Originally Posted by
bionicarm http:///t/393048/obama-the-begger#post_3493832
The Cayman accounts we know about. I've explained how easy it is to create accounts on that little island that could never be found for anyone to audit. Bain Capital had corporate seminars on how to utilize the Caymans for personal income.
Not sure where you're getting 12%. Every article I've read regarding this little debate would have his EFT closer to 10. Regardless, it just shows how the wealthy are able to utilize our current tax laws to save on their taxes that most lower/middle income taxpayers could never benefit from. Yea, yea we can all play the stock market game or invest in 401K's. The difference is having the disposable income to do so. Someone making $30K - $50K/year barely has enough to pay his bills, much less invest enough into accounts that would give him lower tax rates that would make a dramatic difference in his EFT. Shoot, Romney hasn't earned any income since 1999. If he pulled his $260 million (or whatever his fortune is) out of every investment account he has, and didn't earn capital gains on any of that money, he wouldn't even need to file a tax return. If he did, he'd have a negative EFT due to his religious ties of having to tithe at least 10% of his wealth to his little church.
You can't have a negative ETR unless you qualify for Earned Income or Child tax credits, Romney qualifies for neither.
Romney give more to non church charities in one year than your average middle class taxpayer with pay in taxes over his lifetime. I really have no issues with rich people people able to write off charitable contributions.
As far as hiding income how do you know 0bama doesn't do the same thing? There's no more evidence to suggest Romney does than there is on 0bamo, Reid or Pelosi for that matter.