Obama supporters. I have one question


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
By "war of choice", you mean abortion? How many innocent lives must be lost?
Life is sacred. I took an oath to protect life. I do not give it up easily, or for convenience. My "party" is life. In general the GOP has more in common with my beliefs. I am not socialist, or marxist.
I am not perfect, but I really try to live up to above standards in my personal and professional life.
I'd sure do things different GXB has , and were in the Constitution is nationalized, federally funded/mandated healthcare?
I've never told anyone else how to live, or the need to follow my lifestyle. Mrs Obama sure has. She wants me to give up my "pie" so she can decide where it is used.
What has your party done, in your eyes to change Abortion in America?


Originally Posted by Fats71
I said they are working on it but with the dems being paid off TO LET THEM IN WOULD'NT YA THINK IT IS A UPHILL BATTLE FOR THE PUBS ?
Too bad the Pubs are too weak to help you out. Even when they could have, they just blew you off. Maybe you should start a new party? You could call it the Newt party! Gingrich wouldn't have abandoned you like like these last guys did.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
You have no substance. You make a big deal about the constitution but this adminstration has abused it more than any other president. You try to act like you have superior morals about abortion yet you promote a party that does nothing but talk. Life has no substance ? You are OK with thousands being killed in a war of choice.
First off, drop the talking points. Roosevelt (D) imprisoned over 100,000 Japanese Americans. pretty sure that's the biggest violation of our Constitution.
Our Party is trying, within the constraints of the Liberal ruling of a liberal appointed Supreme Court in 73, to overturn RvW, while your candidate is actively promoting it.
War of choice? Ironic; How many Kurds chose to die? How many women chose to be r aped? How many parents chose to watch their children be tortured under a regime you now oppose us overthrowing?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Hey, I must have misunderstood your post. So, what you are saying is that even though the rebuplicans had control of the house, the senate and the presidency, they did nothing to help you out? They just let illegal aliens take over your town?
You are most certainly misunderstanding... Once again I will say in that area it is run by Dem's and they will not allow a better way of life for Americans. We will have to have a passport to come into their country but the Dem's are making sure they do not need one in ours.
Their are few GOP in that area and the ones who are can not openly state it without horrific repercussion. My family and I had our male shepherd we used for breeding police dogs bomb dogs see and eye dogs etc killed in our own backyard and the female would have died as well but we got her to the vet in time. We had notes placed on our door with threats. I had 2 people come to my home and threaten to kill me while my son was next to me in my own front yard. We are not used to that kind of thing as I stated my wife is a psych therapist and I am studying to be a pastor and after awhile of being harassed threatened etc by Dem's it was time to leave.
You are misunderstanding of what most have said here as you apparently live in some other world where if someone controls the majority that they automatically can do what they want and change everything over night.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Too bad the Pubs are too weak to help you out. Even when they could have, they just blew you off. Maybe you should start a new party? You could call it the Newt party! Gingrich wouldn't have abandoned you like like these last guys did.
The capitol letters were from me hitting the key on accident not trying to shout anything.
Different parts off our country are run by different parties goto south central LA and tell me who runs it the dems or GOP? I do not think so it is whom resides there which in the area im refering too is crooked dems supporting the mexican mafia.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
So, he's a terrorist sympathizer who will let us get over thrown by AQ! Better watch out, America. When O is president, we'll all be speaking Farsi!
Kinda reaching on this one......
Racist, terrorist buddy, hates white grandmas.... How could he have gotten so far? And, when the Dems take solid control of the Senate and The House, who will stop him from selling us out to OPEC?
Wait.That already happened....
You guys are really grasping at anything. Why not just point out the strong qualities of your candidate rather than bring down ours?
Farsi's primarily an Iranian dialect. As far as I know Obama has no ties to them (although...)
I don't know why Obama hangs out with terrorist sympathizers. Feel free to enlighten me.
How exactly were we "sold out" to OPEC?

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Interesting, yet no details on why the abortions were preformed. But, Bill O'reilly is named.......
So, you really think this bill helps the issue?

