Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Again, this has been linked previously for you. Both attacks on US soil, attacks against US interests, and thwarted attacks based on intel captured by FISA (which you call Unconstitutional) and battlefield confessions and captured intel....
Quit asking questions when you aren't willing to spend the time to read the answers.
Keyword was "US soil"... Stop the fear mongoring. Our soilders are being attacked everyday...
We can continue bombing... what does that solve... more civilian deaths.. more regional unrest.. more anti-american sentiment... better recruitment tool for terrorist to fight the enemy. The answer to violence is not more violence...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Keyword was "US soil"... Stop the fear mongoring. Our soilders are being attacked everyday...
We can continue bombing... what does that solve... more civilian deaths.. more regional unrest.. more anti-american sentiment... better recruitment tool for terrorist to fight the enemy. The answer to violence is not more violence...
I am not trying to insult you but are you a simpleton ??
The answer to Violence is not more violence are you kidding me ?
OK, so the police goto a domestic call where a man is beating his wife with a ball bat... The cops should walk in and say howdy fella wanna drop the bat and lets hug the violence out of ya ?
OK, now then someone flies a airplane into our building killing innocent civilians children fire and rescue and were gonna go over and walk into their camp or terror and say howdy fellas lets hug that mean right on out of ya...
I swear I lost 25 IQ points reading your statement and lost 2 minutes of my life I will never get back...
I wanted to stop for a week in respect to our troops but I just can't with blockhead answers like that...


Active Member
Journey, all you do is spout fear just like your party. I can't wait for the general election to roll around because that's all we are going to hear from McCain/GOP because he has nothing to offer. I just hope that America isn't dopey enough to buy into it because the last thing I want to see is war with Iran and what could start WWIII.
Perhaps the biggest difference between Obama and some of the right wingers is that he views people in the Middle East as his fellow human beings and not as a percentage, which is how our current admin views the people of Iraq. We don't even keep a body count of how many Iraqi civilians have died in this war, which is beyond me. I guess since they are brown and poor they don't matter. From what I've read the civilian death toll is anywhere from 750k to 1.2 Million people but to our government this doesn't matter because we are giving them freedom...yeah right.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Journey, all you do is spout fear just like your party. I can't wait for the general election to roll around because that's all we are going to hear from McCain/GOP because he has nothing to offer. I just hope that America isn't dopey enough to buy into it because the last thing I want to see is war with Iran and what could start WWIII.
Perhaps the biggest difference between Obama and some of the right wingers is that he views people in the Middle East as his fellow human beings and not as a percentage, which is how our current admin views the people of Iraq. We don't even keep a body count of how many Iraqi civilians have died in this war, which is beyond me. I guess since they are brown and poor they don't matter. From what I've read the civilian death toll is anywhere from 750k to 1.2 Million people but to our government this doesn't matter because we are giving them freedom...yeah right.
Kick back, lighten up, and have another Latte. It'll all be fine.

McCain in '08


Active Member
Not really in line with the original topic here, but:
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says that his prophecy of the end of the Zionist state and the extermination of the Jews is being endangered by "Israeli aggression."
"Islam is on the march," said Ahmadinejad. "The role for the Jews has been written--conversion or death. Jewish resistance to fulfilling this role is an act of aggression against Islam."
Ahmadinejad called for the UN to interpose itself between the "satanic forces of Zionism and the innocent Muslims of Palestine and Lebanon." "Thousands of innocent Muslims heretofore employed in the manufacture, transport and delivery of munitions have been thrown out of work," said Ahmadinejad. "The normal economic and social activities of Muslims in Gaza and Lebanon have been disrupted. Many who had hoped to carry out martyr operations before the next Ramadan have been blocked from fulfilling their aspirations. This is yet another crime for which the Jews must be made to pay."
Many observers have been puzzled by Ahmadinejad's remarks. Private Malachi Moscher of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is one of them. "I would have thought that confronting the IDF would provide abundant opportunities for martyrdom," said Moscher.
Makeen Muhdar of the Council of Imams says remarks like those of Pvt. Moscher reveal Jewish ignorance of Islam. "The true fulfillment of Islamic martyrdom requires that infidels be slain in the act," said Muhdar. "Face-to-face battles with the Israeli Army do not usually present realistic prospects for fulfilling this requirement. Ambushing Jews in their homes, temples and places of recreation are much more likely to produce the desired outcomes."
In related news, Hizbullah rejected a ceasefire on terms offered by Israel, vowing to hide to the last man. "We dare the Jews to try to find us," said Abdullah Kasir, a member of Hizbullah's central committee. Kasir warned Israel to brace for more surprises. Hizbullah claims that it has developed a "mall buster" missile capable of penetrating the "pathetically weak defenses of Israeli shopping centers and striking fear into the hearts of Jewish money-grubbers."


