Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
The hate angle is pushed by Nobama, his friends, his uncle Rev, his wife and his associations. The terrorist theat to destroy us in quite real....they are on record...just ask Israel if they mean what they say.
Do tell Scuba, enlighten us on the messages of hate Obama has spread? Just look at the negative campaign he has run so far...I wish he was more ruthless and was more apt to take advantage of the gimmies Clinton has given him.
What can you tell us about McCain's spiritual advisor Parsley?
See the difference is; it's ok in our country to be homophobic and anti-Arab/Islam.
As for Isreal, with Billions we give them every year they are more then capable of handling anything the Arab world throws at them and if I'm not mistaken, they have proven this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
. The answer to violence is not more violence...
Finally the truth comes out. Just admit we do not need a militray...we can fill potholes instead.
Silly us...we never should have reacted with military violence when attacked at Pearl harbor. We could have launched some hope , change and heathcare at the enemy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Finally the truth comes out. Just admit we do not need a militray...we can fill potholes instead.
Silly us...we never should have reacted with military violence when attacked at Pearl harbor. We could have launched some hope , change and heathcare at the enemy.

Who's talking about Pearl Harbor? If you want to talk about something a little more relevant perhaps we should discuss the troubles in Northern Ireland and the bombings the IRA launched in England. In that instance, would you say that violence was the answer or diplomacy and offering certain people in Northern Ireland a better life and wages was the key to peace?


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
You guys keep getting more and more closer to your point. I don't think you people realize he does have a white maternal mother. I wonder if he had his mother's skin tone and hair would people still feel he was racists and everything else.:
Perhpas you should tell NObama...he joined the church with the black value system...Not jsut a value system that has no color...a unversal system for all.
he sat in the pew for 20 years listening to the hate whitey, jews and America message.
Nobama is the one that selected this church and the church selected the Hall of Fame Hater Champion to honor.
This is all factual.
Oh I frogot.... the dog ate my speech so I copied one...I did not read the bulletin.....I was not present..I did not hear...that's not what I meant to say, etc, etc. Elementary school kid level excuses for demonstrating support of hate and racism


