Obama supporters. I have one question

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I saw the clip of Bami trying to dance on the Ellen show again. I think he may have to forfit his membership in the black community.
Well, he is half white you know. That's probably throwin' him off a bit.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Whose oath is that, Mr IKnowEverything?! So, you are sitting here wasting your own time trying to convince people that a politician is a racist, terrorist, stupid, whatever?
And, you call me stupid?
But, I would love to play all day, but my shift is almost over. Gotta tie up a few loose ends. Maybe I'll stay logged on though, so the next shift can play with you too!
Yeah fats let that learn you a good one .
Be carefull you'll end up on her do not talk to list and then your really going to be in trouble .
Maybe if there are enough of us on it she will find someplace else to terrorize with her insane attitude and slanderous remarks.
But I imagine thats as likely as obama in the white house .


Active Member
Wow Suzy,
I want your job. Somehow today in my "down time" on a 12.5 hour shift, while seeing 36 patients I found time to get patients warm blankets, something to drink, and start an IV for our nurses.
Of course, I run a team in my ED.
No internet for me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Wow Suzy,
I want your job. Somehow today in my "down time" on a 12.5 hour shift, while seeing 36 patients I found time to get patients warm blankets, something to drink, and start an IV for our nurses.
Of course, I run a team in my ED.
No internet for me.
Thank GOD above for people like you making a positive difference in peoples life. I am greatful for people whom do your job and make people feel better.
I know when I have had to take my kids into the hospital some nurses are carefree and it certainly shows.
I have to say we have people like you and I am proud of you and for what you do no matter which side of the political side you are on.
:::;tips hat::::


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
No I did not. Typical white person is not offensive....atleast that is what we are told........Hey I am just trying to expand my mind and learn the "liberal" mindset so I can get cozy with Obama also...I mean he is so so so so Obamalicious and all.
What is really to bad is that someone asked McCain if he considered himself a "typical white man" and instead of knocking it out of the park by pointing outhow Obama just stereotyped white people in a negative light, or pointing out how much obama just sounded like the "Reverend" Wright. Or at least making fun of Obama for saying something so stupid. He launched into some "this is going to be above board" campain and just once again accepted the liberal premise without pointing out theclear flaws .


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
What is really to bad is that someone asked McCain if he considered himself a "typical white man" and instead of knocking it out of the park by pointing outhow Obama just stereotyped white people in a negative light, or pointing out how much obama just sounded like the "Reverend" Wright. Or at least making fun of Obama for saying something so stupid. He launched into some "this is going to be above board" campain and just once again accepted the liberal premise without pointing out theclear flaws .

