Obama to address nation?????????


Well-Known Member
Well we exacted some revenge for the murder of so many....I doubt we made a dent in terrorism, it took too long to for us to catch him to be any real deterrence to their crazy holy war.

The price of oil went down $2.00 this morning, I have no idea why oil prices were affected at all...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/385466/obama-to-address-nation/20#post_3380618
Well we exacted some revenge for the murder of so many....I doubt we made a dent in terrorism, it took too long to for us to catch him to be any real deterrence to their crazy holy war.

The price of oil went down $2.00 this morning, I have no idea why oil prices were affected at all...
Anytime there's a major upheaval in the Middle East, it seems to affect oil prices. Look what it did to the price of a barrel of oil when NATO started this Libya junk. Libya provides less than 2% of the world's oil supply, and since that little skirmish began, the price jumped over $10.


Active Member
The conspiracy theorists are already running with this one. Was he killed last week, or last night? Reports are that they have already buried him at sea (some stupid Islamic Law). Apparently, they couldn't find a country willing to bury him on their soil, and they also didn't want his followers to build some type of shrine around his gravesite. Hope they 'sliced and diced' him before throwing him in the water. The sharks would chew him up before he could reach the bottom.
Also, I hear the 'mansion' where they found him is in some 'honeymoon retreat' for the country, and was only 100 yards from the Pakistani Military academy!
Please tell me the Pakistani's didn't know the guy was there. Their military personnel walked past the house every day.


Staff member
He is dead, praise be to God.
Killing him is not all that has been done against terrorism. The world is forever changed due to 911, and the resulting justice and offense spurred by the USA, and our allies, in defense of our freedom. All Americans have suffered, and have given up something.
Thank you, Armed Forces, USA.


Active Member
Two different networks announced bad information. Fox and NBC both said he was killed last week by an airstrike and they waited to announce it after a DNA test. Then about an hour later they both had it right, according to newer info. Navy Seals killed him in an assault of his "compound". Burial at sea is definitely so his body could not be buried some place that a shrine could be built and he became a martyr and because another country like Afghanistan or Pakistan might have demanded it. Good job SEALs.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51 http:///forum/thread/385466/obama-to-address-nation/20#post_3380635
Two different networks announced bad information. Fox and NBC both said he was killed last week by an airstrike and they waited to announce it after a DNA test. Then about an hour later they both had it right, according to newer info. Navy Seals killed him in an assault of his "compound". Burial at sea is definitely so his body could not be buried some place that a shrine could be built and he became a martyr and because another country like Afghanistan or Pakistan might have demanded it. Good job SEALs.
The news said they buried him at sea in accordance with his religious beliefs. Islam follows with Christianity on believing the dead buried at sea raise first.


Active Member
That would be if you are killed at sea. He was taken for identification to the sea. Either way, I think his body was dumped in the ocean to prevent it from falling into the hands of terrorists to be used for propaganda. Islam only says you have to be buried within 24 hours, not where.


Active Member
Damn, I am good. No, I didn't see this previously.


Staff member
Originally Posted by mantisman51 http:///forum/thread/385466/obama-to-address-nation/20#post_3380640
That would be if you are killed at sea. He was taken for identification to the sea. Either way, I think his body was dumped in the ocean to prevent it from falling into the hands of terrorists to be used for propaganda. Islam only says you have to be buried within 24 hours, not where.
Exactly right. Any land burial, or even cremation, would result in his lunatic followers attempting to retrieve the remains.
By saying that Muslim custom was followed, I believe Obama is referring to disposing of remains very quickly. Can't imagine sea burials are common in arid Muslim countries.
The most important thing, bin Ladin is just realizing that the afterlife is not filled with virgins for his enjoyment after all.
Love to be a fly on a ice-cube in hell taking a brief and satisfying look.


Active Member
They might have dumped his body but I'd bet the farm that the CIA already has his head in Washington.


Active Member
Lets see here most Seal teams launch out of Submarines which are called PIG Boats. Wonder how he got Buried at sea. Fired out of a Torpedo Tube maybe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth http:///forum/thread/385466/obama-to-address-nation/20#post_3380667
Exactly right. Any land burial, or even cremation, would result in his lunatic followers attempting to retrieve the remains.
By saying that Muslim custom was followed, I believe Obama is referring to disposing of remains very quickly. Can't imagine sea burials are common in arid Muslim countries.
The most important thing, bin Ladin is just realizing that the afterlife is not filled with virgins for his enjoyment after all.
Love to be a fly on a ice-cube in hell taking a brief and satisfying look.
Ohh he got his virgins all right, but I'm wondering how he's enjoying his all male review?????



I would have fed him to the hogs.

A Muslim eaten by pork! I love it. :rotfl:
On second thought, poor pig (the 4 legged one). :laughing:


Staff member
In reality, we may never be sure he was, or was not burried or disposed of--whatever. I am sure there are plenty of pictures/footage of his dead carcus, however, and maybe even video of his death. There was some footage of the bedroom he was killed in earlier this am.


Active Member
There have already been at least one bogus pic of his body on the internet. The government has the real pics and videos of the whole operation and are still deciding what, if anything will be released to the public. IMO the American public deserves to see them and continue to celebrate the death of this scumbag!!


Active Member
i was just reading bin laden grabbed one of his wives to hide behind when the gunfire started.just another coward like saddam was.let the brainwashed idiots go blow then selves up while he lives in luxury hiding.and all along acting tough.what a loser.


Active Member
They video taped the burial deal. As far as Islamic burial goes all the "good" Muslims say the terrorists arent "real" muslims. OK, so now why are they getting their panties (not the ones on their heads) in a bunch over making sure Muslim burial tradition was followed? I and so tired of all this Muslim butt kissing our government is doing... It's just another religion people. If their religion were treated the way Christian and Judaism was I think the sky would be filled with exploding heads.