Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Again, how did GB deal with Northern Ireland and the IRA (they could probably teach the Arabs a thing or two, oh wait they did).
Forgot to answer
If you believe that is the answer and will work against radical Islam support it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Koolaid-the act of Jim Jones to poison his followers. They so fully believed in him that they drank koolaid to commit mass suicide.
Just wondering how you derive a connection between koolaid and skin color??

Correct......I thought this was well known as to where the Kool-AId term originated. it has nothing to do with race. Basically, to follow without questioning.
Like I have said before...simply make any comment against NObama that contains any reference to color eg Kool-Aid , hate or racism...an you are now a guilty.
I'm amazed at how the NObama campaign and many of his supporters are quick to pounce...yet mostly all are accepting of 20 years of hate whitey, jews and america ..it simply is easliy dismissed and/or excused away.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
A post was on the page that spoke about Hamas' point of view. ....
Assuming you will not actually use the links I have provided yet a second time......this was not some Hamas point of view..it was their message/manfesto from a Hamas leader indicted by the US. I also included a link to the actual indictment for yet a second time.
I do understand you and NObama and many of his supporters will simply excuse this away. It was not a simple post...it was the ENTIRE manifesto.
I remain...why would NObama's church use Hamas propaganda in their church bulletin?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I'm not sure if he will ever say sorry for his actions so don't hold your breath on it. You are part of the faculty at what school? I highly doubt the school is more distinguished then University of Chicago but
To correct the record...Ayers works for the University of IL at CHicago...not the University of Chicago. I'm sure the U of C folks would rather not be insulted with having that piece of grabage affiliated with their Univ.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
So being a radical anti war activist means you hate the US? Wasn't the group anti-war and racism? I guess some people would have you believe that being a mindless robot who never questions a thing the government is doing is what makes you a solid citizen?
Granted, I do not think the group’s means were the way to go but I certainly don't feel they were anti-American. I guess the people at the University of Chicago, which is one of the finest academic institutes in the world think enough of Ayers to employ him.
I'm no expert on the group and its history but didn't Clinton pardon some of the members of the group? I'm sorry, but I can't blame Obama for allowing a very distinguished professor to host an event for him. Again, I think you guys are grasping at straws.
Would you care to explain McCain's role in the Keeting Five and the Savings and Loan crisis? Keep grasping, you guys have a poor candidate and come general I think gramps is going to get rolled.
Keating 5 has already been discussed and covered on this thread and others. Feel free to do some research.
many folks protested the war...it did not include a declaration of War against the gov't and/or terrorist acts.
Once again...you have your facts wrong as he does not work at the University of Chicago.
I've already done my research on the group including Ayers and Dohrn...
William Ayers...regrets nothing..... Ayers quotes ..some of his greatest hits...
Far from feeling repentant about those bombings, Bill Ayers said, in 2001, "I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough."
Ayers also said (in 2001), "What a country. It makes me want to puke."
Reminiscing about the day they set off the bombs at the Pentagon, Bill Ayers said, "Everything was absolutely ideal. ... The sky was blue. The birds were singing. And the

were finally going to get what was coming to them."
Ayers also said: "Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at."
Ayers also stated: "There's something about a good bomb ... Night after night, day after day, each majestic scene I witnessed was so terrible and so unexpected that no city would ever again stand innocently fixed in my mind. Big buildings and wide streets, cement and steel were no longer permanent. They, too, were fragile and destructible. A torch, a bomb, a strong enough wind, and they, too, would come undone or get knocked down."


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Granted, I do not think the group’s means were the way to go but I certainly don't feel they were anti-American.
Frontpage magazine.....2004
The Weather Underground started as a splinter faction of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), which is recognized as being the first group to hold an antiwar rally in Washington, D.C. in protest of the War in Vietnam. Initial members of the Weather Underground differed from SDS in their perceived means of transforming the U.S. into a Communist country, and in 1969, the group split from SDS, steered by aspirations of a more violent rebellion against the principals of America. That same year, members of the Weather Underground traveled to Havana, Cuba. During this time in Havana, makeshift camps erected by Soviet KGB Colonel Vadim Kotchergine were instructing Western radicals in the Philosophy of Karl Marx and the techniques of guerilla warfare, including bomb-making. The group’s purpose for the trip to Havana was to strategize for their looming assault on America; their newly realized objective was to destroy the U.S., both physically and psychologically, by carrying out terrorist acts aimed at key landmarks – the same as the 9/11 terrorists did over thirty years later. With this as their goal, the group conducted their infamous bombing raids, targeting familiar symbols of American freedom and Democracy.
Most surviving members of the group are still active in anti-American circles. Although many have spent time in jail, they are unrepentant about their violent actions.
In 1970, Ayers’ then-girlfriend, Diana Oughton, and two other members were killed while making a bomb that they intended to use at an army dance at Fort Dix, New Jersey. If they had been successful in their murderous attempt, thousands of soldiers and their dates would have died in the bombing. Ayers admitted that the bomb would have done serious damage, “tearing through windows and walls and, yes, people too.”


