Obama supporters. I have one question

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
What are some Hilary accomplishments?
Why is it you believe Obama is splitting the party, and not Hilary?
Do all Republicans like McCain?
Hope vs Fear is a solid platform... I think if you look at history...and times that have been like this... figures who are similar to Obama did something to change our country..FDR and Kennedy... I would put him in that same category, regardless if you liked their politics.. I think he would be the same type of representative figure.
A difference b/w 2004 and 2008 is that I think many dems were not voting for Kerry, but against Bush... I think this year dems are voting for somebody... not just against the GOP.

Ok, one accomplishment. She brought healthcare as an issue to the forefront of america ( I may not agree with this but she has atleast brought up a concern for american and attempted to get the legislature passed). Can you name one similar for Obama, a political issue he has lead the fight on and attempted to get legislature passed by writing the bill himself?
As for splitting the democratic party. The pubs Picked McCain early on. Obama and Hilary are essentially neck and neck and I hear of many Dems (in my family as well) that will not vote for Obama because the guy is an empty suit and is running on celebrity status. Hell the Chicago Sun Times reported that he was TOLD to run by his pastor because of his celebrity status and if he didn't run now he would never have a chance like this again in the future. That tells me his politics aren't strong enough to run a campaign off of accomplishments he needs celebrity status.


I don't think the Dems are split. Once the primary is settled, once we go to convention, we'll be fired up no matter who wins. We just wanna get outta what we got now....
And start it up with McCainBush....

darthtang aw

Active Member
Ok, then propose how Obama will gain the support of Reagan Denocrats or Kennedy Republicans. Obama is to far left for them and the debates if they continue will only continue to bring this out more and more. Face it not everyone wants a far left president. As you said elections are one by getting the middle....which candidate is more middle? Not Obama.........
I have a question I would like answered. If you support hilary over obama or vice versa can you explain why?


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Was it the federal gov't's role to be there immediately during Katrina ( like the press likes to say), or should the local response been immediate, followed by the state within a day then the feds within about 3-4 days?
Never federalized, OD. Start local, expand to state, maintain state with federal ASSISTANCE
, shrink to state, shrink to local, terminate incident. Lots of people like to blame FEMA and the feds for their "lack of response," but don't realize the feds are never to assume anything other than a supporting role. the locals and state manage the entire incident.
Originally Posted by zman1
Adultry is in his belief system.
It's in someone else's belief system too, their name starts with a "C," and rhymes with "inton."
Originally Posted by Rylan1

.... the comments of Wright can not be directly attributed to Obama... I think Obama is a double edge sword here... he's already come out and said that he doesn't agree with the statements...he can disassociate himself from this man all together, but he also has to live in his own skin and be comfortable with this decision... I think such a decision to alienate him from Wright who has been a friend, based on political pressures is not a good moral decision, even though he doesn't agree with everything this guy has said.
Thank you, Rylan... you yourself have made the point all of us have been making for the last 15 pages! If he didn't agree with his "minister," Bobo would have already disassociated himself from him! Similar to a Catholic, upon hearing a homily where the priest tells the congregation how great contraception is, and how abortions are OK. In the case of the Catholic, they would not associate themselves with the parish or priest because they don't believe in the message.
If Obama did not believe in the message, he would not attend. That's the nature of the majority of Protestantism in the United States, you shop around for a church that matches what you want to believe. If the church you attend does not match what you want to believe, you move one and find one which does.
OBAMA HASN'T MOVED ON, and thank you very much for making it obvious you now understand Obama would only be separating himself from Wright and Wright's message for political reasons. I knew you'd catch on!!!
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
There was a large portion of Palestine that went to Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. All three countries refused to create a Palestinian state at the time. Later These countries attacked Isreal. Isreal won and in the process captured the area to be used as a buffer as this was the second time in the short history that arab nations had attacked Isreal.
This is what I never understood about the whole conflict. Israel did not originally control those ares, instead, they captured and annexed the land in times of war. This is generally how the majority of borders have been established worldwide. I'm not sure why anyone feels they have the right to remove sovereign territory, won in war (in both of which Israel was attacked), and claim Israel owes them the land back. That would be like Mexico claiming Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona need to become part of Mexico again.
Israel won them fair and square... leave them alone about it.
Originally Posted by Rylan1

I think if you look at history...and times that have been like this... figures who are similar to Obama did something to change our country..FDR and Kennedy...
Wow... Obama is CERTAINLY no FDR. You do realize how hawkish Kennedy was, and the fact that Kennedy and his VP, Johnson, were responsible for the second most disastrous war in American history?!?!


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
McCain and Bush are very different...very few similarities.
So, the electorate gets to pick between 2 guys who have different opiniions on the war.......
Let's face it, some of us want to stop the bleeding

My new catch phrase I am going topost every time I see the ol' cut n run phrase. I am really getting tired of that!
I only would want Clinton over Obama 'cause she is a female. Men have really messed it up...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
So, the electorate gets to pick between 2 guys who have different opiniions on the war.......
Let's face it, some of us want to stop the bleeding

My new catch phrase I am going topost every time I see the ol' cut n run phrase. I am really getting tired of that!
I only would want Clinton over Obama 'cause she is a female. Men have really messed it up...

