Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1
I agree the depression was better? The bankster gangsters took everyone out then without the government. The government shouldn't guarantee loans. They should regulate the industry better so they can't take us all down and out again, instead of using debt dollars to back it.
There is a certain amount of "regulation" that is needed. Just like you need laws like murder is illegal, you can't steal and stuff.
Originally Posted by zman1
Is this your beleif or fact? How can you beleive those socialist EU countries?
I haven't done a personal study of the differences. But as far as I know, if you took their methods and applied them here or vise versa it wouldn't make up the difference. They numbers are not statistically the same.
As far as believing a "socialist EU country." Why not, what is their incentive for projecting higher unemployment numbers than a more free country? It reflects negatively on their economic policies.
Originally Posted by zman1

Then explain the losses of the depression. There is a reason for the old line -hiding your money under the mattress. Now we have FDIC to back bankers free market practices. Stop FDIC and regulate the industry better since it obviously
can't regulate itself.
I was not refering to the FDIC, but sally may, and other loan guarantee programs that the federal government offers to lenders to encourge then to accept less qualified aplicants. That is what that bailout was geared too.
The FDIC had its intended effect, but don't fool yourself, if we had a national bank run, the FDIC wouldn't be able to pay up.


Originally Posted by zman1
What's 100 billion between citizens? - We just gave the bankster gangsters 200 billion a few days ago to run up our debt.
I now believe this is a supply and demand issue here, we should go back to the days of my great grandfather and just die in our beds at home and let only the rich have doctors. The doctors can go back to making house calls. Rather than the huge herd processing centers we have to day. There would be fewer doctors and maybe the hospitals can go back to being a charity organization. Also, we should go back to snake oil remidies.. This will cure the Medicare issue...
Side note:
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Malpractice or Malpractice Trial Attorneys?
Bankster Gangsters? I think that could be a catch phrase for the general election!
I think we need to have clinics for uninsured patients so that we can decrease the ER time for paying customers. If we did that, maybe they would go in for a cheap antibiotic pill that could keep them out of being hospitalized or prenatal care so we don't have so many NICU babies. Could save billions, IMO.


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Once congress opened up the Medicare lock box, and made Medicare part of the general fund, you and I were hosed. FDR's original plan was actually pretty good. A voluntary system up to 1% max your yearly wage, and the money you put in was your money. Not the Gov't, and not the collective whole. It was not intended for one generation to pay for another, it was to allow you to save. It was also based on a life expectancy of 65-67 years, not the life expectancy we have today.
So, how do we fix it today? I plan on living till I'm 110!
As a fully functioning adult 'till I'm 100, then I plan on being a major drain on society!Party, drink it up, get fat!


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
What about Romney? He was attacked for being a Mormon, and you cannot even say Obama's middle name without shouts of "racist". You's guys aren't playing on a level field here.
Hey, I was a Mormon for a few weeks in my childhood. We got some interesting stuff! Are you LDS?


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Some insurance companies do care for the 65+ crowd. Changes in the medicare laws are shifting the risk to these companies, and may drive some out of business. You can thank LBJ and a democrtat congress:
"President Johnson and the Democratic Congress' largely forgotten 1968 agreement to add the then secure Social Security Trust Fund to the General Fund in order to float cash for the Vietnam War and a bevy of domestic programs-a decision that helped secure our current trajectory towards Social Security's insolvency"
So, would you say that if you are 70 and develope renal failure, then tough luck, no hemodialysis for you?
We do dialysis on anyone, no matter the age. We do CRRT, we do IABP, we do LVADs. Does your hospital have an age limit for certain procedures? Most of the patients in our unit are Medicare and geting what we call the "full flog". In our hospital, you don't die 'till we let you!
I've been dabbling in case management at our HCA hospital (we are not trauma, we are full profit and specialize in heart)for about 2 years. I can only remember one company that covered a patient over 65: Fed BluX. Which others one do in your area?
I am in Utah so we are a few decades behind the rest of the planet!
Do you really think the problems we have are the fault of one party? Will the fix come from just one side?
Or will we just not do anything? In 20 years, we will be paying up the butt!


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I was not refering to the FDIC, but sally may, and other loan guarantee programs that the federal government offers to lenders to encourge then to accept less qualified aplicants. That is what that bailout was geared too.
Sally Mae - student loans? Va loans? See I thought it was the sub-prime mortgages losses. Nothing to do with guarenteed govermnet loans - just the industry tring to turn a buck on risk and I thought PMI was private as well, like Coutrywide. The CEOs were heros for a short time untill the eccomomy flipped! Not enough regulation, got ot stop bailing out greedy crook capitalist..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Hey, I was a Mormon for a few weeks in my childhood. We got some interesting stuff! Are you LDS?
No, not Mormon, but have some friends who are, so I know a bit about the faith. My point is it is different when you are a democrat. If we ask questions about Obama's faith we are bigots, racists, you name it, but Romney's religion was one of the levers used by the left leaning media to push him out of the race and hand it to McCain.
I'm sick of the "free" press. Like the NY Times, endorsing a candidate ( McCain), then throwing made-up trash at him. They still have not paid for their mistake, and neither has Rather or his ilk for that matter. Heck, my montra is "Rather lied and Bush won!"


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
What do we do?
Ration care?
Definte what specialties new residents study ( a plank in Hillarycare to control what care is given)?
Increase the age of benefits to 75-78?
Totally remove doctors from medicolegal risk unless malice was intended?
Govenment take-over of the pharmaceutical industry? That would be a nightmare.
So under your plan, a government intended to only "promote the general welfare" is actually providing for and controlling welfare? Obama wants to spend more on social programs and less on defense. That is the opposite of the role as defined by the Constitution. Remember it says "provide for the common defense, and promote the general welfare.
Hey, I haven't laid out "MY" plan yet, have I? This thread is 18 pages so it is possible I did. But, if I did , I have a new one I just thought of this morning. Wanna hear it?


