Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Obama is not cutting military.. he wants to build it... he said he would not implement any new missile programs.
How many times have we been attacked in our homeland... Really only once in the states in the last 200 years...
NObama is a fool when it comes to the military...and he said more. Do you listen to him? HEre are just some of this quotes. THese are his actual words...perhaps you were sleppinig in the pew.
Free Republic
The senator should understand there is a difference between waste and defense spending. But does he? There is no reason to think so in any of his speeches or position papers. Obama’s employer, the US Congress, indulges in pork barrel earmarks contributing to wasteful Pentagon spending. Earmarks circumvent merit-based systems to create jobs in favored congressional districts and saddle the military with unwanted -- wasteful -- programs.
“I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems.” Recently, both our sea-based and ground-based missile systems proved to be successful. On Feb 20, the USS Lake Erie armed with an SM-3 missile destroyed a wayward satellite traveling at more than 17,000 MPH more than 100 miles high. In September, 2007, our ground-based midcourse defense system killed a dummy missile over the Pacific using an interceptor stationed in Alaska. The US Bureau of Arms Control warns, “The ballistic missile danger to the US, its forces deployed abroad, and allies and friends is real and growing.”
“I will not weaponize space.” America’s current policy is not to weaponize space. However, it’s important for policy makers to recognize the US’s dependence on space. Our banking, communications and navigation systems almost entirely depend on satellites. Space lines of communication are as essential for commerce today as sea lines of communication were two centuries ago. Does Obama mean he wouldn’t provide defensive systems for our satellites? Apparently so.
Surrendering space to rogue nations and pirates places our economy and military at risk. Anti-satellite weaponry will proliferate and must be countered.
“I will slow our development of future combat systems.” Our combat systems are becoming ancient. Our air force is flying aircraft which are based on 1940s and 1950s technology and our army is driving 1960s and 1970s vintage vehicles. Older equipment is expensive, time consuming to maintain and potentially dangerous.
The Army’s Future Combat Systems (FCS) is the first full-spectrum modernization effort in nearly 40 years. It will replace Cold War-era relics with “full-spectrum” operations capable modular systems designed to operate in complex terrain. It can also be adapted to civil support, such as disaster relief.
Failing to develop future combat systems puts American warriors at risk and unnecessarily jeopardizes our security.
“… and I will institute an independent defense priorities board to ensure that the Quadrennial Defense Review is not used to justify unnecessary spending.” Congress created the QDR as an every four-year analysis intended to balance defense strategy and programs with resources.
In 2007, the Government Accountability Office, an “independent defense priorities board” in its own right, published its analysis of the most recent QDR. It lauded the Bush administration for sustained involvement of senior officials, extensive collaboration with interagency partners and creating a database to track implementation of initiatives. The GAO faulted Congress for failing to clarify its expectations regarding what budget information the Pentagon should provide