Active Member
QUOTE=Fats71;2579859]I am not trying to insult you but are you a simpleton ??
The answer to Violence is not more violence are you kidding me ?
OK, so the police goto a domestic call where a man is beating his wife with a ball bat... The cops should walk in and say howdy fella wanna drop the bat and lets hug the violence out of ya ?
OK, now then someone flies a airplane into our building killing innocent civilians children fire and rescue and were gonna go over and walk into their camp or terror and say howdy fellas lets hug that mean right on out of ya...
I swear I lost 25 IQ points reading your statement and lost 2 minutes of my life I will never get back...
I wanted to stop for a week in respect to our troops but I just can't with blockhead answers like that...
that explains alot... Let us use your analogy... So do you propose the cop come in and shoot him, wrestle with him, use his baton to beat him like the perp is beating his wife? No, the officer has to gain control of the situation, but he doesn't have the right to beat on him, but to use necessary force to arrest the man.
No one is saying lets hug... but this is not a war that we are going to have some sort of treaty. This is not a war that we are going to be able to take territory, or simply occupy a country.. This is a war against an idealogy and a people that are not fighting for their country, but based on principles. There is a lack of understanding that you have to why they are fighting. Just as there was a lack of understanding to what would happen after we invaded Iraq. Iraq didn't fly planes into the WTT. They also were not an iminent threat to us... We dropped the ball, and the Bush Admin mislead us to why we getting into this war. Regardless of the intent...maybe to kill two birds with one stone, or to fight in their land... if those are reasons... we were still mislead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Journey, all you do is spout fear just like your party. I can't wait for the general election to roll around because that's all we are going to hear from McCain/GOP because he has nothing to offer. I just hope that America isn't dopey enough to buy into it because the last thing I want to see is war with Iran and what could start WWIII.
Perhaps the biggest difference between Obama and some of the right wingers is that he views people in the Middle East as his fellow human beings and not as a percentage, which is how our current admin views the people of Iraq. We don't even keep a body count of how many Iraqi civilians have died in this war, which is beyond me. I guess since they are brown and poor they don't matter. From what I've read the civilian death toll is anywhere from 750k to 1.2 Million people but to our government this doesn't matter because we are giving them freedom...yeah right.
I agree... the same can be said about Dafur and the other conflicts in Africa where millions have died in the last 5 years. Our foreign policy is very flawed.. and McCain wants to continue it. There logic is to kill them all, and that's something I am very much against. This can be handled diplomatically, and if bombs are necessary.. than they should be a last option. I don't want a WWIII, and if the GOP resumes the WH... I see these situations continuing, while at the same time we struggle in a recession that is getting worse. A possible food shortage... and ludacris gas prices.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I agree... the same can be said about Dafur and the other conflicts in Africa where millions have died in the last 5 years. Our foreign policy is very flawed.. and McCain wants to continue it. There logic is to kill them all, and that's something I am very much against. This can be handled diplomatically, and if bombs are necessary.. than they should be a last option. I don't want a WWIII, and if the GOP resumes the WH... I see these situations continuing, while at the same time we struggle in a recession that is getting worse. A possible food shortage... and ludacris gas prices.
Why is there a possible food shortage?
Because the same left-wing nutjobs that believe in global warming being all Man's fault thought that ethanol was the answer. Turn your food into fuel. Bad idea. Did you know it takes more than 1 1/2 gallon of conventional fuel to make 1 gallon of ethanol?? How smart is that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Why is there a possible food shortage?
Because the same left-wing nutjobs that believe in global warming being all Man's fault thought that ethanol was the answer. Turn your food into fuel. Bad idea. Did you know it takes more than 1 1/2 gallon of conventional fuel to make 1 gallon of ethanol?? How smart is that?
So this is some left wing conspiracy now. Is there enough demand for ethanol that farmers are changing their crops to get into the ethanol market. The answer is no, we haven't got there yet... Look at Sam's Club, they are limiting wholesale rice because of this shortage. Look at the price of food...milk, grain, meat... prices are soring.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
So bombing is better? What has this accomplished so far... The problem is we are not even listening... We need to approach the situation different.. Carter may be making more headway than other previous attempts.
You mean like Carter's great negotiations Carter held with North Korea over it's nuclear program in 1994. That was really successful

