Obama to address nation?????????


Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/385466/obama-to-address-nation/20#post_3380766
They video taped the burial deal. As far as Islamic burial goes all the "good" Muslims say the terrorists arent "real" muslims. OK, so now why are they getting their panties (not the ones on their heads) in a bunch over making sure Muslim burial tradition was followed? I and so tired of all this Muslim butt kissing our government is doing... It's just another religion people. If their religion were treated the way Christian and Judaism was I think the sky would be filled with exploding heads.
This kind of rubs me the wrong way......IMO he should have been cut into pieces, and dropped in the freakin dessert for slugs and snakes to feed on
we had to wash him the "proper" Muslim way .....what was he doing while our people were buring and suffocating in buildings

BELIEVE ME.....I am a Christian.....BUT....Sometimes I think the Old Testament was right....and eye for an eye....
EDIT: I hope our military pissed on him


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/385466/obama-to-address-nation/40#post_3380848
This kind of rubs me the wrong way......IMO he should have been cut into pieces, and dropped in the freakin dessert for slugs and snakes to feed on
we had to wash him the "proper" Muslim way .....what was he doing while our people were buring and suffocating in buildings

BELIEVE ME.....I am a Christian.....BUT....Sometimes I think the Old Testament was right....and eye for an eye....
EDIT: I hope our military pissed on him
My version of "washing" him would be to get a 3000PSI pressure washer, stick it into every orifice on his body, and turn it on full blast...


Staff member
I have not heard of any official description of the burial, except that he was buried in keeping with Muslim custom (which is to say that they unloaded is miserable hide in to the ocean FAST). I doubt anybody gave him a bath or washed his feet before he was fed to the sharks.
We will not know who the brave men were that accomplished this great deed---but thank you, thank you.


Originally Posted by Beth http:///forum/thread/385466/obama-to-address-nation/40#post_3380934
I have not heard of any official description of the burial, except that he was buried in keeping with Muslim custom (which is to say that they unloaded is miserable hide in to the ocean FAST). I doubt anybody gave him a bath or washed his feet before he was fed to the sharks.
We will not know who the brave men were that accomplished this great deed---but thank you, thank you.
This is a small part of one article on it
The corpse was taken to the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson, officials told ABC News. The ceremony, done according to Islamic law, began about 1:10 a.m. today EST and lasted about 45 minutes, according to officials.
Traditional washing of the body was followed by wrapping in white sheets. A military officer read religious remarks that were translated by a native Arabic speaker, then bin Laden was eased into the sea.
here is the whole thing


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/385466/obama-to-address-nation/40#post_3380848
This kind of rubs me the wrong way......IMO he should have been cut into pieces, and dropped in the freakin dessert for slugs and snakes to feed on
we had to wash him the "proper" Muslim way .....what was he doing while our people were buring and suffocating in buildings

BELIEVE ME.....I am a Christian.....BUT....Sometimes I think the Old Testament was right....and eye for an eye....
EDIT: I hope our military pissed on him
I"m sure it wasn't done for this reason, but I LOVE the fact they burried, in accordance to his religious beliefs. I mean, it is a BLATANT reminder of his religious views... Something that has been mitigated by our Political correctness police...


Active Member
Bottom line is it's amazing what Americans can accomplish when the playstation network is down!


Active Member
All I care about is that the last face he saw in this world was a professional American Soldier.


Staff member
I love it ( no I don't). The media is already planting questions about "if bin Ladin was not armed, why was it necessary to kill him".
Shut up.
Embrace the moment.
And jump for joy like all Americans are doing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth http:///forum/thread/385466/obama-to-address-nation/40#post_3381139
I love it ( no I don't). The media is already planting questions about "if bin Ladin was not armed, why was it necessary to kill him".
Shut up.
Embrace the moment.
And jump for joy like all Americans are doing.
I'd like to know that myself. Do you have any idea how much havoc it would lay on his terrorist buddies if they though we were questioning him somewhere? It could be they didn't know he was unarmed until they took him out but I for one want to know what happened.


Active Member

I love it ( no I don't). The media is already planting questions about "if bin Ladin was not armed, why was it necessary to kill him".

Shut up.

Embrace the moment.

And jump for joy like all Americans are doing.
What part of "fire fight", did they miss? Its where one side has guns..... so does the other.... if they shoot... you shoot back!!! In those situations you take no hostages, close quarters combat, they fire, they die....... and good riddens!


Active Member

This kind of rubs me the wrong way......IMO he should have been cut into pieces, and dropped in the freakin dessert for slugs and snakes to feed on
we had to wash him the "proper" Muslim way .....what was he doing while our people were buring and suffocating in buildings

BELIEVE ME.....I am a Christian.....BUT....Sometimes I think the Old Testament was right....and eye for an eye....
EDIT:   I hope our military pissed on him
Eye for an eye I agree.... so now that he's gone we need to go and knock on 2999 of his "closest buddies" doors just as we did his!
And there u have it.......... eye for an eye!


Well-Known Member
I would never gloat over an enemy’s fall, for fear God will see and withdraw his hand.

Instead I present my case to God in prayer, and wait for him to guide the soldiers to victory and pray for their safety as they go to war.

I didn't say all that to be a prude. I said it so God will not withdraw his hand until all of our enemies are destroyed.
Those crazies are still declaring holy war, we need to be more watchful because they will be seeking revenge....And God bless us, I hope they can't find a single way to do so, and they die of frustration.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/385466/obama-to-address-nation/40#post_3381250
I would never gloat over an enemy’s fall, for fear God will see and withdraw his hand.

Instead I present my case to God in prayer, and wait for him to guide the soldiers to victory and pray for their safety as they go to war.

I didn't say all that to be a prude. I said it so God will not withdraw his hand until all of our enemies are destroyed.
Those crazies are still declaring holy war, we need to be more watchful because they will be seeking revenge....And God bless us, I hope they can't find a single way to do so, and they die of frustration.
Our enemies are praying to God for exactly the same thing.


Active Member
I'm glad we got the SOB. It is an unequivocal victory for our SEALs and Our Lord and Savior. Best birthday present I've ever received. But as far as eye for an eye and "let's not be like the enemy", blah, blah, blah...We have enough nuclear weapons to send every one of them to hell. We have aircraft carriers that could rain fire on them anywhere in the world. We don't use our arsenal they way we could because we are better than them-the terrorists and the 5th century religion and society that spawns them. Killing the leader of a group that seeks to kill innocents is not eqivolent to the wholesale slaughter of men, women and children. I am nearly speechless to think anyone in America could stoop to that level, to publicly say stepping on a cockroach like Laden is somehow equivolent to what they do and why they do it. What do you think the 5th century throwbacks would do with our military power? Do you really think we act at all like these filthy animals?