Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
We're at War. Whether we fight there or here we're still going to be fighting so you can't act like we can cut military spending (like Obama is planning on doing) and save any money. One way or the other we're still going to be fighting.
We have not been attacked on our Homeland. Sorry, no matter how many times you and Oboma say it, that does make us safer.
Obama is not cutting military.. he wants to build it... he said he would not implement any new missile programs.
How many times have we been attacked in our homeland... Really only once in the states in the last 200 years...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Obama will negotiate exactly the same way Carter is dealing with them... And, btw, that is NOT the proper way to deal with terrorists.
At least they are listening... Bombs only fuel them and creates more of them. Communication is the key.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Obama is not cutting military.. he wants to build it... he said he would not implement any new missile programs.
No... actually Obama has publically stated he will cut Defense Spending. That link has also been provided for you multiple times. I refuse to link it yet again because you refuse to read any repsonses to your faulty posts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
At least they are listening... Bombs only fuel them and creates more of them. Communication is the key.
Again this is not based in any facts. Links have been provided showing Al Qaeda leaders in Iraq are having a difficult time recruiting...
I'm curious Rylan, if you were on Flight 93, or one of the flights that went into the WTCs or the Pentagon, what would you have said to the terrorists while they were slitting the throats of the cabin crew on those flights? What bombs were we dropping before 9-11 that lead to that attack?


Active Member
Well, it would appear Obama isn't as confident as he once was. Heard this morning, before the shelling he just took in Pa., that he had bailed out of a debate scheduled for next week in NC.


Active Member
You know living at a ARMY post and also a training base post for all other branches I am sickened to see some of the stuff written...
We sit in our comfortable chairs from our nice air conditioned homes unless your Suzy and sucking Medicaid dry and doing it from work... Anyway we sit here talking and talking and talking. How about we take a break and actively seek out the young man or woman who is protecting our right to do so.
I am going to start being more active for our troops. I want to start an organization as it is just heavy on my heart.
I may look like a clown but WHEN I SEE anyone in uniform off post in WAL-MART, McDonald's or wherever I am going to do more than tell them how grateful and proud I am. If I see mud on their boots I'm going to humble myself before them and ask if I can wipe it off.
I talked to the Chaplin on post tonight after my wife was paged out to call together the heads on post for the recent fatality on post that has not been released yet and explained how I felt and am going to try and get some people form our community church etc to go on post and police the grounds giving them the support of our community ( should not be hard most of the people off post their spouse is in so they will help) but I wish we could do this all over the U.S.
I am just tired of hearing and also being a part of the blah blah crap and not doing more. I do more than most but it is not enough IMO.
How about we take a week and stop the crap bickering and think about the people who have died for our right to have such a luxury and the people whom risk their lives everyday for it...
I am probably babbling and I know a lot of people already do this stuff but it would sure be nice if we all could do it...
Anyway sorry for the rant and off topic just seeing all these kids who are gong to fight for us no matter right or wrong in mine or your eyes they are still willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice for you and I..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Obama is not cutting military.. he wants to build it... he said he would not implement any new missile programs.
How many times have we been attacked in our homeland... Really only once in the states in the last 200 years...
Once again...not according to NObama's record....but points to the gospel according to Nobama.
It's not in the far left liberal platform to have a strong military.
He want's to build what? Exactly, what can NObama bring to the table regarding militray strength? When has he indicated he even understands the concept?
He's still trying to figure out if AQ is in Iraq . Might be the 20 year program...that;s how long it takes for him to see the obvious.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
What guy? You are making blanket statements... I still have yet seen the post made on the "Pastor's Page".. maybe I missed it.. but again you are making too much out of it..The church doesn't have ties to Hamas. Obama also is the one who is able to stop this violence and to make gains in Middle Eastern issues and peace talks. Neither McCain or Clinton would be able to accomplish what Obama could.
I have posted a DIRECT link to Uncles page...plus provided you with a link to the US indictment of that piece of Hamas garbage Uncle Rev Wright honored by printing his manifesto.
An organization can be tied in various ways to another org. Printing the Hamas hate manifesto is one way...allowing Hamas a platform in America. Certainly, if one does not support Hamas thay would not print such garbage in a church bulletin.
NObama now had the Hamas endorsement.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Well, it would appear Obama isn't as confident as he once was. Heard this morning, before the shelling he just took in Pa., that he had bailed out of a debate scheduled for next week in NC.
He's probably concerned he'll be asked some tough questions. He'd rather stick with the rallies where substance is lacking. Since when does a president have to make tough decisions and answer tough questions? What a coward.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
At least they are listening... Bombs only fuel them and creates more of them. Communication is the key.
Wrong yet again. The only thing a terrorist understands is strength. Example given ..Mr Kotter and US hostages in Iran. Mr Kotter couldn't get outta the batters box with his "chatting".