Now he wants to do the same thing for Hamas he did for the North Koreans. Carter is a jackass of the highest magnitude.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Keyword was "US soil"... Stop the fear mongoring. Our soilders are being attacked everyday...
We can continue bombing... what does that solve... more civilian deaths.. more regional unrest.. more anti-american sentiment... better recruitment tool for terrorist to fight the enemy. The answer to violence is not more violence...
We were attacked and have stopped many attacks on US soil since the first WTC bombing in 93. Again, feel free to look up the links provided.
Did bombing Germany in WW2 not solve anything? Did carpet bombing Berlin aid the Nazi's in recruiting? How many civilians died in WW2 to allied pilots?
Our military today is killing far less civilians than the insurgents. We've posted repeatedly links to Al Qaeda leadership saying they can't get enough recruits. We've posted links showing the list of Al Qaeda killed in Iraq every day to our "bombs" that you say dont' solve anything.
Clinton talked. We were attacked, globally. So talking doesn't work. We negotiated and were lied to; So we know negotiating doesn't work.
Kinda leaves it up to the bombs doesn't it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Journey, all you do is spout fear just like your party. I can't wait for the general election to roll around because that's all we are going to hear from McCain/GOP because he has nothing to offer. I just hope that America isn't dopey enough to buy into it because the last thing I want to see is war with Iran and what could start WWIII.
That's a moderately ironic post. You say all I do is spout fear, then you say if McCain is President he'll start WW3 with Iran.
So it's ok for you to "spout" outragous remarks but I can't talk about current events and historical failures of negotiating with terrorists and dictators?
Originally Posted by Jmick

...... From what I've read the civilian death toll is anywhere from 750k to 1.2 Million people but to our government this doesn't matter because we are giving them freedom...yeah right.
Try reading some other sources then. The population of Iraq is what, 26 million and you're sources say over 1 million have been killed by US soliders?
The GOP wants to give people who lived under a dictator, who was responsible for horrific autrocities, freedom. You're side wants to abandon them. Who cares more?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I agree... the same can be said about Dafur and the other conflicts in Africa where millions have died in the last 5 years. Our foreign policy is very flawed.. and McCain wants to continue it. There logic is to kill them all, and that's something I am very much against. This can be handled diplomatically, and if bombs are necessary.. than they should be a last option. I don't want a WWIII, and if the GOP resumes the WH... I see these situations continuing, while at the same time we struggle in a recession that is getting worse. A possible food shortage... and ludacris gas prices.
The Democrats promised in 2006 that if they took control of the House and Senate they had an energy plan to lower gas prices. Still waiting.... in fact, gas prices have sky rocketed under their watch. So, feel free to blame them if you wish.
Rwanda and much of the rest of Africa was under UN Protection. When the fighting began they pulled out. So should President Clinton and the Democrats have sent the military in to stop it? You realize they would have to take bombs and guns with them to do that, right?
So Rylan, solve Darfur diplomatically for us real quick. Solve the iranian desire for nuclear weapons, The stated goal of Hamas and Hezbollah to eradicate every Jew, the genocide in Africa, North Korea's nuclear program and proliferation to Syria of the technology... Please tell us how you would diplomatically solve these situations.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
So this is some left wing conspiracy now. Is there enough demand for ethanol that farmers are changing their crops to get into the ethanol market. The answer is no, we haven't got there yet... Look at Sam's Club, they are limiting wholesale rice because of this shortage. Look at the price of food...milk, grain, meat... prices are soring.
Not a Left Wing Conspiracy, just typical Left Wing knee-jerk-with-no-thought-to-the-consequences reaction.
For the love of all that is Holy get off the Left Wing Blogs and read some real news! The USA exports about 50% of our rice harvest. There is not a shortage of rice, there is a rash of restaurants buying in bulk in the fear the price is going to continue to increase.
Food prices are soaring as a result of grain prices soaring (from ethanol) and oil prices.
Again, the Democrats said 2 years ago when they got in power they would solve the gas issue...... Still waiting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The Democrats promised in 2006 that if they took control of the House and Senate they had an energy plan to lower gas prices. Still waiting.... in fact, gas prices have sky rocketed under their watch. So, feel free to blame them if you wish.
Rwanda and much of the rest of Africa was under UN Protection. When the fighting began they pulled out. So should President Clinton and the Democrats have sent the military in to stop it? You realize they would have to take bombs and guns with them to do that, right?
So Rylan, solve Darfur diplomatically for us real quick. Solve the iranian desire for nuclear weapons, The stated goal of Hamas and Hezbollah to eradicate every Jew, the genocide in Africa, North Korea's nuclear program and proliferation to Syria of the technology... Please tell us how you would diplomatically solve these situations.
That is not my role... my role is to decide who is the best person to handle those situations and to vote for them.
I am not talking about Rwanda.. I am talking about a current "genocide" in Darfur. You are a hypocrite because say we went to Iraq to save the people from a dictator... but we let worst atrocities happen in Africa..but don't go there... why... because there is no oil there? Are we trying to save innocent people or are we there soley for our "interests"?
I am tired of you blaming ... its time for solutions... Everytime someone races a point... its because of Clinton and them Dems... Fact is it doesn't matter.... we have a problem that politicians look to disperse blame... but we know have a politician who is different from the mold... and I see him making the changes you resist, but we dispretly need. There are some things that I may differ with him with...but I believe in his plan and vision... I don't get that at all from the other candidates.


