Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Tell me what exactly do you think Obama will do as a result of another mans words? What is it you are afraid of from the minister's sermons that would translate into Obama action?
That is an impossible request, you can't know what the guy is thinking. Heck I ask him that all the time. LOL. But you can't tell me that a person, as a "practicing christain" is not influenced by what his paster preaches.
suzy if you can proof what the swifties said was incorrect Kerry will make you a rich woman, you should call him up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Listen to the tapes of that pastor. Consider the words of Obama's wife. His making such a big deal over the flag pin. I now question Obamas loyalty and patriotism. I hope I am wrong. I didn't realize some of the stuff this pastor has been preaching.
September 16 2001 He said we brough 9-11 on ourselves. He said the government created aids to committ genocide on people of color. He makes numerous references to the United States of white America. How can someone who doesn't agree with these things continue to be a member of that Church and appoint the pastor as a campaign advisor? The guy has been making these statements for a long time.
These statements made by the pastor are nothing new... These statements or conspiracies have been out there for a long time, and I have heard them prior to this. I do believe that our foriegn policy has had something to do with Islamist Extremists and terrorism... I don't know what to say about the AIDS thing, except that again, I've heard this before...There is a book out there that talks about the US Government's medical experiments on black people, which is a little known and horrible reality of our past... So I can understand the distrust that some people have, and how statements like this can be made; however, I don't think there is any evidence that supports this.
As far as a campaign advisor or cabinet position or whatever... that will never happen. These attacks on Obama are simply to remind everyone that he is a black man, and that you should think before you vote for him. I feel that for those that don't have these biases will have no problem voting for him, but Hilary and others realize that this is the only way in which they will be able to steal votes and have a chance at the presidency.
By the way I think the book is called "Medical Aparthied"
One last point I'll make that I hope doesn't get over looked is Ron Paul made the same comments about how our foreign policy helped influence the attacks of 911.


Active Member
Joint Forces Command report: No link between Saddam Hussein, al Qaeda
Interviews with former Iraqi leaders, 600,000 Iraqi documents were reviewed
President Bush cited a link in the runup to the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq
Report says evidence was found of Iraqi government-backed terrorism
I can't remember what thread it was in, but this statement agrees to my point of view. I'm hope Journeyman will find this and respond.

The article also reads that the terrorism that Saadam did support was attacks against other Iraqis, and not the types of terrorism that we have been trying to link him to.


Active Member
It's all about the judgment, or lack therof. Like I said before I do not believe a person who didn't believe the majority of that would be comfortable going to that church. It's one thing to differ on a minor point (or points) but the overall tone set by that church is troubling. Obama knew this man quite well before he appointed him as a campaign advisor.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
suzy if you can proof what the swifties said was incorrect Kerry will make you a rich woman, you should call him up.
It's not about being correct. It's about being honest. Taking a Purple Heart Decorated war hero and smearing his service is deplorable.
RR, I love your quote! We can fix the mess we are in! I hope
"In the end, that's what this election is about. Do we participate in a politics of cynicism or a politics of hope? "
Barack Obama
Got Hope?


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
Joint Forces Command report: No link between Saddam Hussein, al Qaeda
Interviews with former Iraqi leaders, 600,000 Iraqi documents were reviewed
President Bush cited a link in the runup to the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq
Report says evidence was found of Iraqi government-backed terrorism
I can't remember what thread it was in, but this statement agrees to my point of view. I'm hope Journeyman will find this and respond.

The article also reads that the terrorism that Saadam did support was attacks against other Iraqis, and not the types of terrorism that we have been trying to link him to.

Read the 9-11 comission report and the findings of the Clinton Administration before attacking the

plant in the Suddan in 98. There were ties connections meetings between Iraq and Al Qeada but there is no known connection between the attacks and Iraq. Before we invaded the extent of cooperation was unknown.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
It's not about being correct. It's about being honest. Taking a Purple Heart Decorated war hero and smearing his service is deplorable.
RR, I love your quote! We can fix the mess we are in! I hope
"In the end, that's what this election is about. Do we participate in a politics of cynicism or a politics of hope? "
Barack Obama
Got Hope?
lol, is it smearing if what they are saying is true...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
One last point I'll make that I hope doesn't get over looked is Ron Paul made the same comments about how our foreign policy helped influence the attacks of 911.
And obama should be giving the same treatment as Ron Paul...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
It's not about being correct. It's about being honest. Taking a Purple Heart Decorated war hero and smearing his service is deplorable.
RR, I love your quote! We can fix the mess we are in! I hope
"In the end, that's what this election is about. Do we participate in a politics of cynicism or a politics of hope? "
Barack Obama
Got Hope?
Spitting out words that sound inspirational is easy. Living a life that backs it up isn't. I don't think that anyone who believes in unity would sit through sermons like that.
Here's a great quote I think we all can agree with
“Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.”