Your just upset he didn't have cookies .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
In other threads people who have you same position are not even adamit(spelling?) on going after bin Laden in Afghanistan and al Qaeda leaders. You are more concerned with Iraq.
Obama more than any other candidate has the ability to solve the issues we face with these groups and countries... Since he is the presumptive candidate against McCain... Please tell me how McCain would be better. His solution is war...which is not the answer.. he is known to have a temper... he is known to not work well with people he doesn't like... he is thought of here and around the world to be a continuation of this current administration... These are all negatives
I have quoted NObama's postion in this and other thread regarding terrorists...he'd like to give them healthcare. He has NO clue the type of individuals he is dealing with.
They only recognize strength and take advantage of weakensses...that's why they are called terrorists.
McCain understands the enemy...the liberal left embraces the enemy as friend ans wished to cast America and are soldiers as the actual enemy.
I have a good read on Nobama.....he's far left and he continues to prove me right with his associations, statemetn and judgemnt.
he has proven that he does not have the cognitive skill to understand the enemy.
If one beleives chatting with the terrorists over milk and cookies and giving them healthcare is the answer....that's someone that is living in Oz. They ONLY understand strength.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Plus, I can feel good about what I did at work, not like those Haliburton guys do in Iraq.
Interesting part is, as nurses retire, the cost of us is going to skyrocket!
Geez, O is right. Some people really are bitter!
So, because you work in the medical industry you feel no one else leaves work feeling good about what they did or do? DO you feel all soldiers that leave Iraq do not feel good about what they did or what they are currently doing as well as those in the private sector supporting?
That's okay....many in this country have enough thanks for those in the private sector supporting our troops in Iraq..and our troops in general to pick up the slack for the rest of the far left . Their continued noble efforts afford you the oppurtunity to continue here and be critical of the government.
I also would like to point out since Nobama is seeking to regulate your industry your salary and/or hourly wage may actually be reduced as part of his cost controlling measures. What you have described is a republican take on the economy...less govenment control which allows markets to make determinations as opposed to some government control/reg. With increased government control and/or a total takeover of your industry...you could be working for $10 an hour.
If either Billary or Nobama is elected...they have pledged to take over the medical industry and control costs through socialized medicine. You may need a second job or perhaps that job you make light of at HOme Depot may seem more appealing once Nobama and/or Billary takes over the medical industry.
I know a few folks that work at the local Home Depot and they make more than minimum wage. However, after the governemnt (should Billary or Nobama be elected) takes over the medical industry the Home Depot gig make not look so bad.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Geez, O is right. Some people really are bitter!
HE is right about some folks being bitter. I've not heard a more bitter person then his Uncle Rev Wright in the pulpit. In fact, many folks are bitter for many different reasons. The good ole Rev certainly seemed bitter towards whites, jews and the US Government.
I guess it was his bitterness towards the governemnt that drove him to publish the Hamas Manifesto? I guesd I'd be bitter too if I beleived the government intentionally sent drugs into the black community...plus created the AIDS virus and also sent that to all black communities. I guess folks that attend a church sending a message like this are bitter...or become bitter after the poison is spread by Uncle Wright.
Maybe that's why NObama joined his "church"...his bitterness.
Oh...I see Uncle Wright is now living in a 10,000 sq foot house next to a golf course. The Rev calls whites greedy? Sounds like a greedy black person to me and a hypocrit. I wonder how many poor folks could be helped with the millions it cost to build his palace?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Listen, I am code nurse. If no one is dying, I have little to do. But, if someone is dying, you want me there. So, bite me. .
Whenever I have down time at work which is quite rare....I seek to help others or stay busy working on something. Chatting on the internet is never an option for me.
I suggest Nobama and/or Billary if elected will not be happy to hear that they are paying folks in their socialized medicine program that have time to chat on the internet.
Your salary/hourly wage may be drastically reduced as a cost controlling measure. The governmnet is never concerned regarding quality of service. Who knows...you may be the first to go under the Billary/Nobama government takeover of the medical industry.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
And for the record... I didn't see Obama in that service... not that it matters

For the record, I have posted a report that placed Nobama in the pew during a hate rally.......not that it matters because he claimed never to have been there. And we all know....the gospel accroding to Nobama is never questioned.
Nobama is never at the right place at the wrong time...NEVER


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
For the record, I have posted a report that placed Nobama in the pew during a hate rally.......not that it matters because he claimed never to have been there. And we all know....the gospel accroding to Nobama is never questioned.
Nobama is never at the right place at the wrong time...NEVER

Obama, in his famous "Race" speech, admitted he was there, for the record. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/03/18/obama.speech/
Obama admitted he had sat in church and heard his former minister make controversial remarks.
"Did I strongly disagree with many of his political views? Absolutely -- just as I'm sure many of you have heard remarks from your pastors, priests or rabbis with which you strongly disagreed