Active Member
“To seek that goal I will not develop new nuclear weapons.” That’s dangerous. Our present nuclear arsenal will atrophy if it isn’t modernized. According to the head of the military’s Strategic Command, Air Force Gen. Kevin Chilton, our warheads are aging and weren’t designed to last forever, making him nervous. “I liken it to approaching a cliff -- and I don’t know how far away from that cliff I am,” Chilton said.
Ambassador Linton F. Brooks, administrator of the US’s National Nuclear Security Administration, said we have a new program that will potentially reduce the number of warheads and make them safer. It’s called the Reliable Replacement Warhead program and “contemplates designing new components for previously tested nuclear packages.” The RRW would create, Brooks said, a "reduced chance we will ever need to resort to nuclear testing" again.
“I will seek a global ban on the production of fissile material…” Nations capable of producing nuclear weapons produce fissile material for their atomic arsenals. Many of these same nations produce fissile material to fuel their nuclear power plants which light millions of homes and are a cheap, clean energy source in a world concerned about hydrocarbon pollution.
Efforts to control the production of fissile material date back to the 1946 Baruch Plan but that attempt was abandoned during the Cold War. In 1992, President George H.W. Bush announced that the US no longer produced fissile material for nuclear weapons and in 1993 President Bill Clinton called for Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty negotiations. While this is a worthy goal it is not achievable in an energy hungry world.
“… and I will negotiate with Russia to take our ICBMs off hair trigger alert...”
The US nuclear forces are not on “hair trigger” alert. Only a portion of America’s deployed nuclear forces maintain a ready alert status.
Besides, our policy does not rely on a “launch on warning” strategy. Rather, our forces are postured to provide flexibility by raising the readiness status of the force and by putting weapons systems on alert when necessary.
“… and to achieve deep cuts in our nuclear arsenals.” Our nuclear arsenal is a deterrent against enemies with similar systems. Deep cuts without verifiable reciprocal cuts would be dangerous. However, we are making progress via the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty which proposes a reduction of the overall threathold of up to 1,500 warheads. Russia has approximately 4,162 and the US has 5,866 strategic warheads and both nations possess thousands of tactical weapons and reserve stocks as well.
Senator Obama’s national security views expressed in his 52-second video reflect that of a knee-jerk liberal academic who thinks that the US is the primary threat to world peace. His views are dangerously naive and his statements suggest a shallow understanding of national security issues and in some cases his facts are wrong.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Obama is not cutting military.. he wants to build it... ...
You really should research your candidate before you post such falsehoods...his OWN words he states he is cutting it....MAJOR CUTS
The more I read your posts...the more I understand you know little about NObama...
Obama's YouTube Defense Talk 'Bizarre,' Analyst Says
By Evan Moore
CNSNews.com Correspondent
March 04, 2008
(CNSNews.com) - Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) is facing renewed criticism regarding his national security policies as he continues his campaign for his party's presidential nomination.
In a YouTube video Obama made for a liberal pacifist organization last year, the senator called for major cuts in defense spending, slowing the development of future combat systems, and cutting investments in America's ballistic missile defense program.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
What guy? You are making blanket statements... I still have yet seen the post made on the "Pastor's Page".. maybe I missed it.. but again you are making too much out of it..The church doesn't have ties to Hamas. Obama also is the one who is able to stop this violence and to make gains in Middle Eastern issues and peace talks. Neither McCain or Clinton would be able to accomplish what Obama could.
It appears regarding NObama's quotes I have brought here yet again.....you are guilty of making blanket statments. perhaps you should check the quotes/positions from NObama before you come here making blanket statements regrding NObama not wanting to cut the military and stating he is going to build it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
. Obama also is the one who is able to stop this violence .
Really? I suggest you take a look at the news coming out of Chicago. Before NObama even considers running for president on some science fiction record...let him solve the recent violence problem in his hometown first. Chicago is beginning to sound like Iraq pre-surge.
Much of the crime is coming from the inner city poor miniority neighborhoods. Where are the local political leaders for this community?
The terrorists we fight today abroad make the gutter punk gangsta crowd in Chicago look like boy scouts. ...and the news form Chicago is not good.
Perhaps some of the crime can be attributed to the hateful message regarding the US and the governemnt spewed by NObama's favorite Uncle. WHo knows how many kids leave that church feeling bitter against the US and turn to gang violence.
From Chicago AFP
Chicago is again the grip of a wave of violence that has left dozens dead and forced parents to keep their children home from school for fear of stray bullets.
A weekend spree of violence that ended on Monday saw seven people killed in 36 separate shootings is just the latest incident to draw calls for better gun control from city officials and community leaders.
And with more people out on the streets as warmer weather returns, police are worried the violence will only get worse.
Twenty-four of the city's public school children have been slain since the academic year began in August; 21 of them were killed by shootings.
While just one was killed on school grounds -- an 18-year-old boy shot to death in a parking lot on a Saturday afternoon -- the violence in surrounding neighborhoods has created a climate of fear in the classrooms.
"Way too many children are living in fear and saying 'if I grow up' instead of 'when I grow up,'" he told AFP. "I got a letter from a second grader who said her goal in life is to be able to walk to the corner store safely."