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Who's talking about Pearl Harbor? If you want to talk about something a little more relevant perhaps we should discuss the troubles in Northern Ireland and the bombings the IRA launched in England. In that instance, would you say that violence was the answer or diplomacy and offering certain people in Northern Ireland a better life and wages was the key to peace?
I'm talking about history and why you have to sometimes respond with violence.
A presidential candidate should know when the situation calls for a military repsonse...or when it calls for diplomacy.
NObama is still trying to figure out if AQ is in Iraq...but I understand he does have some trouble seeing the obvious.
Violence is not the answer to all situations...where did I say that?
Nice try though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Do tell Scuba, enlighten us on the messages of hate Obama has spread? Just look at the negative campaign he has run so far...I wish he was more ruthless and was more apt to take advantage of the gimmies Clinton has given him.
It's already been covered.....feel free to read the thread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
I'm talking about history and why you have to sometimes respond with violence.
A presidential candidate should know when the situation calls for a military repsonse...or when it calls for diplomacy.
NObama is still trying to figure out if AQ is in Iraq...but I understand he does have some trouble seeing the obvious.
Violence is not the answer to all situations...where did I say that?
Nice try though.
Have you ever offered a solution other then violence? I applaud the hatred and indignation you have for Obama, you gotta work to have those feelings!
Had to edit, based on some of McCain's recent comment he doesn't know who is who in the middle-east..not going to bother posting, we all know what he said.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Do tell Scuba, enlighten us on the messages of hate Obama has spread? .
I've already illustarted this...but feel free to offer your take as to why he supported the hate message for 20 years, has the support of terrroists, has ties to terrorism, etc, etc.
If you want to ignore his judgement , close buddies and pals...feel free to do so.
Here's yet another group suppoting NObama and the insurgents in Iraq..
The co-founder of the radical anti-war group Code Pink has “bundled” more than $50,000 for Sen. Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, and pro-troops groups are demanding that he return the money.
Jodie Evans, a Code Pink leader, gathered at least $50,000 from friends and associates and donated it to Obama’s presidential campaign, according to information compiled by the nonpartisan watchdog group, Public Citizen.
Evans and her son, a student who lives at her Southern California address, each also gave the maximum individual allowable donation of $2,300 to Obama’s campaign.
The donations have raised questions about Obama’s association with the more radical elements of his base. Code Pink has harassed, vandalized and impeded military recruiters across the United States in a campaign it calls “counter-recruitment.” The group also gave $600,000 to the families of Iraqi terrorists in Fallujah, whom it called “insurgents” fighting for their homes.
Take Me to "The Other Side"
Frontpage magazine
Medea Benjamin gave some indication in a story that ran on the Agence France Presse wire service on New Year’s Eve. “I don't know of any other case in history in which the parents of fallen soldiers collected medicine...for the families of the ‘other side,’” Benjamin said. “It is a reflection of a growing movement in the United States...opposed to the unjust nature of this war.” Is it possible Medea intended to aid Iraqi terrorists?
Benjamin is well suited for that role. A lifelong revolutionary, she once described Castro’s Cuba as “heaven.” She helped stir revolutionary violence at home in 1999 as one of the instigators of Seattle’s anti-World Trade Organization riots and honed her rhetorical skills as a Green Party senatorial candidate in California (and author of the socialist utopian book I, Senator). However, Benjamin is best known as the founder of three of the Left’s most effective activist organizations: Global Exchange, Code Pink, and International Occupation Watch. Global Exchange takes American liberals on “reality” tours of third world nations, illustrating either the wonders of socialism (Cuba) or the iniquity of American foreign policy (Iraq, Afghanistan). Code Pink purports to be a grassroots organization of antiwar housewives, yet the core leadership met in the 1980s while working on behalf of Central American Communist guerrillas. In fact, at least one of Benjamin’s close associates has experience giving medical aid to the enemy: Code Pink leader Sandy “Sand” Brim flew in a surgeon to operate on Communist leader Nidia Diaz, whose men had recently killed four Marines.
In the Iraq War's aftermath, Medea first tried to destabilize U.S. reconstruction efforts. Benjamin then attempted to sabotage Operation Iraqi Freedom by founding the Baghdad-based International Occupation Watch last summer, along with fellow radical Leslie Cagan, a Castro admirer who maintained her membership in the Communist Party USA even after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Upon returning to the States IOW’s founding, Benjamin told a group of Green Party activists its purpose was to convince as many soldiers as possible to become conscientious objectors and get sent home. The ensuing juggernaut of rising casualties and dwindling human resources, she hoped, would force a speedy American retreat. This background has raised suspicions that the most recent trip is merely the next act in that drama. So, too, have her intended recipients and her companions on the journey.
Why Fallujah?
Of all the needy villages in Iraq, why did these Hate America leftists choose to deliver aid to a hotbed of terrorism like Fallujah? Possibly for that very reason. U.S. forces just reopened the city to settlement last week, but even the recent assault against the terrorist stronghold has not fully quelled Fedayeen activity inside Fallujah. A bomb went off there as recently as December 17th.
Moreover, Fallujah’s refugees – the ones receiving Medea Benjamin's largesse – have shown marked sympathy for the “insurgents” (terrorists) in their midsts


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Have you ever offered a solution other then violence? I applaud the hatred and indignation you have for Obama, you gotta work to have those feelings!
AS I have already stated..I do not hate NObama......I simply exposed him for the racist supporter of hate that he is.
He is a fake and a fruad.
He'll not be given a pass here by me. I applaud some of the media for finally iinvestigating this guy and exposing the real NObama.
I do understand that anybody that questions him will be called a racist and/or hater.
That's okay...I expect it.
I suppoted the war on terror and continue to do so. I'd prefer the US fight the terrorists abroad as opposed to here on US soil. That's just my opinion.