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
according to some here is is weak minded.
It took him 20 years to figure out what his Uncle Rev Wright was preaching from the pulpit. And that was ONLY after the Greatest Hits of Uncle Wright was played on national TV. So...the national media figured it out before NObama could in a 20 year span. If I called that weak minded I'd be giving Nobama a compliment. Of course, that is assuming I beleive NObama claiming he was never in the pew during the hate rallies, read the bulletin, heard his Uncle utter a discouraging word against the governemnt/whites/jews..or heard conversations from fellow members regarding the highlights of the previous hate rally...that he just happend to miss.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I've answered this... listen to the sermon in full... He is taking this sermon from the Bible when the Israelites stop acknowledging God and reprucutions that came as a result.. He is using that story and taking the US and using a comparrison that the USA is taking God out of everything.. our schools, buildings, rights, etc... to not offend people of non or different faiths. We were a nation built on faith and that increasingly God is becoming less important in our lives... and that if we continue on this path... we will face God's absence in our lives... and that the favor we've had will be no more .. and that instead of God Bless America... It will be the opposite. He personally is not saying ---- America.. He is saying we need to bring God back into our daily lives, and stop saying we don't need Him.
this is not an anti-american message.. as some may think.
And for the record... I didn't see Obama in that service... not that it matters

Please let me know the passage in the Bible stating the US governmnet intentionally sent or sends drugs to the black community. Also, please let me know the passage where the government created the AIDS virus as a way to kill black people. Also, please let me know a passage in the Bible where profanity is used time and again as Uncle Rev Wright uses in his "sermons".
So once again, you come here claiming to know little regarding the church..and accuse me of same...but now have claimed to have listend to an entrie hate rally?
Please keep your message consistent.
I remain, if the messages seen were not a central theme for Uncle Wright...why were they recorded by the church and then hocked to the public? I would think if this only happened when Nobama was maked not present it would have missed the recordings of the Greatest Hits of Uncle Wright and the Haters.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
So, bite me. That is the way critical care works. We are running our asses off, or waiting to run our asses off.
According to you....you evidently spend much time in waiting mode. Actually, you appear well prepared for a government takeover of the medical industry. Too bad your salary or hourly wage will be controlled by Nobama and Hillary as opposed to the market.
DOn't worry though..Nobama or Hillary IF elected will be biting you right in the pocket book once they start controlling your industry. They'll change how that critcal care works....as well as your $.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Yes. If they were patriotic, they would enlist, go to the front lines for $26 grand a year. They are war profiteers. They will get a special place in hell, along with all the chickens hawks here who would sacrifice everyone elses son, and keep glorifying war. You are pathetic.
Aren't you a profiteer of the medical industry? Bragging how you do nothing and getting paid for same? Driving up the costs of premiums and charges? Taking advantage of a system that alows you down time? Why do you choose to be unproductive during these times?
Why don't you tell your employer you want a reduction in pay becuase you admit to doing nothing here? Like NObama says...you should be giving back some of this profiteering $ to the system to help keep costs dwon for others. It's that redistibution of $ "thing".
Why do you seek to profit off insurance companies and drive the cost of healthcare through the roof goofing off?
I'm now beginning to understand why healthcare is so expensive...perhaps we have many like you in the industry profiteering from the system.
I've noticed many folks in hospitals and they always looked busy to me. Much like NObama..I guess I was marked not present when the goofing off took place.
I've known a few folks that worked in the medical industry and never heard them say they had nothing to do so they hung out on the internet. perhaps Noabama and Billary will rid then industry of these "profiteers" with their takeover.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Wow Suzy,
I want your job. Somehow today in my "down time" on a 12.5 hour shift, while seeing 36 patients I found time to get patients warm blankets, something to drink, and start an IV for our nurses.
Of course, I run a team in my ED.
No internet for me.
This is more typical of the folks I know that work or have worked in the medical industry.
However... I do admit I was probably not there when anything negative happened...did not read the bulletin..and missed the news report.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Maybe I'll stay logged on though, so the next shift can play with you too!
Wow..there's even more that hang on the internet and have little to do? Perhaps you can be a leader as you claim Nobama is and all of you can volunteer to take a pay cut to help keep medical insurance affordable by way of decreased cost. You can lead the cause of cutting the profiteering from the medical industry by not accepting pay during your downtime through a reduce hourly wage or salary. Since you are not contributing to the hoispital during these times...you can contribute to kepping the cost of heathcare affordable. How bout a $10 per hour reduction? Seem fair?...I'll take $5 per hour..anything to demonstrate you will stand by your principle of sending folks to hell for profiteering from any situation. Surely, you feel guilty for playing a part in driving the cost of heathcare up?
Stop the profiteering when being paid for doing nothing at times......take a pay cut for the good of America. That's the Nobama/Billary spirit...please sacrifice your pay during the "downtime" so the poor can afford healthcare. it's called shared sacrifice...please lead by example and show us how it's done.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
What is really to bad is that someone asked McCain if he considered himself a "typical white man" and instead of knocking it out of the park by pointing outhow Obama just stereotyped white people in a negative light, or pointing out how much obama just sounded like the "Reverend" Wright. Or at least making fun of Obama for saying something so stupid. He launched into some "this is going to be above board" campain and just once again accepted the liberal premise without pointing out theclear flaws .
It appears the Uncle Rev Wright tour continues based on the tapes released from a funeral over the weekend.
McCain really does not have to say much...Uncle Wright is DRIVEN to continue on with more hits. Rest assured...NObama was not present for this...did not hear it and missed the report. He probably could not figure out how to push the on/off button on the remote...much like that tricky yes/no button in the IL Senate chambers. BUttons often present a challenge for Nobama