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Where did you find this tax information? I am neither disputing or accepting it... just would like to compare and contrast myself.
In regards to spending at the end of your post ... We do need to invest in infrastructure. It will increase jobs and have a positive effect on the economy. Also, the war in Iraq costs more per month than this would for the entire year.
One other point, look at the campaigns and how they've been managed and their debt.
Obama - $650k debt... has spent way more than McCain... 3x's the amount or more.
McCain - 750k - As a % of debt to total receipts ... his % of debt ratio is much higher than Obama's
Clinton- $10 million in debt...

It's no secret the NObama/Hilalry/FAr left liberals are coming for the wallets.
We fight terroism abroad today in order to weaken them and prevent attachs here at home. With just a few strategic strikes, the terrorists could bring this country to a halt.
Now, I'll try to illustarte a recent costly event. Under the Clinton admin. a proposal was brought forward to protect LA and New Orleans against CAt 5 hurricanes. Cost was 20 billion. It was shot down on a gamble the big one would hit 100 years from now. That gamble failed how much did Katrina cost the govt?
I'd prefer we not gamble with terrorism. I'd prefer to spend the $ today fighting terrorism abroad as opposed to having to fight a stronger network in the future with inflated future $ and weaker military should NObama/BIllary be elected. No doubt the loss of life would also be greater fighting a future battle against a much stronger network of terrorists and probably after massive damage and loss of life here at home.
The price tag of such and event or events will be staggering should we gamble that the terrosits will play nice after NObama/Hillary surrenders.
I understand this concept is difficult for many far left liberals to understand.
Regarding campaign finance.....I also remind you the individual finance campaign chair is the Subprime QUeen.
How can you come here stating how many folks and minorities were taken advantage of in the subprime market...yet Nobama has one of the champions of that caause as head of finance on his campaign?
See documentation posted earlier in thread regarding the main finance guru for NObama. ...aka the Subprime Queen


Active Member
A direct quote from NObama's good friend Ayers the Weatherbomber...from his book. Please note the last sentence.....stating he could do it again today. How can America even consider a candidate with a direct association to a piece of garbage like this? NObama sure surrounded and surrounds himself with haters of this country ...past and present. He should resign form the Senate tomorrow. NObama is a disgrace to this country.
The operation cost just under $500, and no one was killed, or even hurt. In that same time the Pentagon spent tens of millions of dollars and dropped tens of thousands of pounds of explosives on Viet Nam, killing or wounding thousands of human beings, causing hundreds of millions of dollars of damage. Because nothing justified their actions in our calculus, nothing could contradict the merit of ours. ... I can't quite imagine putting a bomb in a building today--all of that seems so distinctly a part of then. But I can't imagine entirely dismissing the possibility, either.


Active Member
NO wonder the terrorists are supporting the NObama campaign. From his book Audacity of Hope...direct quote....
"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an
ugly direction."


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
How many times have we been attacked in our homeland... Really only once in the states in the last 200 years...
Should NObama be elected you can plan on multiple attacks here at home. When the first dirty bomb hits US soil...NObama will crap his pants. They obviously have identified NObama as their candidate.

Terrorists For NObama 2008


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Should NObama be elected you can plan on multiple attacks here at home. When the first dirty bomb hits US soil...NObama will crap his pants. They obviously have identified NObama as their candidate.

