Obama supporters. I have one question


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Yup, the media is biased. All I saw or read about was Romney's religion. Yes, it affected voting, just like the media intended.
Oh yeah dems and independant cross lines to vote McCain, but then it was done to them, they cried "foul"!
McCain's wrong on some of the issues, but orders of magnitude better. We are still voting for someone based on what they will give us.
So, you claim to be in healthcare. I'm trained in emergency medicine, and disaster response. Was it the federal gov't's role to be there immediately during Katrina ( like the press likes to say), or should the local response been immediate, followed by the state within a day then the feds within about 3-4 days?
My biggest beef with the Clintons and Obamas out their is we do not need more gov't we need less.
Listen, oscarduece, I really like talking politics, and discussing issues but why are you so condoning of me? I do not claim to be in health care. I am a practitioner in the field of medicine. I am a credentialed critical care nurse. It says CCRN on my badge and I pay dues to AACN.
You claim to be a physician.
Enjoy your sounding board because you obviously are not here for discussion.
I must go. The Daily Show is starting and I need to keep up on current events. Oh, BTW, the media had nothing to do with Romneys failed bid. Babtists have a thing with Mormons. They come here and go to the temple with huge signs, in huge numbers, with megaphones. During the Olympics, you could not throw a snow board without hitting 20 of 'em.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
I do not think that is how it works. Reporting them won't make them not come to the ER when their kid is throwing up blood or they fractured an arm. They will still come and we will still pay for them.
And when they do we will send them back where they belong

That is the excuse the open borders crowd uses, they wont treat their sick kids if it means they might get caught. The fact they get free medical treatment is one of the reasons they come here. Not a major factor but it plays into it.


Originally Posted by reefraff
No but you did call me a chicken hawk.
Not to sure what the second paragraph of you post even means. AARP says billions. GAO report listed 900 million just for 1 catagory of fraud in the system. I have seen estimate thrown out there from 9 all the way up to 60 billion a year depending who's doing it. Thats why I posted billions rather than throw out a specific number.
I guess NPR is making up numbers too?
Ok, so we are even? Sorry, I was really feeling bad that day. Wanna say your sorry about the Hitler comment so we can discuss stuff civilly?
Ok, here is what I am try to say. The links you provided are for DME: durable medical equipment. I really do not want to be blamed for these guys. They sell stuff to old people, who then use it for a few weeks and give it to the salvation army who melt it down. I would not be opposed to making DME a self pay item. But, please don't put health care practioners in the category of shister? We are good guys....
From your link:
"The smart action is in something called "durable medical equipment," which includes items such as wheelchairs, back braces, canes, walkers, electric beds and shower-transfer tubs."


Originally Posted by reefraff
And when they do we will send them back where they belong

That is the excuse the open borders crowd uses, they wont treat their sick kids if it means they might get caught. The fact they get free medical treatment is one of the reasons they come here. Not a major factor but it plays into it.
I agree. We pay millions for care for non citizens. We treat them in the ER, then send them on there way or admit them to the hospital. But, how do we fix that? Even I could climb a 12 foot fence.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Ok, so we are even? Sorry, I was really feeling bad that day. Wanna say your sorry about the Hitler comment so we can discuss stuff civilly?
Did you not read my post? You asked if I was the one who called you hitler and I said no. It was you who personally attacked me.


No, it was you. You actually called Democrats Hitler, which I did take personally. I guess you were teasing....
In the "Why you should hate McCain" thread.
People throw insults around here so freely.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Ok, so we are even? Sorry, I was really feeling bad that day. Wanna say your sorry about the Hitler comment so we can discuss stuff civilly?
Ok, here is what I am try to say. The links you provided are for DME: durable medical equipment. I really do not want to be blamed for these guys. They sell stuff to old people, who then use it for a few weeks and give it to the salvation army who melt it down. I would not be opposed to making DME a self pay item. But, please don't put health care practioners in the category of shister? We are good guys....
From your link:
"The smart action is in something called "durable medical equipment," which includes items such as wheelchairs, back braces, canes, walkers, electric beds and shower-transfer tubs."
I think you are really confused here. I posted about the amount of medicare fraud being in the Billions per year and you asked me for a link. The durable equipment info was just posted because it was sourced by the GAO and showed this one small type of fraud resulted in 900 million a year. GOA is an unbiased source of information directly from the government.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
No, it was you. You actually called Democrats Hitler, which I did take personally. I guess you were teasing....
In the "Why you should hate McCain" thread.
People throw insults around here so freely.....
No, I said choosing between McCain and Obama was like having to pick between a schoolyard bully and Adolph Hitler. Never called you anything


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
...... McCain and Obama... schoolyard bully and Adolph Hitler.

Of those 4 - If I have to pick two - I'll pick Obama and a schoolyard bully.
Or would you believe two boy scouts and a angry dog...


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Of those 4 - If I have to pick two - I'll pick Obama and a schoolyard bully.
Or would you believe two boy scouts and a angry dog...
lol, their are no boyscouts in this race. I heard some clips of obama's pastor today, and if this gets picked up he is going to have some explaining to do because it is bad.


Active Member
If you would have given us picks like:
Ollie North and Leona Helmsley
It would have been easier


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
If you would have given us picks like:
Ollie North and Leona Helmsley
It would have been easier
wasn't she the chick that left 12 million dollars in a trust for her dog, and none for her grand kids?
I think their is a dog we need to heist...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
lol, their are no boyscouts in this race. I heard some clips of obama's pastor today, and if this gets picked up he is going to have some explaining to do because it is bad.
I don't see how this cannot become an issue now. The guy stood before his congregation and said the government created AIDS to keep the black people down. You notice the media went after McCain over Hagee who was just a supporter. Obama is a member oif this guys church and therefore a follower. If the sermons they showed today are recent Obama can just say this guy has gone over the top and disassociate himself with the church and be fine. If these are from a few years ago it is a bigger problem.


Active Member
Oille North took one for Reagan, Iran-Contra in the 80s
Leona Helmsley was the New Yorker that said we don't pay taxes, only the little people do - She enjoyed a prison stay for tax evasion -LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I don't see how this cannot become an issue now.
It's not an issue, just a distraction from the real issues....
Thank goodness we aren't having to pick them for the election.... Unless, I am mistaken, are these ministers running? Maybe you can write one of them in on the ballot.


Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1
It's not an issue, just a distraction from the real issues....
Thank goodness we aren't having to pick them for the election.... Unless, I am mistaken, are these ministers running? Maybe you can write one of them in on the ballot.
I find it ironic that to combat the silly notion that Obama is a muslim, he states that he is a practicing christian, but if you investigate what his pastor is preaching it then becomes a non-issue.
I disagree, one of the reasons you go to a church to influence your every day life. But it isn't a pure policy issue,
but after 20 years of going to this church, having him marry you, supporting it financially, and submitting yourself spiritually to this pastor and what he is preaching, that could possibly, maybe reflect in some of his core beliefs that will influence policy decisions...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Ok, so we are even? Sorry, I was really feeling bad that day. Wanna say your sorry about the Hitler comment so we can discuss stuff civilly?..."
He already said he did not call you Hitler.
To the best of my knowledge, you were never called Hitler. That particular insult is usually reserved for Mods when we lock a thread. (If you were called Hitler, please post a link and post# and we will delete it)


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
It's not an issue, just a distraction from the real issues....
Thank goodness we aren't having to pick them for the election.... Unless, I am mistaken, are these ministers running? Maybe you can write one of them in on the ballot.
Someones personal associations are a factor. If a person was a member group promoting dog fighting or tax evasion would you vote for them?