Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
You have no idea of what you are talking about.. .
I do have a clue...but you must be referring to Nobama...he is the guy that had no idea what his favorite Uncle Rev Wright was talkin bout for 20 years dispite sittin in the pew. Even Arnold knew what Rev was talkin bout..and he did not have to hear it from Willis.
Not all folks are on the NObama 20 year plan for understanding.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kikithemermaid
Whoa. This is pretty dramatic! Not going to debate on anything because I don't want to be attacked, just thought I'd throw in that I did a one year internship with Obama.
Debate? Neither does NObama...he's afraid somebody might ask him a tough question.

We've been at this for some time now on numerous threads. Actually, we've been ahead of the media on some of the "coverage".


Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Debate? Neither does NObama...he's afraid somebody might ask him a tough question.

We've been at this for some time now on numerous threads. Actually, we've been ahead of the media on some of the "coverage".
I disagree, but anyway I just wanted to know:
Why is he NObama? What's that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by kikithemermaid
Whoa. This is pretty dramatic! Not going to debate on anything because I don't want to be attacked, just thought I'd throw in that I did a one year internship with Obama.
Wow, you should run for President too!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Oscar, I have no doubt that you're a bright guy and I gotta ask you this. Do you think McCain is a good candidate and a good representation of the GOP come the general election?
McCain has big flaws like immigration, but has positives like winning the war on terror and taxes. Most importantly he will appoint originalist judges and justices, not those who will legislate from the bench. His is not my first choice, but between Obama and Clinton socialism, I'll take McCain.
I am a conservative Consitutionalist. That is diametrically opposed to socialism/marxism.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
McCain has big flaws like immigration, but has positives like winning the war on terror and taxes. Most importantly he will appoint originalist judges and justices, not those who will legislate from the bench. His is not my first choice, but between Obama and Clinton socialism, I'll take McCain.
I am a conservative Consitutionalist. That is diametrically opposed to socialism/marxism.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
I sat in the pew for 20 years...and I had no clue my favorite uncle said those things. That statment would fit the definition of an irrational response after getting smoked outta your pew.
And in anticipation of your repsonse...the Greatest Hits of Uncle Wright and the Haters was taken form tapes/dvds the church was hocking. . If this was not a central theme of Uncle Rev...why did they appear on the tapes? If this was such a rare statement Uncle Militie made...how did the camera mangage to record them? Luck of the draw?
If it was not a central theme of the Uncle Rev Miltie...why did NObama state he would have left the church if his favorite uncle did not retire to his million dollar palace with his 10 mill line of credit ?
I'm done with talking about Wright... he is not running for president first of all.
You guys will continue to use this story as your basis for bashing Obama. You will continue to overlook the flaws or controversy of the other candidates... and ignore issues that are much more worth considering. You basically hear and comment on soley what you want to hear, instead of the actual sermon by Wright.. and the things that Obama have said in regards to this... as well as other issues. In regards to the church and whatever financial situation they have with Wright is their issue. Its not an issue that has anything to do with the campaign, and it also has been reviewed and found to be legal. So drop it... but I know this is not what you will do... you will continue to form your opinions based on right wing sensational news... and concentrate on issues that takeaway from the very real and serious problems we face as a country.
I don't believe Obama to be racist... I actually don't believe Wright to be racist either, but I will also say I know much less about him. The church in no way can be put in the same sentence as the KKK. And you base your sentiments on fears and the presumption that this is some sort of reverse racism. Obama is right about what he said about how people cling to their traditions instead of looking to the political process... I wish he would have said it different... but this is true here... With all the turmoil we are facing as a nation... many of you want to continue with business as usual. And this is what McCain wants.. You also have a candidate that has many more serious issues than both of these 2 combined as far as scandal... and you don't mention it.
You equate Farrakhan, B.Panthers,Weather Underground, and others with the campaign..even though they have nothing to do with Obama.. I just find it very interesting your critiques of Obama, which seem to border on hate. He has run a very classy campaign amid all these attacks.. He deserves credit and at least some respect... as do his supporters on the site... We are not clueless or ignorant as some of you often suggest. We are not looking for handouts, nor are we blaming Bush for everything bad that has happened.
But we are looking for a candidate that will change Washington because we have seen in the last 8 years scandal, neglect, lack of oversignt, lack of planning, mismanagement, disregard, lack of disclosure among many other things..


Originally Posted by Fats71
I am not trying to insult you but are you a simpleton ??
I swear I lost 25 IQ points reading your statement and lost 2 minutes of my life I will never get back...
Rylan, don't go! If you quit playing their game, they will be just a bunch of retired old grumpy men talking to themselves!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
... Obama is right about what he said about how people cling to their traditions instead of looking to the political process.....
You're not even quoting Obama correctly.
...And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.
How you somehow can twist that comment into a summation of "tradition" is beyond me.
Rylan, read his own words...


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
...You equate Farrakhan, B.Panthers,Weather Underground, and others with the campaign..even though they have nothing to do with Obama.. .....
Obama was at the million man march, sat in "rev" Wright's church for over 20 years, HIRED
"Rev" Wright to be on his political staff, and is said to be on "friendly" terms (Obama's campaign staff said this) with the Weather Underground founder Ayers.
How can you say they have nothing to do with him?


