Ok. Rudest thing a customer has ever said to you.



Originally Posted by NVMYCJ
Here goes one....
I love 1st time parents.....
Here's the scenerio.....
I'm in triage. In walks in a dad and his 12-14month old child. He brought his child in for fever and vomitting. We treated his child, and sent him home with tylenol suppositories for fever control.
The next day, dad comes back to the ER with his son, and says that his son is not able to tolerate the tylenol suppositories. He said, "My son is having a hard time chewing up and swallowing these suppositories!!!"

you would think that in the 20-30 years this man has lived he would have realized that some things SHOULD NOT go in your mouth. LOL. also, i would like to know what other "chewables" this man has eaten that were shaped like that.


i know i'm about to get flamed on this comment!
see this is an example of why most dads work and moms stay home and take care of the kids most guys just dont have the brains for this kind of stuff!!
thats why i already planned out that i'm working and mom stays home cuz i wouldnt know the first thing to due, i dont think i could keep my sanity having to deal with these lil things all the time! let me runaway and go work! Theres a reason why man gave up a rib for women! and its safer for the child cuz lets face it most of us guys arent willingly equiped for this type of emergency!
but i bet if you ramdomly asked people on the street/public what suposatory's 70% wouldnt know the answer!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
I was a witness to this one its freshwater but still a doozy
customer -I want one of those pretty black and orange colored fish in this tank.
employee - you mean one of the tiger oscars
customer- Yeah I guess thats what they are
employee- what size tank do you have
customer- its one of those tanks with the plant growing out of the top
employee- you mean a betta vase?
customer- No it had goldfish in it but they got to big and couldnt swim
employee- what did you do with them
customer- I dumped them in the toliet I was tired of them and they were way to big almost 1 inch long.
employee- well the oscars get alot larger than that and need a very large tank
customer- no they dont I never see them any bigger than the ones there and I want one so sell it to me.
employee- it wont live in that vase and cant survive the same conditions as the goldfish that you had that get way to big
customer- I want that **** fish so bag the *** thing up so I can go I have better things to do
employee- I am not going to sell it to you becuase you dont have the right setup
customer- we will see about that wheres your **** boss
employee- right over there at the register
a minute or so later the woman started yelling at the top of her lungs
"I will see you in court your discriminating against me and not selling me the customer what the **** I want and I will own the store when this is over!!"
the owner said well go ahead and try but it still wont get you the fish so you need to leave now.
I was so impressed with these guys it was unreal~!!!!!!
Loved that story! Thanks for sharing...


Active Member
Originally Posted by autofreak44
i want a nemo fish!!
Oh yea....I need a Dory fish to go with that too. What size tank? It's pretty big....a ten gallon I think!!!

masta man

Originally Posted by CoralDude
I went to the Georgia Aquarium last month. The whale sharks were definately alive then. I would not reccomend going though, especially on a weekend. That place is so crowded that you can't look at anything for more than 2 seconds without pissing off the people behind you. Also, the reef tank they have doesn't have that many corals in it. If your going there to see saltwater tropical species, you will probably be dissapointed.
I went to sheds and all they had were aggressive fish and a few sea horses. There were practically no corals they had plastic ones. And don't go there on field trip day I still have nightmares "NEEEEMMMMMOOO"


I try to block out bad customers, but this happened yesterday so it is just so fresh in my mind....
Sorry I don't work in a LFS, I work in a bank as a teller.
Here's the background: I have been working here for about 2 years and Shayla (the supervisor) and I know most of the customers and we are pretty knowledgable about our jobs. We have two new tellers. One newer than the other. Both women. None of us are over 25. A regular estrogen den we have over here. Anywho, Shayla and I are letting the two new girls take the customers so they can practice and get some experience.
Now the story: Gentleman walks in and walks to the newest teller. She asks him a question or two because he has not filled out his deposit ticket properly and she is thoroughly confused. He gets testy. She freaks out and asks the other new teller what to do. The whole time Shayla and I are letting them figure out his mistake. It is a simply thing. He gets angrier and angrier to the point where Shayla and take over and Shayla proceeds to show him the correct way to fill out the ticket, so there will be less confusion the next time. He is pissed because this is the third person he has talked to and now he is being told he was wrong and some men can't handle a woman correcting them. So now he looks at all 4 of us young ladies and says "Well its a good d**m thing that there are 4 girls here, it takes all of you to figure this out!"