Active Member
*We've posted Obama's ties to terrorists
*We've posted Obama's ties to his staff being sympathizers to Hamas
*We've posted his obvious poor judgement
*We've posted the numerous events that call into question Obama's motives and patriotism
*We've posted his voting record from supporting partial birht abortions to gun controls
*We've posted his ties to using his own PAC money to bribe Super-delegates.
I don't blame Clinton and the Dems for anything that they aren't responsible for. You bring up weak borders and spending and I'll bash the President and McCain's policies right along with ya.
What I will not do is bury my head in the sand while someone sticks an IV in my arm and drips the "Obama is different and will make all the problems go away" Kool Aid into my veins.
Obama may be different... We've never had a President beofre that would side with hamas (while in office at least. Although Clinton came close). We've never had a President who would abandon our allies and get potentially millions of civilians killed (That's millions more than currently have been killed according to Jmick). We've never had a Socialist for President before (Although FDR came close).
Darfur again... You always bring this up and always dodge the question; WHAT DO YOU WANT US TO DO THERE?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
So this is some left wing conspiracy now. Is there enough demand for ethanol that farmers are changing their crops to get into the ethanol market. The answer is no, we haven't got there yet... Look at Sam's Club, they are limiting wholesale rice because of this shortage. Look at the price of food...milk, grain, meat... prices are soring.
You don't think farmers are converting their land to corn production? You really need to read a newspaper sometime.
The Government has provided subsidies for Ethanol production for years. The federal government mandated ethanol production to nearly double from 2006 to 2012. Ethanol is required in many cities as an additive for "winterized" gasoline as a way to reduce emissions. At least 3 states have mandated 10% ethanol blend in gasoline. Ethynol use in gasoline is common enough that a lot of states have eliminated the labeling requirements that used to be required on gas pumps where it was used. Ethanol production increased in the US 38% in the US in 2007 alone. Yep, aint no farmers droping wheat and soybeans for corn

Corn makes up about 90% of the feed grains given to cattle (meat, pork and milk) poltry (Chicken, turkey and eggs) and farm raised fish. Why would you suppose food prices are up?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Keep pushing the fear/hate angle, that's all you rightwingers seem to have these days.
Lie to your self and keep saying there is no problem then when something happens stumble around looking to place blame because nobody stopped it before it happened its what you leftwingers are good at .


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More fun friends of Obo the clown
"Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama tried to deflect a question about his relationship with terrorist Bill Ayers by saying that he “engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago when I was 8-years-old” and that he was now a professor and a neighbor. The real issue is whether Obama shares Ayers’ communist views. Obama admitted to exchanging ideas with Ayers on an irregular basis but did not say what those ideas were. But we know that Ayers, rather than just being a 1960s “radical,” was a member of a Marxist-Leninist communist group.
The Weather Underground, or Weathermen, wasn’t just home-grown and domestic in nature, although it had evolved from the so-called Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), which laid siege to college campuses and tried to take over administration buildings. Their openly proclaimed goal was world communism and they had links to hostile foreign powers.
“We’re revolutionary communists,” Ayers himself said in 1969.
The FBI said that the Weather Underground had more contacts abroad than the Moscow-controlled Communist Party USA.
"Which brings up another so far unmentionable aspect of Obama’s background―the role of his childhood mentor, Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis. This is the hard-core Soviet apologist who filled Obama’s head full of anti-American thoughts at a tender age.
About Ayers, Obama said that he’s not somebody he exchanges ideas with “on a regular basis.” What ideas? And does that mean he communicates with him on an occasional basis? We need more questions and answers.
But in a posting on the far-left Huffington Post website, Ayers’ brother, Rick Ayers, accused Senator Hillary Clinton of McCarthyism for daring to comment on Obama’s ties to this communist terrorist when the subject came up in the April 16 Democratic presidential debate. Such a charge of “McCarthyism” is designed to intimidate not only Clinton but the media.
Does the phony charge of “McCarthyism” prevent the media from exploring the more critical issue of Frank Marshall Davis’s influence on Obama?
The Davis connection is essential to understanding why Obama would exchange any ideas at all with Ayers. At this point in his life, after he had moved from Hawaii, where he listened to Davis’s Marxist “poetry” and anti-American and pro-Soviet rants, Obama was receptive to the kinds of “ideas” that Ayers would offer to him. The media should demand to know what those ideas were."