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your sarcastic question sucked me in. im not a registered anything but have almost always voted democrat. before i start i'd like to ask you a question when you voted for Gore, looking back do you think you made the right choice?
i think the reason alot of people are democrat is that thier 1. Pro Choice and 2. Pro Union. they have fought for equal rights, womens rights, and gay rights far more than the GOP has. they are generally anti war and have 3 to 1 ratio of minorities and women in office to the republicans. they have gays in office 10x thats ( open gays that is,lol)
in recent history its especially true, Clinton turned the country around and built a surplus. Bush spent it, and caused a recession. we can go on for days as to what exactly happened, im not going there, but that is the general belief as to what happened by the majority of americans, and this past election is the proof.
Vinny, I answer to your question, no I do not think I made the right choice in voting for Gore. I voted for him because I did not understand what it meant to "be" a democrat or republican. I also believed most everything I heard in the media, which, as I later have figured out is extremely biased and politically motivated. Things in my life changed. I actually was out in the real world, earning a small living, paying and borrowing my way through college, later getting married, buying a home, having children. Those experiences brought a lot of character to how I view myself. Working and earning, struggling, but making it happen, you know? It's like this. I used to be Pro Choice. I had never been faced with the decision (I am a woman) of an unwanted pregnancy. But I can tell you, when I held my newborn baby in my arms, my mind was changed forever. Now, that being said, I do think there are some circumstances that are in the gray. But ultimately, I think it should be a states issue, not federal government. And about going to college? I can tell you back in the fun old party days, I knew a lot of kids who were skating through college half drunk, on mom and dad's dollar, without a clue what they were doing with their life. I don't want that for my kids. I want my kids to take college seriously. I will definitely encourage them to go, but I will not hand them a free ticket. Why? Because they will respect themselves a lot more if they do it on their own. Now, that's not to say we won't help them. My husband's parents paid for his medical insurance plan while he paidd his way through, and sent him a hundred bucks now and then. The point is, I think looking back on myself 10 years ago, i was a typical public school system educated kid. I had never been taught to question what I see on TV, in the news, or from a big scary thing like government. Nor did I probably pay attention. When we are young, we are very passionate and emotional about things. You know, like on TV when they show some environmentalist 22 year-old, camped out in a tree? Now, I can bet you we probably recycle more in this house than that guy does.
I guess on social issues, it's like this for me. It's not that I don't want to pay my fair share of taxes. I believe the government is wasteful and mismanaged. Not by a certain president in particular, (although I think some have been worse than others) but it has gotten so big that it is unable to be kept in control. I don't know what it needs, but there is no way I think it needs to be expanding and that's exactly what it's doing. I am a stay-at-home mom, my husband works hard every day to provide us with a 1200 sq ft house, a paid-off car, and dinner on the table. We live within our means, and the government should too.
I believe unions originally probably did some good work, but it has gone way overboard. The teacher's union in my state was ready to strike because they wanted teachers to get a paid day off in order to attend the funerals of friends. Not that they couldn't have used one of their other personal paid days for this. Come on, doesn't there just come a point when things become ridiculous?
Now, I must go to bed. My eyelids seem to be closing on me. I hope to get up in the morning, drink my coffee, and not think about politics.