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A Cockapoo (normally they look more like the Poodle than Cocker, but i got lucky).
Cockapoos are great indoor dogs and fun outside because of their "Bird Dog" breeding...


i plan on getting a boxer as soon as a move to a place that allows dogs but labs and retrievers are great dogs too...
growing up we had a sheltie and if you have/plan on having kids they are great dogs, never seen an aggressive one trust me he put up with alot from my brother and i when we were little!


Active Member
I love our Saint Bernard.
Next dog will come from the pound. I think that with as many dogs that die every die, I will try to keep a few alive.


This is Lucky. He is part schipperke and beagle. He is a great dog. I also like Jack Russel Terriers. My brother had one, and it was the most active dog I've ever seen. You just have to be sure to keep an I on them, and always make sure that you keep them on a leash. They were bred as hunting dogs. They used them to chase foxes out of their holes, which is why you should keep an eye on them or they might dig a hole right under your fence to freedom:D . This is a picture of Lucky. I also just thought of this. He very rarely barks. HTH.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bdubbya
This is Lucky. He is part schipperke and beagle.

strange that you take a black dog and a multi colored dog and come out with a blonde dog that resembles neither of them- how cool


Active Member

Originally posted by splash1914
No question about it.... Doberman!!!
RIP little buddy.... He died last week... :-(

How did he die- he lookes so young and healthy?


I'm sorry for the loss of your dog. I love looking at him in his birthday hat!!! We had a dobie while I was in shcool. He died of cancer, but what a character he was.
We have a shepherd/lab mix that we saved from the pound. He was full grown when we got him, but man, we couldn't have found a dog better suited to us!!! I'd attatch a pic, but don't know how. I grew up with a shepherd my entire life. He was awesome too!


Well, I figured out how to post the pic, I need to learn to make it smaller! This is my dog, Red, in my husband's computer/aquarium room. We just got a bigger tank, and moved to accomadate it!!!


J21kickster: We found out about a year ago he had hepetitis. Which in turn effects his liver.. His liver ended up failing so we had to put him down last Monday. That was the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life.
Thank you Mishka.
Once we sell our house and move into a new one, we will get another Doberman.


Active Member

Originally posted by KimKissyFish

I have a friend who breeds these. They have their own air conditioned 2000 sq ft air conditioned kennel, a full time caretaker, and a vet is on retainer. My friend rotates letting them sleep in the house. He was going to sell a male to another friend that could no longer breed (the dog not the friend) for a mere $600 but couldn't bring himself to neuter the dog. Can't let them be sold like that unless they are neutered. He gets upward of 2 - 3 grand for each dog he sells. Carries pictures of all of them in his wallet and shows them off like they are his kids.:) He practically runs a full background check on anyone that is interested in buying his dogs. VERY picky about who gets them.


Active Member
Sorry to hear about Zeus Splash. :(
Those King Charles guys sound fancy.......maybe i'll get twelve or thirteen of those. :D


Active Member

Originally posted by RyeBread
Those King Charles guys sound fancy.......maybe i'll get twelve or thirteen of those. :D

Nah, wait til your an old fat despot with gout....then they can lay around at your feet looking good while you get waited on hand and foot by nubile maidens...that's what the Kings of England did:D
we have owned many dogs but my favorite would have to be our very loyal rottweiler. we did a good background check on his family and we had a great dog and friend for ten years


My Boxer. He is still a puppy only 7 months old, but already the BEST dog I've ever owned. You gotta luv this face.


Great Dane!!!! No other choice in my mind. That is my dog, Heidi, and my father in law. They are GREAT dogs. Very family oriented. If I couldn't have another Dane, I would get an English Mastiff or an Irish Wolfhound.
Yes, her nails are painted pink.


Hey Brad...
Nice Boston...good luck with her...
dont know if you are aware of this but for your information...
the Bostons were just recently added to the acceptable
colors of the Great Dane breed by the dog...