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Are we really kicking butt in Iraq???
This too has already been covered on this thread and others. Feel free to do some research as the success in Iraq has already been documented by some of us.
There is a pattern developing. It appears that many of the liberal posters are lazy and do not want to do the research.
it must be that entitlement philosophy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
That's fine, if he were a white man who supported groups that espoused hate for gays and Arabs he'd be ok in you book

If someone sat in a pew for 20 years in support ...donated thousands to the cause .....inlfluenced a foundation to donate thousands...had the pastor as a high ranking member on a official campaign committee.....I'd have a problem with it.
Theology based arguments vs political race baiting arguments are different.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
I've already illustarted this...but feel free to offer your take as to why he supported the hate message for 20 years, has the support of terrroists, has ties to terrorism, etc, etc.
If you want to ignore his judgement , close buddies and pals...feel free to do so.
Here's yet another group suppoting NObama and the insurgents in Iraq..
The co-founder of the radical anti-war group Code Pink has “bundled” more than $50,000 for Sen. Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, and pro-troops groups are demanding that he return the money.
Jodie Evans, a Code Pink leader, gathered at least $50,000 from friends and associates and donated it to Obama’s presidential campaign, according to information compiled by the nonpartisan watchdog group, Public Citizen.
Evans and her son, a student who lives at her Southern California address, each also gave the maximum individual allowable donation of $2,300 to Obama’s campaign.
The donations have raised questions about Obama’s association with the more radical elements of his base. Code Pink has harassed, vandalized and impeded military recruiters across the United States in a campaign it calls “counter-recruitment.” The group also gave $600,000 to the families of Iraqi terrorists in Fallujah, whom it called “insurgents” fighting for their homes.
Take Me to "The Other Side"
Frontpage magazine
Medea Benjamin gave some indication in a story that ran on the Agence France Presse wire service on New Year’s Eve. “I don't know of any other case in history in which the parents of fallen soldiers collected medicine...for the families of the ‘other side,’” Benjamin said. “It is a reflection of a growing movement in the United States...opposed to the unjust nature of this war.” Is it possible Medea intended to aid Iraqi terrorists?
Benjamin is well suited for that role. A lifelong revolutionary, she once described Castro’s Cuba as “heaven.” She helped stir revolutionary violence at home in 1999 as one of the instigators of Seattle’s anti-World Trade Organization riots and honed her rhetorical skills as a Green Party senatorial candidate in California (and author of the socialist utopian book I, Senator). However, Benjamin is best known as the founder of three of the Left’s most effective activist organizations: Global Exchange, Code Pink, and International Occupation Watch. Global Exchange takes American liberals on “reality” tours of third world nations, illustrating either the wonders of socialism (Cuba) or the iniquity of American foreign policy (Iraq, Afghanistan). Code Pink purports to be a grassroots organization of antiwar housewives, yet the core leadership met in the 1980s while working on behalf of Central American Communist guerrillas. In fact, at least one of Benjamin’s close associates has experience giving medical aid to the enemy: Code Pink leader Sandy “Sand” Brim flew in a surgeon to operate on Communist leader Nidia Diaz, whose men had recently killed four Marines.
In the Iraq War's aftermath, Medea first tried to destabilize U.S. reconstruction efforts. Benjamin then attempted to sabotage Operation Iraqi Freedom by founding the Baghdad-based International Occupation Watch last summer, along with fellow radical Leslie Cagan, a Castro admirer who maintained her membership in the Communist Party USA even after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Upon returning to the States IOW’s founding, Benjamin told a group of Green Party activists its purpose was to convince as many soldiers as possible to become conscientious objectors and get sent home. The ensuing juggernaut of rising casualties and dwindling human resources, she hoped, would force a speedy American retreat. This background has raised suspicions that the most recent trip is merely the next act in that drama. So, too, have her intended recipients and her companions on the journey.
Why Fallujah?
Of all the needy villages in Iraq, why did these Hate America leftists choose to deliver aid to a hotbed of terrorism like Fallujah? Possibly for that very reason. U.S. forces just reopened the city to settlement last week, but even the recent assault against the terrorist stronghold has not fully quelled Fedayeen activity inside Fallujah. A bomb went off there as recently as December 17th.
Moreover, Fallujah’s refugees – the ones receiving Medea Benjamin's largesse – have shown marked sympathy for the “insurgents” (terrorists) in their midsts