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
I try to block out bad customers, but this happened yesterday so it is just so fresh in my mind....
Sorry I don't work in a LFS, I work in a bank as a teller.
Here's the background: I have been working here for about 2 years and Shayla (the supervisor) and I know most of the customers and we are pretty knowledgable about our jobs. We have two new tellers. One newer than the other. Both women. None of us are over 25. A regular estrogen den we have over here. Anywho, Shayla and I are letting the two new girls take the customers so they can practice and get some experience.
Now the story: Gentleman walks in and walks to the newest teller. She asks him a question or two because he has not filled out his deposit ticket properly and she is thoroughly confused. He gets testy. She freaks out and asks the other new teller what to do. The whole time Shayla and I are letting them figure out his mistake. It is a simply thing. He gets angrier and angrier to the point where Shayla and take over and Shayla proceeds to show him the correct way to fill out the ticket, so there will be less confusion the next time. He is pissed because this is the third person he has talked to and now he is being told he was wrong and some men can't handle a woman correcting them. So now he looks at all 4 of us young ladies and says "Well its a good d**m thing that there are 4 girls here, it takes all of you to figure this out!"
I guess he had his thong on backwards that day ...


Not fish related, but I am a pharmacist. We have a drive thru. In the drive thru drawer we have a basket with a rock in to put your prescriptions and/or money in so they don't blow out on a windy day. One blustery day a guy drives up, I greet him and push the drawer open. He is about two feet away because he did not pull close enough, he then throws the prescription at the drawer. Needless to say, it blow away before evening getting close to the drawer. I was then subject to a 5 minute lecture on how dumb I am for having this set-up and he is taking his business else where.


Active Member
display tank is labled "chinese water dragons"
Customer asks, "where do these come from originally."
cage labled "Sudan plated lizards"
Customer asks, "where do these come from originally."
tank labled "african cichlids"
Customer asks, "where do these come from originally."
tank labled "African bullfrog"
Customer asks, "where do these come from originally."
tank labled "kenyan sand boa"
Customer asks, "where do these come from originally."
where do these people come from? I was asked all of these. I mean come on people.


Active Member
So I go to the bankk today to make a deposit. Its a new bank and I wasnt used to their forms. I give the forms to the teller who looks at it like it was written in Greek. She throws the form back at me which aggravates me and I tell her so. Now I ask her to show me where it is wrong but she cant figure it out. she goes to get another teller who also cant figure it out. Next thing I know there are four of them trying to figure it out. Heck I dont think any of them were older than 25. Anyway they figure out my mistake and correct it. They make a snide comment about my mistake and I tell them it took four of them to figure it out. I then leave and stop at a restroom somewhere only to find out that I've been wearing my thong on backwards all day. Sheesh

In case anyone hasnt figured it out by now, I was only making a parody about Adair and Ices post.


So now he looks at all 4 of us young ladies and says "Well its a good d**m thing that there are 4 girls here, it takes all of you to figure this out!"

I work for the largest pest company in the world and some of the things people tell me are funny!
customer: do ants bite?
me: no they tickle!
customer: theres all these flying things on my screened patio( lives on a lake)
me: their mosquitos
customer: oh really do they bite?
me: no they sing you love songs and then give you a kiss!
customer: oh thats so nice of them, maybe then can show my husband that!

customer: i have fleas in my house!
me: do you have a dog/cat?
customer: not really.
me: what do you mean?
customer: we kinda have a dog but he's not ours?
me: well does he come inside at all?
customer: only when i'm not home.
me: with the phone on mute *WHAT THE HELL LADY*
come to find out she was hiding her nieghbors dog cuz her neighbor said she kills every animal she ever owned!

customer: to termites eat wood?
me: no they love metal!
over the last year i have visit 2000+ customers and have only gotten 3 complaints! remember some people just dont think before they talk!


hey adair i bet if you made a face like the puppy of your avatar that he would have not said anything!

but yes people do say some mean and funny things though!


Active Member
Originally Posted by trainfever
So I go to the bankk today to make a deposit. Its a new bank and I wasnt used to their forms. I give the forms to the teller who looks at it like it was written in Greek. She throws the form back at me which aggravates me and I tell her so. Now I ask her to show me where it is wrong but she cant figure it out. she goes to get another teller who also cant figure it out. Next thing I know there are four of them trying to figure it out. Heck I dont think any of them were older than 25. Anyway they figure out my mistake and correct it. They make a snide comment about my mistake and I tell them it took four of them to figure it out. I then leave and stop at a restroom somewhere only to find out that I've been wearing my thong on backwards all day. Sheesh

In case anyone hasnt figured it out by now, I was only making a parody about Adair and Ices post.