Active Member
Uncle Rev Wright and his greedy life of luxury.....
A two-week FOX News investigation, however, has uncovered where Wright will be spending a good deal of his time in retirement, and it is a far cry from the impoverished Chicago streets where the preacher led his ministry for 36 years.
FOX News has uncovered documents that indicate Wright is about to move to a 10,340-square-foot, four-bedroom home in suburban Chicago, currently under construction in a gated community.
While it is not uncommon for an accomplished clergyman to live in luxury, Wright’s retirement residence is raising some questions.
“Some people think deals like this are hypocritical. Jeremiah Wright himself criticizes people from the pulpit for middle classism, for too much materialism,” said Andrew Walsh, Associate Director of the Leonard E. Greenberg Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life with Trinity College in Hartford, Conn.
“So he’s entitled to be tweaked here. So the question really is, how unusual is this? Somewhat unusual,” he said.
According to documents obtained from the Cook County Register of Deeds, Wright purchased two empty lots in Tinley Park, Ill., from Chicago restaurant chain owner Kenny Lewis for $345,000 in 2004.
Documents show Wright sold the property to his church, Trinity United, in December 2006, with the proceeds going to a living trust shared with his wife, Ramah.
The sale price for the land was just under $308,000, about $40,000 less than Wright’s original purchase two years earlier.
Public records of the sale show Trinity initially obtained a $10 million bank loan to purchase the property and build a new house on the land.
But further investigation with tax and real estate attorneys showed that the church had actually secured a $1.6 million

for the home purchase, and attached a $10 million line of credit, for reasons unspecified in the paperwork.
There is apparently nothing wrong with that, according to non-profit tax expert Jack Siegel of Charity Governance Consulting, who examined public documents FOX News obtained from the Cook County Register of Deeds and the Village of Tinley Park.
“At least looking at it from a public document standpoint, there’s clearly not a problem that jumps out or some sort of wrongdoing,” Siegel said.
Siegel characterizes the transaction as unusual, however, because of the way Wright sold the property to Trinity and the way the deal was financed, with the attached $10 million line of credit.
Because churches are classified as private businesses, Trinity isn’t required to reveal its intended use for the line of credit. Nor, because it’s a non-profit entity, is it required to provide that information to the IRS.
A spokesman for ShoreBank, the Chicago-based financial institution that secured mortgages for the loans, said the deals were aboveboard.
Wright did not respond to repeated calls for comment, and Trinity United refused to discuss the specifics of the home it is building for him and the way the deal was financed.