I beleive I have answered all the same questions brought forward yet again...would any of the NObama supporters care to answer the follwoing...
Why does yet another hate america group with terrorist ties support NObama with thousands of $?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
So Rylan, solve Darfur diplomatically for us real quick. Solve the iranian desire for nuclear weapons, The stated goal of Hamas and Hezbollah to eradicate every Jew, the genocide in Africa, North Korea's nuclear program and proliferation to Syria of the technology... Please tell us how you would diplomatically solve these situations.
I'll answer...healthcare


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Who's talking about Pearl Harbor?
Actually...you may want to keep PH reference on the back burner. NObama could get Pearl Harbored by his own party should the Clintion machine steal the election from him with the super delegates.
That would not be good for the democrats and I'm sure many of his supporters including blacks will feel they got hosed.
I'm beginning to think this is a possibilty..and not just a remote one.
NObama cannot afford another hater or bomber to fall out of his closet. It could sink the boat.
The Rezko trial is still going on as well...his buddy might start singing like a canary if he thinks he can get less jail time. maybe it won't be a bomber or hater...it could be his good friend Rezko that turns the Nobama ship to a submarine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Do tell Scuba, enlighten us on the messages of hate Obama has spread?
I missed this one...let me see......he was a memebr of his Uncle Rev Wright's church for 20 years......let me see...hate whitey...hate Jews...hate America....so what does that say for NObama?
he knows he cannot be elected if he talks like his uncle. I could bring the quote form CAlypso Louie Farrakhan here yet again...how he states Nobama has been "groomed wisely " in order to get elected.
You are the company you keep..
Uncle Militie Rev Wright
William Ayers
Code Pink
Black Panthers
Wow..that's quite a list of pro USA folks, love for whitey and uniters.
I could also bring here yet again numerous quotes from NObamas books regarding whitey. ALso, the use of a racial slur using the term cracker when referring to whitey in his book Dreams of my Father.
It's all been covered on this thread already.
I do understand we are to ignore the judgement associations, friends, record, etc of NObama..we only are supposed to look at his dog and pony show website..and his fairy tale speeches


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Do tell Scuba, enlighten us on the messages of hate Obama has spread?
To be explicit..being a member of a church for 20 years supports the "cause". If I was a member of the KKK or a church with a hate black, jews US messgae.......yet did not make public statements in a campaign....is my membership in this organization for 20 years an indication I might agree with their positions regarding blacks, jews, etc?
To remove ANY doubt of exactly where Uncle rev wright stands...he honored the Hater All-Pro hall Of Famer Calypso Louie.
Oh that's right...NObama was not there when Uncle had his hate rallies...and never knew the reason Louie was honored. his exucse of honoring Louie for his work with prisoners has already been proven to be a lie. NO WHERE in the article does it state this is the reason.. Yes, I have read the article and linked it up on this thread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Your comments are completely irrational.
I sat in the pew for 20 years...and I had no clue my favorite uncle said those things. That statment would fit the definition of an irrational response after getting smoked outta your pew.
And in anticipation of your repsonse...the Greatest Hits of Uncle Wright and the Haters was taken form tapes/dvds the church was hocking. . If this was not a central theme of Uncle Rev...why did they appear on the tapes? If this was such a rare statement Uncle Militie made...how did the camera mangage to record them? Luck of the draw?
If it was not a central theme of the Uncle Rev Miltie...why did NObama state he would have left the church if his favorite uncle did not retire to his million dollar palace with his 10 mill line of credit ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I just saw excepts from the interview with Obo's Uncle. He says he's been unfairly painted as an extremist

We all know whatever comes out of Uncle Rev Shamus Lowdown is nothing but the truth. Like the US govt injected the AIDs virus in the black community.

How could you possibly question any statement coming ffrom Uncle Rev Shamus Lowdown?


Whoa. This is pretty dramatic! Not going to debate on anything because I don't want to be attacked, just thought I'd throw in that I did a one year internship with Obama.