Let me ask you this, if there was an area of town the police and citizens got killed in on a fairly regular basis would you be ok with the police NOT patrolling the area anymore just to save the lives of those officers?
another question, If we pull out of Iraq and the terrorists set up a base there, then start heading back into afghanistan and people start getting killed there should we pull out of afghanistan?
Do you want us to send troops into Darfur to help stop the genocide there. Even if it costs us more lives? How long before you would want the troops pulled out of Darfur?
Under what circumstances to you is it worth american lives to fight for something?
This is just to help me understand where you are politically.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Hmmm.. and yet he said: "I don't think it [a same---- union] should be called marriage".... "If people find that controversial then I would just refer them to the Sermon on the Mount, which I think is, in my mind, for my faith, more central than an obscure passage in Romans..."
(further scaring me, btw, as the Sermon on the Mount certainly does not, in any way, support gay-mariage, unions, or lifestyle; And saying the passage in Romans is obscure is just goofy romans 1:26 "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion...)
The problem I realized is that not everyone agrees with or believes the Bible...


Active Member

Originally Posted by stdreb27
That is an impossible request, you can't know what the guy is thinking
. But you can't tell me
that a person, as a "practicing christain" is not influenced by what his paster preaches
Make up your mind, are you Wishy or Washy with these comments or just wishy washy
Then name something he has done in the last 12 years in the legislature that supports this argument, that makes you SCARED? That dog don't hunt....
Nice tabloid material though


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Ok, one accomplishment. She brought healthcare as an issue to the forefront of america ( I may not agree with this but she has atleast brought up a concern for american and attempted to get the legislature passed). Can you name one similar for Obama, a political issue he has lead the fight on and attempted to get legislature passed by writing the bill himself?
As for splitting the democratic party. The pubs Picked McCain early on. Obama and Hilary are essentially neck and neck and I hear of many Dems (in my family as well) that will not vote for Obama because the guy is an empty suit and is running on celebrity status. Hell the Chicago Sun Times reported that he was TOLD to run by his pastor because of his celebrity status and if he didn't run now he would never have a chance like this again in the future. That tells me his politics aren't strong enough to run a campaign off of accomplishments he needs celebrity status.
how was he a celebrity?... He may have been known in some democratic circles... but the majority of America had no idea of who this guy was. And this thing with Hilary was a failure. And I think his pastor has little weight in this because his ability to run was given to him by the party's authority.


Originally Posted by Rylan1
The problem I realized is that not everyone agrees with or believes the Bible...
IRRELAVENT... Obama says he does as a Christian. So, which side of his mouth are you going to listen to Obama speak from?


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Let me ask you this, if there was an area of town the police and citizens got killed in on a fairly regular basis would you be ok with the police NOT patrolling the area anymore just to save the lives of those officers?
So, we are the worlds police? How can we afford to keep being the police for the entire world?
That being said, north Korea has an evil dictator who has WMD. We need to invade there,too, right? We are the police for everywhere! Really, take out North Korea because if we don't fight them there, we will have to fight them here. Pretty soon we'll all be talking in Korean because the Bush Administration did nothing about it. Tell me, what is worth fighting for if don't take out Pakistan, too. They have nukes and flaunt them.
Money is no object. We need to make the world safe from evil and mass destruction.
The more I think about it, Canada has been pretty lippy lately...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
how was he a celebrity?... He may have been known in some democratic circles... but the majority of America had no idea of who this guy was. And this thing with Hilary was a failure. And I think his pastor has little weight in this because his ability to run was given to him by the party's authority.
He got more press coverage than any other senator when he won his seat in the senate...he was a celebrity the day he became elected. I have not seen any other senator have more stories done on him (before he announced his bid even) in their first term


I've wanted him to run since the 2004 convention. I actually predicted he would be our first ethic president.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
So, we are the worlds police? How can we afford to keep being the police for the entire world?
That being said, north Korea has an evil dictator who has WMD. We need to invade there,too, right? We are the police for everywhere! Really, take out North Korea because if we don't fight them there, we will have to fight them here. Pretty soon we'll all be talking in Korean because the Bush Administration did nothing about it. Tell me, what is worth fighting for if don't take out Pakistan, too. They have nukes and flaunt them.
Money is no object. We need to make the world safe from evil and mass destruction.
The more I think about it, Canada has been pretty lippy lately...
Typical...redirect and never answer the question. I asked a question and you responded with questions...I could go into depth about why each scenario is different, but that isn't good enough for you to understand. You can't even answer a simple yes or no question.
Oh I asked 4 questions, not just one. Rosie is that you?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
I've wanted him to run since the 2004 convention. I actually predicted he would be our first ethic president.

Based off of what? He hadn't done anything yet.............but you wanted him to be your president back then.....this explains even more.
Rylan to answer your "celebrity" question, read thius article. It isn't an article against him...it is very even.