New Member
I used to sell shoes at Nordstrom. Not really a rude customer story but it's funny none the less. This guy was trying on a really expensive pair of shoes and in all likelihood, probably wasn't going to buy them. Then his wife walks over and starts yelling at him for buying expensive shoes even though he never takes her out anywhere nice, etc, etc. I mean this woman went off for a good 10 minutes. It was rediculous especially since the guy wasn't even going to get them. He just sat there without saying anything while she laid into him. Then while the wife is still yelling at him, he just looks at me and says quietly, "I'll take 'em." He bought them just out of spite which was awesome considering I worked on commission. I thought that one was funny.
Also, about the aquarium:
I was just down at the Georgia Aquarium on July 5th. They have a decent amount of coral in the main tank, but it's definitely not full. I didn't see any fake corals. I took the 'behind the scenes' tour and saw their frag tanks and what not. That was really cool. They said they're trying to fill it without taking anything (or very much at least) out of the wild. So they're growing a lot of the coral and taking donations. I think she said it would take another year or two to get it really filled up. The top of the reef though (on the tour) is amazing. There's a little shallow water lagoon for the smaller fish when they want to get away from the big fish. There were clams and some other corals up there but they're not visible unless you take that tour. Haha.. I think the tourguide realized she was out of her league when I kept asking specific questions about the corals and she had no idea how to answer them. She was really helpful though and took me around to see the protein skimmers (which were ~8-10 feet tall.. HUGE!)
And yes, they have 4 [live] whale sharks. Also on that 'bts' tour, you go out on a bridge over the whale shark tank (6.33 million gallons) and they sharks swim right underneath of you. I was within maybe 2-3 feet from the whale shark. It was amazing.
There's also a tank of 4-5 beluga whales. They're really cool. I swear this one was coming up to me and staring at me. The aquarium guy said they're pretty playful and curious whales. They'll definitely come check you out if you're by the glass at the "ballroom" side of the tank (upstairs/back of tank).
I highly recommend the BTS tour even though it's 50 bucks compared to the 25 or so for the aquarium admission.


Active Member
that sounds awesome... all the aquarium of the pacific has is a but load of closed sun coral and i saw 1 toadstool the whole time... kinda lame but the fish were cool...all the other coral was fake


Active Member
I used to work at a time share in San Diego when I was in college, after 5 years I ended up with a few stories...here is the worst.
It was about 9pm, we had overbooked the hotel (most hotels do) I already had walked 2 other people to hotels across the street. Two women come to check-in. I give them my little song and dance, they are not happy. I explain to them that there are NO more rooms and I wish I could build a room for them but there is not enough time and there is nothing else I can do. The woman proceeds to tell me that she wants me to REMOVE ANOTHER GUEST so she can stay there. I explain that this is not an option and that the hotel accross the street is a very nice place and has lots of history blah blah blah. The woman is now pissed (think 50 and hispanic), she starts to insult me telling me I am stupid and that I can't do my job. She wants to talk to a manager, I am the only one there its a small place. I explain that I will call my manager on the phone and she can talk to her. Manager tells the woman exact same damn thing. The woman is so enraged at this point she tells the woman to wait and she is going to come down to the resort.
In the mean time the woman is telling me how horrible my mother is for raising such an incompetent child and goes on and on about my mother and how horrible of a parent she is. At this point I am competely ignoring the woman which is only making her more mad. So she starts yelling, I then tell her that if she does not calm down I will have to call the police. She then proceeds to try and climb over the counter to I assume attack me. Just then my manager walks in the door shocking the woman, my manager tells her very calmly "You have reservations next door, I highly recommend you go check-in. Nobody talks to my staff that way, now get the F*** out and don't ever come back".
My boss hugged my since I was near hysteria and told me to lock all the doors, I never saw the woman again.


Active Member
Customer: do you sale sea turtles?
Me:no they are illegal.
customer:do you know who sells them?
Customer: Do these parrot fish talk?
Me: can i help you?
customer:yes, my anemones testicles are shribbled, why?
customer:do you all have a nemo fish for freshwater?
Me:no, unfortunately there isnt a fish that is like that for FW?
customer: can you order me one or is there a way you can paint it?
customer:I bought this fish from *bussiness name* and it is dead, why?
me:why dont you call them and find out?
customer: do you sale *blah blah blah*?
me: no try *bussiness name*.
customer:do you know their number and how much it is?
me:I dont work there nor shop there so no i dont call them so i dont know what it costs.
me:excuse me....please dont tap on the glass. It scares the fish and stresses them out.
customer: ugh, my daughter isnt hurting your stupid fish....
me:that would be like me sticking " a " child in a closet and kicking the crap out of the door for a few seconds till i hear her scream and cry....get the point?
me:yeah i just tested your water and the nitrates are pretty bad.
customer:thats bull****, i have been doing this for years and my water is clear.
me:yeah we so is your toilet water, but you would not drink it. Just cause its clear doesnt mean it clean....