if someone is dying, you want me there. So, bite me. That is the way critical care works. We are running our asses off, or waiting to run our asses off. Come to my world for one day. So, you are a retired old man who has nothing else to do with his life than sit around playing on the internets and insulting people? Of course, no one else here is at work, right? Just us lazy nurses.
I myself went thru college. I started with EMT school years ago and then went for my fire cert then the police academy. I got my triple cert and part of my schooling was working in the E.R. down in Florida. NO one sat around on a PC they all worked and if their was nothing to do we found stuff to do as you stated previously that was beneficial to the hospital and the pt. I then went onto other things worked at Jacksonville youth sanctuary then Jacksonville metro treatment center then started my own little landscape company after going back to school and graduating again GO GATORS !!
I have since sold my company and started doing work via the net as my wifes jobs started moving us around for the gov. I can sit here as I am semi retired and make a few bucks here and there on my own time table.
I did however in all my jobs not ever fluff when I was at work I was there to work as most people on here do. We keep ourself busy when we are paid to do so. You yourself said you hope they do not catch you so you know your doing something you probably should not be doing...
Anyway, read the oath I doubt you ever stated it but if you did than your not living by it.


Active Member
respect for every human life from fertilization to natural death and reject abortion that deliberately takes a unique human life.
Is this pro abortion ?


Whose oath is that, Mr IKnowEverything?! So, you are sitting here wasting your own time trying to convince people that a politician is a racist, terrorist, stupid, whatever?
And, you call me stupid?
But, I would love to play all day, but my shift is almost over. Gotta tie up a few loose ends. Maybe I'll stay logged on though, so the next shift can play with you too!