Terrorists For NObama 2008

Keep pushing the fear/hate angle, that's all you rightwingers seem to have these days.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Keep pushing the fear/hate angle, that's all you rightwingers seem to have these days.
i love how obama is using bill clinton's '92 poster in his adds now, "vote with your hopes, not your fears" in a direct retaliation from hilary clinton's fear mongering :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Really? I suggest you take a look at the news coming out of Chicago. Before NObama even considers running for president on some science fiction record...let him solve the recent violence problem in his hometown first. Chicago is beginning to sound like Iraq pre-surge.
Much of the crime is coming from the inner city poor miniority neighborhoods. Where are the local political leaders for this community?
The terrorists we fight today abroad make the gutter punk gangsta crowd in Chicago look like boy scouts. ...and the news form Chicago is not good.
Perhaps some of the crime can be attributed to the hateful message regarding the US and the governemnt spewed by NObama's favorite Uncle. WHo knows how many kids leave that church feeling bitter against the US and turn to gang violence.
From Chicago AFP
Chicago is again the grip of a wave of violence that has left dozens dead and forced parents to keep their children home from school for fear of stray bullets.
A weekend spree of violence that ended on Monday saw seven people killed in 36 separate shootings is just the latest incident to draw calls for better gun control from city officials and community leaders.
And with more people out on the streets as warmer weather returns, police are worried the violence will only get worse.
Twenty-four of the city's public school children have been slain since the academic year began in August; 21 of them were killed by shootings.
While just one was killed on school grounds -- an 18-year-old boy shot to death in a parking lot on a Saturday afternoon -- the violence in surrounding neighborhoods has created a climate of fear in the classrooms.
"Way too many children are living in fear and saying 'if I grow up' instead of 'when I grow up,'" he told AFP. "I got a letter from a second grader who said her goal in life is to be able to walk to the corner store safely."
Obama is a Senator... not the Chicago PD.. not the Mayor... These are te people who have to deal with this problem. This is a gang problem... there are gangs in every major city and homicides is one of the problems that come from increased gang activity. Why are you even comparing the two? Remember the cereal killer and crime wave that took place in Phoenix a year or two ago? When innocent people were being targeted at bus stops and shot. Did people say where is that war veteran John McCain? Maybe he can solve this problem... That's not his job..You have no idea of what you are talking about.. Your comments are completely irrational.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Obama will negotiate exactly the same way Carter is dealing with them... And, btw, that is NOT the proper way to deal with terrorists.
So bombing is better? What has this accomplished so far... The problem is we are not even listening... We need to approach the situation different.. Carter may be making more headway than other previous attempts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
And how many attacks have been prevented on US soil since the war on terror began?
I'd prefer to continue the proactive approach and fight the enemy abroad...as opposed to reactive and fight them on US soil after massive body counts.
Why is this concept so difficult for the far left liberals to understand?
Please send NObama a memo and let him know AQ is being defeated in Iraq. He evidently is unaware they are in Iraq.
How many attacks on US soil before the war began? In the last 10 years? In the last 20 years?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
I have posted a DIRECT link to Uncles page...plus provided you with a link to the US indictment of that piece of Hamas garbage Uncle Rev Wright honored by printing his manifesto.
An organization can be tied in various ways to another org. Printing the Hamas hate manifesto is one way...allowing Hamas a platform in America. Certainly, if one does not support Hamas thay would not print such garbage in a church bulletin.
NObama now had the Hamas endorsement.
This is not a direct link or any link... A post was on the page that spoke about Hamas' point of view. You speak as if Wright somehow at the very least speaks with Hamas officials... is spreading propoganda... is contributing funds to them...etc... a simple article is not enough...and besides the whole world doesn't want a continuation of Bush policy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
So bombing is better?
Yes, infinitely so.
Originally Posted by Rylan
What has this accomplished so far...
See my above post on lack of attacks since we went on the offensive...
Originally Posted by Rylan

The problem is we are not even listening...
Speak for yourself. I listen. I've read the stated goals of Hamas and Hezbollah. I've read what Iran is threatening... Has Obama? Have you?
Originally Posted by Rylan

We need to approach the situation different.. Carter may be making more headway than other previous attempts.
It's funny; Jmick says wer'e spouting fear, while you say we need to negotiate with terrorists. Seems to me like our reality is closer than his.
Carter gave legitimacy to a terrorist group. Nothing more.
Rylan, do you know what Hamas' demands are to release the soldier they kidnapped almost two years ago? The one Carter suppodely was trying to make headay with?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
How many attacks on US soil before the war began? In the last 10 years? In the last 20 years?
Again, this has been linked previously for you. Both attacks on US soil, attacks against US interests, and thwarted attacks based on intel captured by FISA (which you call Unconstitutional) and battlefield confessions and captured intel....
Quit asking questions when you aren't willing to spend the time to read the answers.