Active Member
Scuba, I think, finally, we have a better picture of the mentality that we are truely arguing against.
*Violence is not the answer (Rylan)
*Our military are slaughtering civilians by the hundreds of thousands (Jmick)


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Scuba, I think, finally, we have a better picture of the mentality that we are truely arguing against.
*Violence is not the answer (Rylan)
*Our military are slaughtering civilians by the hundreds of thousands (Jmick)
That's the mantra you get from the far left websites.
And as a final resort..if you call NObama a racist hater or at a minimum he supported it with his association and church memebrship..or even jsut raise a question about it...you are a hater and racist.
I'll not sugar coat my opinion...Nobama is a fake and a fraud


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
That's the mantra you get from the far left websites.
And as a final resort..if you call NObama a racist hater or at a minimum he supported it with his association and church memebrship..or even jsut raise a question about it...you are a hater and racist.
I'll not sugar coat my opinion...Nobama is a fake and a fraud
That's fine, if he were a white man who supported groups that espoused hate for gays and Arabs he'd be ok in you book


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Have you ever offered a solution other then violence? .
Unfortuantely, when dealing with terrorists it does call for a strong military response. We did not do that when the WTC"s were attacked the first time...they no longer stand.
He or she that does not learn form history...shall live to see history repeat itself.
WTC's were attcked...we did nothing regarding a stong response and evidently ignored the "lesson"......and the WTC's were attacked again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
That's fine, if he were a white man who supported groups that espoused hate for gays and Arabs he'd be ok in you book

If you care to do some research on this and other threads...you will find my positions/opinions on the subject matter. All the question/points you have raised have been answered/covered. Most if not all with documentation to support positions/opinions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Unfortuantely, when dealing with terrorists it does call for a strong military response. We did not do that when the WTC"s were attacked the first time...they no longer stand.
He or she that does not learn form history...shall live to see history repeat itself.
WTC's were attcked...we did nothing regarding a stong response and evidently ignored the "lesson"......and the WTC's were attacked again.
Again, how did GB deal with Northern Ireland and the IRA (they could probably teach the Arabs a thing or two, oh wait they did). They didn't do it with more violence they did it with peace and economic prosperity...go figure? And what exactly have we done for the people of this region other then use them for our own means? Not a lot, our track record in the middle east is shady at
Have to edit again. I do agree that there are times terrorist actions/activities will always call for military action and the WTC's are one and perhaps if we can find the location of terrorist camps/training facilities a military response is always warranted. Having a strong military is always a good thing, provided it is used correctly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Again, how did GB deal with Northern Ireland and the IRA (they could probably teach the Arabs a thing or two, oh wait they did). They didn't do it with more violence they did it with peace and economic prosperity...go figure? And what exactly have we done for the people of this region other then use them for our own means? Not a lot, our track record in the middle east is shady at
Have to edit again. I do agree that there are times terrorist actions/activities will always call for military action and the WTC's are one and perhaps if we can find the location on terrorist camps/training facilities a military response is always warranted. Having a strong military is always a good thing, provided it is used correctly.
I have already provided quotes from the terroirsts leaders as to what they pledge to do once we surrender to them in Iraq regarding taking the war to US soil
Each of us can decide if we believe them or not. They've already pledged to destroy us an Israel. Believe it...or not.
If one believes we can chat with these folks and get them to play nice then support NObama and/or Billary. I'm of the opinion they ONLY understand strength. I'm but one person with one opinion.
If you believe the solution to fighting terrorism is economic..... should Nobama be elected tell him to send them a check.
I guess it is your positon the people of Kuwait feel we used them for our own means.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
I have already provided quotes from the terroirsts leaders as to what they pledge to do once we surrender to them in Iraq regarding taking the war to US soil
Each of us can decide if we believe them or not. They've already pledged to destroy us an Israel. Believe it...or not.
If one believes we can chat with these folks and get them to play nice then support NObama and/or Billary. I'm of the opinion they ONLY understand strength. I'm but one person with one opinion.
If you believe the solution to fighting terrorism is economic..... should Nobama be elected tell him to send them a check.
I guess it is your positon the people of Kuwait feel we used them for our own means.

Based on history, do you think the people of Isreal are in any real danger...they are very capable of defeating the entire arab world alone if they had to, isn't there history of this?
I have to ask this, what are we to do when Russia starts to support Iran against us? Do you think this is likely to happen?