BS. Your party did nothing but make you think they did. Really, how many woman do you know that will carry a baby until it is big enough to kick and move inside her, then decide on a whim to kill it? You really think people are evil, don't you? It does not happen. I'll let the readers of this thread decide if any of them know someone so evil.
Start asking woman you know personally. You will not find one who will carry a baby to almost full term then kill it. You will not find a surgeon that has ever performed this procedure for a "whim" . It is for the life of the mother. And it is extremely rare in those cases. But, I do understand an unborn life is more important than those already born to fanatics.
The above was your post that I responded to with the link about the baby killer "doctor". I was simply citing an example of women who indeed have late term abortions for whatever excuse.


Yeah, "whatever excuse".
So, the Republican party runs on a platform of overturning RVW, trying to allude that they want to. But, we all know they really don't, because that would cost them votes in the general election. They play their base, pushing bills that make their electorate feel good, but in essence, do actually nothing. It's a win-win! The population doesn't care if a rarely used procedure is banned, as long the clause about life of the mother is intact, right? But, the right wing base thinks they did something, by banning the ripping of a babies head off by evil surgeons who hate babies!
If the Republican party has done/will do nothing about RVW, what makes you think the Democrats should? The Democrats feel legislation is not the way to deal with this social issue. Along with the majority of Americans.
How many people vote Republican because they think they want to legislate abortion out of our society? But, in reality, it is a great fundraiser topic and they don't want to do anything. The last 8 years proves that. The last 8 years also puts to rest the myth that reducing taxes stimulates the economy!


Active Member
Again, besides appointing judges who gave us RvW to begin with, what has your party done to oppose RvW?
This is such a hypocritical argument... your candidate is on record not wanting to place any restrictions on abortions for any age girl, without parental notification, any type of abortion, for any reason, including partial birth abortions...
Yet you try to say the Republicans haven't done enough....
Do you remember the issues with Supreme Court judges the last couple of years? Do you remember all of those Senators trying to oppose any judicial nominee who would rule against RvW? Do you remember which party they were from? I'll give you a hint; YOUR party.
Call it "feel good" legislation if you want. If that is the case, then who is your party pandering too? You claim partial birth abortions don't exist, yet a link was provided showing otherwise.
It gets even better. Obama didn't even support an Il. law requiring Drs. to give medical aid to babies born during a botched partial birth abortion. Obama is fine with a baby being born and being allowed to lay on the table until it dies in the name of "choice".
How's that for "feel good" legislation?
It's funny. You claim no one ever gets partial birth abortions... Why would obama vote against banning them then? Who is he afraid of offending?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
What has your party done, in your eyes to change Abortion in America?
Limit abortion to a life saving measure, not a procedure of removal of consequence and personal responsibility. I am against abortion, but as a physician I know there are times when it may be needed to save mom's life. Choice is deciding to do the deed, now you have responsibility and consequence. A good socialist/communist gov't is happy to remove that personal responsibility and consequence from your life.
In general you will never heard a Republican refer to another human life as "punishment". You guy Obama clearly stated he feels unwanted or inconvienient human life is "punishment". he fells abortion can be used to remove that inconvienience.
Liberal inconsistancy #10,345 Bush's war is bad, innocents are dying. Abortion is good, innocents die.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
..The last 8 years proves that. The last 8 years also puts to rest the myth that reducing taxes stimulates the economy!
The "myth", first promoted by your party's icon President Kennedy, has been proven to work.
It worked during his Admin.
It worked during Reagan's Admin.
It worked during the current Admin.
If everyone received a tax reduction, and Federal Revenue did not decrease but increased, how is that a bad thing???
I'm sure you've done the research and have looked into the current economic numbers in comparison to the actual two recessions that ocurred during President Clinton's 8 years, right?
Once again, revenue is not the issue; spending is.
You know, spending for all of those great social programs brought to us by Democrats. Failing programs like SS, Medicare, Welfare, etc. Programs that Democrats want to extend (because they equate spending to buying votes).
If the National Debt is really of great concern to you, you better begin to prepare yourself for the cold reality; Socialism doesnt' work. You can't have it both ways. You can't move this country into a Marxist state like you are promoting and act like you care about debt. They go hand-in-hand. (France as an example, where in 2005 their National Debt was 66% of their GDP)