Your mama muss be so proud of her widdle boy who can write big words! Now, go give her a kissy!

star master

New Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The guy's an idiot.
We know Al Qaeda is in Iraq. We know we are at war with Al Qaeda. So Barak proposes leaving Iraq (where we know Al Qaeda is) to go looking for Al Qaeda in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan...
Let me clarify: We LEAVE a battlefield where we are fighting Al Qaeda, to go into a terrain and political situation that is even more hostile to LOOK for Al Qaeda.
So, what happens if the fighting is more difficult in Afghanistan? Do we leave there and go LOOK for Al Qaeda in Hawaii or Guam?
You know it's isn't nice to call people an Idiot and I believe that is against the forum rules.


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
No, not Mormon, but have some friends who are, so I know a bit about the faith. My point is it is different when you are a democrat. If we ask questions about Obama's faith we are bigots, racists, you name it, but Romney's religion was one of the levers used by the left leaning media to push him out of the race and hand it to McCain.
I'm sick of the "free" press. Like the NY Times, endorsing a candidate ( McCain), then throwing made-up trash at him. They still have not paid for their mistake, and neither has Rather or his ilk for that matter. Heck, my montra is "Rather lied and Bush won!"
So, you know about the special underware and the secret handshake?!
I just think we look at it different. I really don't care about a persons religion, or lack of, but some do. I also think you are watching the wrong stations. I watch MSN and I really don't see much of that.
I did see Coulter saying she will campaign for Clinton, though! I voted for her just to see that!


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Romney's religion was one of the levers used by the left leaning media to push him out of the race and hand it to McCain.
Wait! You can't blame that on liberals! It was a Republican primary. Republicans voted.
Geez, I'm starting to think you might be a bit biased here....


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Sally Mae - student loans? Va loans? See I thought it was the sub-prime mortgages losses. Nothing to do with guarenteed govermnet loans - just the industry tring to turn a buck on risk and I thought PMI was private as well, like coutrywide. The CEOs were heros for a short time untill the eccomomy flipped! Not enough regulation, got ot stop bailing out capitalist..
You're almost there, those Sally Mae and other loans are subprime loans. They target people who wouldn't be able to get "affordable" loans through normal means. The reason they are offered because the government says that they will "co-sign" (for lack of a better term) the loans. These government programs encouraging sub-prime loans is a factor in some in the so-called subprime crisis. Government regulations helped cause some of this problem. Along with some of the "equal housing opportunity" things. Ultimately though the lender and the home buyer made their decision why should I have to pay for someone elses lack of disgression.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Ultimately though the lender and the home buyer made their decision why should I have to pay for someone elses lack of disgression.
I see it's the goverments fault then.... Not greedy capitalist.
I do blame the government - not enough regulation and oversite
Countrywide Financial, the nation’s largest

lender, said yesterday that more borrowers with good credit were falling behind on their loans.


I really think it is tragic that so many are losing their homes. I do not think the banks will lose anything....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Wait! You can't blame that on liberals! It was a Republican primary. Republicans voted.
Geez, I'm starting to think you might be a bit biased here....
Yup, the media is biased. All I saw or read about was Romney's religion. Yes, it affected voting, just like the media intended.
Oh yeah dems and independant cross lines to vote McCain, but then it was done to them, they cried "foul"!
McCain's wrong on some of the issues, but orders of magnitude better. We are still voting for someone based on what they will give us.
So, you claim to be in healthcare. I'm trained in emergency medicine, and disaster response. Was it the federal gov't's role to be there immediately during Katrina ( like the press likes to say), or should the local response been immediate, followed by the state within a day then the feds within about 3-4 days?
My biggest beef with the Clintons and Obamas out their is we do not need more gov't we need less.


Active Member
I will say it again, not enough regulation and oversite - The government failed us....
March 7, 2007
FDIC Issues Cease and Desist Order Against Fremont Investment & Loan, Brea, California, and its Parents
In taking this action, the FDIC found that the bank was operating without effective risk management policies and procedures in place in relation to its subprime

and commercial real estate lending operations. The FDIC determined, among other things, that the bank had been operating without adequate subprime

loan underwriting criteria, and that it was marketing and extending subprime

loans in a way that substantially increased the likelihood of borrower default or other loss to the bank.
October 24, 2007
Wall Street Journal
Home foreclosures are picking up speed, and right behind them are the politicians promising to save the guilty and punish the innocent. OK, we exaggerate, but only a little. So this would seem to be the moment to sort the good housing ideas from the bad, with the latter describing most of what is now coming from Washington.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Are you the guy who called me Hitler? I can't remember if I'm not speaking to you or not.
DME is sold by stores in the mall, by TV commercials and a few shisters. Home 02 is a huge business, and one of my favorite pulmonologists told me his specialty is now feeling we've been over prescribing it. But, to put MDS, nurses and hospitals in that group is odd to me.
I ain't going with AARP. I'm still mad when they sold out seniors with the Medicare D bill fiasco....
No but you did call me a chicken hawk.
Not to sure what the second paragraph of you post even means. AARP says billions. GAO report listed 900 million just for 1 catagory of fraud in the system. I have seen estimate thrown out there from 9 all the way up to 60 billion a year depending who's doing it. Thats why I posted billions rather than throw out a specific number.
I guess NPR is making up numbers too?