Active Member
We are headed for very dark times... and we need a change.. Look at gas prices, food prices, and in general inflation. Look at the housing market.. many of you argue that housing is good... but we have the lowest new house purchases in last 16 years... We are in a recession and headed for worse. When you have to make life decisions at the gas pump or grocery store.. there is a problem.
Look at our position in the world and how it has changed.. We can't continue with the way things have been.. We have to change our position on Iraq... We need an inspirational leader with a vision... McCain lacks this, and is weak on many other issues... I would think his military leadership would be better, but again we can't continue in Iraq as we have.. this is a crucial time when we need to invest in America.
Things I may differ on with Obama... is taxes on $75k and below... I would bump this up to perhaps to $100K to $125K to $150K.. Somewhere around there. I also would perhaps raise capital gains to perhaps 20% and not the 23%-28% suggested.
But lets make this about the issues... and stop all the Wright talk... because basically what you are doing is trying to make this an issue of race... an issue of division... which is not what the campaign is about, and its the very thing you claim to be preaching against... but you and others give it life.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
We all know whatever comes out of Uncle Rev Shamus Lowdown is nothing but the truth. Like the US govt injected the AIDs virus in the black community.

How could you possibly question any statement coming ffrom Uncle Rev Shamus Lowdown?

The uncle shamus thing is funny but you got to watch it. The Obama stratigy is to label anyone who isn't for his marxist agenda a racist. Don't give them any ammunition. Lets stick to the right wrong reverend Wright, aka Uncle.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
...But lets make this about the issues... and stop all the Wright talk... because basically what you are doing is trying to make this an issue of race... an issue of division... which is not what the campaign is about, and its the very thing you claim to be preaching against... but you and others give it life.
Rylan, I refuse to allow you do do that. I will not let that statement go unchallenged.
Find a statement where any opponent of Obama on this thread said anything like "typical black person". Those racist words are Obamas.
Our issue with "rev" Wright isn't that he's black. Our issue is that he hates America. Our issue is that Obama hired him knowing this.
The Obama camp, and you, keep trying to make this about race. Is "rev" Wright a racist? Yes. Is that the only issue here? Heck no.
Rylan, did you read the Hamas letter published in the church bulletin?


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Obama was at the million man march, sat in "rev" Wright's church for over 20 years, HIRED
"Rev" Wright to be on his political staff, and is said to be on "friendly" terms (Obama's campaign staff said this) with the Weather Underground founder Ayers.
How can you say they have nothing to do with him?
I wanted to go... My uncle went who is a deacon of a church. You must not have any idea of what it was about. You don't understand the plight of black men in America... and how we are always more likely to be part of something negative... regardless if its crime, jail, death, disease, fatherlessnes, unemployment etc... This was to bring us together in a positive forum to discuss these issues so that we could be better men.. and to show the world and our familes that we can and are positive examples. Talk about the other men (celebrities/politicians that attended) This was a great event that changed lives... He worked with Ayers... he is a collegue... and by the way he was not the founder... he joined a couple of years into the movement.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
The uncle shamus thing is funny but you got to watch it. The Obama stratigy is to label anyone who isn't for his marxist agenda a racist. Don't give them any ammunition. Lets stick to the right wrong reverend Wright, aka Uncle.
Obama and Hilary have essentially the same platform with minor differences... Obama has not labeled anyone... its you that does the labeling... its you that brings up race.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
We are headed for very dark times... and we need a change.. Look at gas prices, food prices, and in general inflation. Look at the housing market.. many of you argue that housing is good... but we have the lowest new house purchases in last 16 years... We are in a recession and headed for worse. When you have to make life decisions at the gas pump or grocery store.. there is a problem.
The problem is you are buying into the hype.
Housing market is down. That, of course, is after record home ownership and record new houses being built. Did you expect it to keep going up?
Gas prices are up. The Democrats said 2 years ago they would fix this. The price of gas has gone up close to 20% since they said that. Obama has offered absolutely no answer to this. He is just lying about it just like his party did 2 years ago if he says he can lower it.
We are not in a Recession. At least not yet. Please look at the numbers and read what the definition actually is.


Active Member
Rylan, let's talk about issues.
*How will Obama lower gas prices?
*How do you feel about Obama supporting partial birth abortions?
*How do you feel about Obama's plan to abandon Iraq and allow Iranian supported Shiite's to occupy Basra and control the Iraqi oil fields?
*How do you feel about Obama saying we might have to go back into Iraq after we leave if Al Qaeda establishes a base there?
*What do you think will happen to our eceonomy when the Capital Gains tax is doubled?
*How do you feel about Socializing the oil and Medical industries? And, what do you think Socializing these inudstries does to the Constitution


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
You're not even quoting Obama correctly.
How you somehow can twist that comment into a summation of "tradition" is beyond me.
Rylan, read his own words...
Because thats what it is... that is what he meant by it... it was not meant as those are wrong... but that people don't use their power to change the political process... That they will preach about the wrongs in church... or buy guns for protection... instead of inacting change through politics... because they don't believe.. no longer believe in gov't being able to make positive changes in their lives.


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Rylan, let's talk about issues.
*How will Obama lower gas prices?
*How do you feel about Obama supporting partial birth abortions?
*How do you feel about Obama's plan to abandon Iraq and allow Iranian supported Shiite's to occupy Basra and control the Iraqi oil fields?
*How do you feel about Obama saying we might have to go back into Iraq after we leave if Al Qaeda establishes a base there?
*What do you think will happen to our eceonomy when the Capital Gains tax is doubled?
*How do you feel about Socializing the oil and Medical industries? And, what do you think Socializing these inudstries does to the Constitution
Let's talk about the issues Rylan.