Active Member
It was you or rylan who questioned my background first.
As to obama and his preacher the title of his book comes from a sermon given by rev wright


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
And obama should be giving the same treatment as Ron Paul...
Paul didn't make his statement 5 days after the attack, it wasn't part of a barrage including running the country down over the way we ended a war with japan we didn't start. A reasonable case can be made that our foreign policy did cause 9-11 but this sure as hell wasnt it. I agree with Paul in a weird sorta way. Our refusal to let terrorists take over the middle east makes them hate us. That wasn't the point the good reverend was making


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
It's not about being correct. It's about being honest. Taking a Purple Heart Decorated war hero and smearing his service is deplorable.
But it was ok because it was decorated war heros smearing decorated war veterans. Just like it is only ok for blacks to smear blacks.

btw by you refering to swiftboating in a negative light, aren't you denagrading other "decorated war heros?"


You can say what ever you like about any candidate, and if people want to believe, they will. Those people won't vote for the other side anyway. But, those moderates, those middle ground peeps might see a SBA for what it is, and it might work against someone who tries it. But, we must fire up the base!
In the general election, who wins is who gets the middle guys. And, who fires up their base the best. The Dema are registering in record numbers. You guys better come up with something better than his church stuff.
"I opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. It should be repealed and I will vote for its repeal on the Senate floor. I will also oppose any proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban gays and lesbians from marrying." B Obama


Active Member

Originally Posted by Suzy
You can say what ever you like about any candidate, and if people want to believe, they will. Those people won't vote for the other side anyway. But, those moderates, those middle ground peeps might see a SBA for what it is, and it might work against someone who tries it. But, we must fire up the base!
In the general election, who wins is who gets the middle guys. And, who fires up their base the best. The Dema are registering in record numbers. You guys better come up with something better than his
church stuff.
"I opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. It should be repealed and I will vote for its repeal on the Senate floor. I will also oppose any proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban gays and lesbians from marrying." B Obama
You never did answer my question about the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
"There is not a liberal America and a conservative America - there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and latino America and asian America - there's the United States of America."
Barack Obama
Does he believe that, or does he believe:
*"God **** America" and that we are a "white America" which "deserved" 9/11? (As his chosen mentor teaches?)
If you listen to his wife, it's clear which of the viewpoints she believes...


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
It's all about the judgment, or lack therof. Like I said before I do not believe a person who didn't believe the majority of that would be comfortable going to that church. It's one thing to differ on a minor point (or points) but the overall tone set by that church is troubling. Obama knew this man quite well before he appointed him as a campaign advisor.
I don't think this guy is a campaign advisor.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
It's not about being correct. It's about being honest. Taking a Purple Heart Decorated war hero and smearing his service is deplorable.
If what you say is correct, then how are you not being honest?
Speaking out against his fellow soldiers and calling them baby killers and like insults, is also deplorable. He did this on live national TV.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Read the 9-11 comission report and the findings of the Clinton Administration before attacking the

plant in the Suddan in 98. There were ties connections meetings between Iraq and Al Qeada but there is no known connection between the attacks and Iraq. Before we invaded the extent of cooperation was unknown.
This report mentions the 911 commission report, this new report was done by the Pentagon, and is said to have more resources and was more thorough.... It is said that they went through 660,000 documents...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
As far as a campaign advisor or cabinet position or whatever... that will never happen. These attacks on Obama are simply to remind everyone that he is a black man, and that you should think before you vote for him. ... One last point I'll make that I hope doesn't get over looked is Ron Paul made the same comments about how our foreign policy helped influence the attacks of 911.
Except that Wright has been advising Obama's campaign already....
Rylan, don't try to make this a racial thing. That's crap. I'm glad you bring up Ron Paul. Look at how far he got in the Republican Primaries; then compare it to Obama's. See the difference in the way we treat extremists in our party?