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The "myth", first promoted by your party's icon President Kennedy, has been proven to work.
It worked during his Admin.
It worked during Reagan's Admin.
It worked during the current Admin.
If everyone received a tax reduction, and Federal Revenue did not decrease but increased, how is that a bad thing???
I have to admit that this is definitely correct, from an economic standpoint. Lower personal tax usually translates into more spending. More spending means more businesses are paying more in taxes, which in turn adds to the Federal Revenue. This is the same reason why tax rebates work to stimulate the economy, but that spending needs to be kept up by regular lower taxes. What we do need to stop, though, are tax loopholes and subsides that don't work. If the same amount of time was put into finding and plugging these loopholes as was put into trying to fix the "

crisis", then the problem would have been fixed before it ever started. I have no idea how much revenue is lost due to bad legislation, but I'm willing to bet that it's really high.


Active Member
Bush tax cut 1 got us out of the recession Bush inherited despite 9-11 and part II was to kick in job creation which lead to a lower unemployment rate than in the 90's. Yeah, tax cuts never work.


Active Member
And on abortion it is truely laughable for a "pro-Life" advocate to support Obama. He has said he didn't think the parent should ever be involved in the decision unless the child was like 13 years old. He also voted against a federal law that would have made it a crime for a non parent or guardian to take a minor girl across state lines for an abortion if the girl lives in a state with a parental notification law.
I'm not even pro life and I 100% agree at least notifying the parents before a minor receives a non emergency abortion.


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Limit abortion to a life saving measure, not a procedure of removal of consequence and personal responsibility. I am against abortion, but as a physician I know there are times when it may be needed to save mom's life. Choice is deciding to do the deed, now you have responsibility and consequence. A good socialist/communist gov't is happy to remove that personal responsibility and consequence from your life.
In general you will never heard a Republican refer to another human life as "punishment". You guy Obama clearly stated he feels unwanted or inconvienient human life is "punishment". he fells abortion can be used to remove that inconvienience.
Liberal inconsistancy #10,345 Bush's war is bad, innocents are dying. Abortion is good, innocents die.
Do you know personally any doctors who have performed this procedure?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Again, besides appointing judges who gave us RvW to begin with, what has your party done to oppose RvW?
This is such a hypocritical argument... your candidate is on record not wanting to place any restrictions on abortions for any age girl, without parental notification, any type of abortion, for any reason, including partial birth abortions...
Yet you try to say the Republicans haven't done enough....
Do you remember the issues with Supreme Court judges the last couple of years? Do you remember all of those Senators trying to oppose any judicial nominee who would rule against RvW? Do you remember which party they were from? I'll give you a hint; YOUR party.
Call it "feel good" legislation if you want. If that is the case, then who is your party pandering too? You claim partial birth abortions don't exist, yet a link was provided showing otherwise.
It gets even better. Obama didn't even support an Il. law requiring Drs. to give medical aid to babies born during a botched partial birth abortion. Obama is fine with a baby being born and being allowed to lay on the table until it dies in the name of "choice".
How's that for "feel good" legislation?
It's funny. You claim no one ever gets partial birth abortions... Why would obama vote against banning them then? Who is he afraid of offending?
Again, no, the Democratic Party will not try to overturn RVW. Again, neither will YOUR party.
Hey, but calling Obama a heartless baby killer is even better than calling him a terrorist or a racist! You should try to work in pedophile somehow.
Again, Democrats and Republican use this an issue to fire up their base and get money. O wantss the base happy, just like McCain does. It's all about the money before the election.
I am not being a hypocrite. I am not saying Dems want to legislate morality. But, you are saying that Reps do. Keep on believing....
To the Swift Boats, Men!