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
What guy? You are making blanket statements... I still have yet seen the post made on the "Pastor's Page".. maybe I missed it...
You probably were sitting in the pew next to Nobama for 20 years. Missed it? It's all been linked and quoted a few times.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
You also argue for the continuation of the war... even though its based on deficite spending., so I hear your argument, but I don't acknowledge it because you can't have it both ways.
Defense spending under Eisenhower ranged from 55 to 66 percent of all spending--he dealt with the Korean and Cold Wars.
Under Kennedy-Johnson, defense spending was 45 to 48 percent of all spending--they dealt with the Vietnam War and Cold Wars.
Under Nixon-Ford, defense spending was 27-39 percent of all spending--they faced the Vietnam and Cold Wars.
Under Carter, defense spending was 23 percent of total spending--he dealt with the Cold War.
Under Reagan, defense spending was 25 to 27 percent of total spending (and he was pilloried for this "exorbitant" increase)--he ended the Cold War.
Under Bush 41, defense spending was 23 percent of total spending--he dealt with the Gulf War.
Under Clinton, defense spending was 16 to 19 percent--he served during a relatively peaceful period.
Under Bush 43, defense spending has ranged from 18 to 20 percent (2007/08 estimated) of total spending--he is leading the War against Terrorism.
And while defense spending was de-emphasized in this way (forcibly, because presidents increasingly found it impossible to fund the defense establishment the times required), deficits soared.
Remove your shoes and gloves and count. You will arrive at the only sane conclusion: Defense spending is not causing deficits today (or yesterday), and those who say so are misleading the American people.
The world is not pretty. War is upon us, brought to our shores by evil men. Defending ourselves is the imperative of the times, and should be the focus of all presidential candidates. Those who misdirect the American mind away from that truth should never lead a nation that hopes to survive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
How many times have we been attacked in our homeland... Really only once in the states in the last 200 years...
And how many attacks have been prevented on US soil since the war on terror began?
I'd prefer to continue the proactive approach and fight the enemy abroad...as opposed to reactive and fight them on US soil after massive body counts.
Why is this concept so difficult for the far left liberals to understand?
Please send NObama a memo and let him know AQ is being defeated in Iraq. He evidently is unaware they are in Iraq.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
What I am saying is that I rather spend on domestic issues, instead of a war that has no end,
What is the basis that the war against terrorists in Iraq has no end? In case you missed the news...SAddam's Army was defeated and he is no longer around. THe world is a much safer place now that one dictator supporting terrorism is gone. Of course, those that felt Saddam was a swell guy may not feel this way.
That's US 1 Terrorists 0 since the war on terror began against terrorists and states supporting same. .
I understand the surrender cut and runners do not understand the score.
We owe much thanks to our brave soldiers for fighting the noble battle against terror.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
so I hear your argument, but I don't acknowledge it because you can't have it both ways.

THat's what happened to NObama....he sat in the pew for 2o years...heard it but refused to acknowledge it...till he was smoked out.
This process must be something the far left practices on a regualr basis Selective listening and reading.
Again, most of the NObama excuses would be rated at the elementary school level.


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Purple Tang Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Akron, OH
Posts: 123
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
The leader of his church would fit the defintion of a racist by his preachings and statements.
I've also pointed to many other problems with Obama...racism is just one.
So, you support the teachings of Wright and all his postions? Simple yes or no.
I don't know all his positions and neither do you... I do not attend his church, however I see nothing wrong with a "black value system" and reinvesting in your community.
With the above you claim you do not know the positons of the church. Now, you come here claming the church has no ties to Hamas....despite factual evidence to the contray. BY the way, NObama now has the endorsement of Hmas...and Aelrod stated he was flattered. You also claim to have listend to the entire Unce Rev Wright sermons to know where he stands.
You admit you do not attend his church and do not know all the positions ...but now you have all the documentation to defend the hater church and Nobama's favorite uncle?
I'm not sure how building a 10,000 sq foot palace for Uncle Rev with a 10 million line of credit attached is reinvesting in the community.


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Let me post it for you for the third or fourth time then...
or you could spend 20 seconds to Google it.
Among the highlights: "I must tell you that Israel was the closest ally to the White Supremacists of South Africa. In fact, South Africa allowed Israel to test its nuclear weapons in the ocean off South Africa. The Israelis were given a blank check: they could test whenever they desired and did not even have to ask permission. Both worked on an ethnic bomb that kills Blacks and Arabs
NObama supporters or only allowed to read his website and listen to his speeches. His record, associations, facts, judgment mean nothing.
THe Gospel According to NObama is all that is read. If you decide to bring anything else up ...like his association with Uncle Miltie Rev Wright you are a racist according to the NObama campaign and/or many of his "flock".


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
You know living at a ARMY post and also a training base post for all other branches I am sickened to see some of the stuff written...
We sit in our comfortable chairs from our nice air conditioned homes unless your Suzy and sucking Medicaid dry and doing it from work... Anyway we sit here talking and talking and talking. How about we take a break and actively seek out the young man or woman who is protecting our right to do so.
I am going to start being more active for our troops. I want to start an organization as it is just heavy on my heart.
I may look like a clown but WHEN I SEE anyone in uniform off post in WAL-MART, McDonald's or wherever I am going to do more than tell them how grateful and proud I am. If I see mud on their boots I'm going to humble myself before them and ask if I can wipe it off.
I talked to the Chaplin on post tonight after my wife was paged out to call together the heads on post for the recent fatality on post that has not been released yet and explained how I felt and am going to try and get some people form our community church etc to go on post and police the grounds giving them the support of our community ( should not be hard most of the people off post their spouse is in so they will help) but I wish we could do this all over the U.S.
I am just tired of hearing and also being a part of the blah blah crap and not doing more. I do more than most but it is not enough IMO.
How about we take a week and stop the crap bickering and think about the people who have died for our right to have such a luxury and the people whom risk their lives everyday for it...
I am probably babbling and I know a lot of people already do this stuff but it would sure be nice if we all could do it...
Anyway sorry for the rant and off topic just seeing all these kids who are gong to fight for us no matter right or wrong in mine or your eyes they are still willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice for you and I..