OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

okay!! i'm baaaack!! wife finally had the baby @ 0307 am calif. time. it's a boy!!:D waaay too huge. 10 lbs., 8 oz. (do not try this at home....or ANY WHERE ELSE!;) she says it's my turn to get cut and stitched. i guess i can attempt to take the knife...it's my manly (manhood at risk) duty. after all, she's done this 6x (for you ladies out there, you'll know the #'s..3C, 3 V-Bac. here's the lineup card.. Girl 16, boys 14,11,8,2, 2 days) and his name is "Josiah".
maury, congrats on the 4 boys. are two of those guys id-twins??:cool:


I've been told I look like Craig T. Nelson, from the Show Coach, and when I was younger like Matt Dillon.


chainsaw5vent, you think its about time to give your wife a break?? I give her mad props. You've got some girl :)
Just out of curiosity.....what has the longest thread on this board been? I remember that the sponge one got really long, but I think this one is up there too.
And for all those who haven't posted a pic yet, break out your digital camera take a pic and throw it up!!


Well, this is what first came to mind.
Don, meet the Don

Not sure of the exact time, but it was on SportsCenter because it was during or right before the SuperSonic's game. They showed the scoreboard shaking. Snowbear could give you the specifics, she is a Firefighter in Alaska. Said that false security alarms were going off all over the place, but no real damage around her.
Congratulations. Please post some pics of the new "fish for the tank" if you can. Have you decided to draw the line at 6?


Here is me at the SeaCenter of Texas playing instead of cleaning like I was supposed to. BTW I'm the one on the left. :D


Active Member
megadon, dude, you totally look like john belushi, one of the funniest guys in the world!! i wonder if you can do his eyebrow gig? benj we gotta get a pic up of him next to the j man
and i dunno about me being the fat kid from sandlot, although he is a funny little @&*%! and the other dude from rush hour? man that sucks!
:D ;) :D
good luck


No doubt he was a funny guy, I've never been told I look like him though, I think the old lady might not like that comparison. My wife also is telling me to stop looking like a guido, and when I dress for work a mobster, too funny.


Man, how did I miss that one??? I must be slippin'
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor??

Forget it, he's on a roll.
Alternate Caption:
Illinois Nazi's..... I hate Illinois Nazi's.
Alternate #2
Your Delta Tau Kai is going to be..... Flounder.
Alternate #3
I offered to help, but you refused to take our money. Then I said, it really looks like you're up s##t creek.
If you haven't seen The Blues Brothers or Animal House, then these lines are probably lost on you.


this was the most enjoyable two hours i have spent in a long time{i know,get a life} funny as hell...thanks for making a semi old chick giggle like crazy
yo tracklighter. nope. only the first 3 were c/s. the last three were v-bacs. the last one one 2 nov.'02 was v-bac. and 10 1/2 lbs. :eek: :eek: ;) do not try that at home. even the attending dr. said that had he known the baby was going to be that large, he would have done a c/section.
just brought her and the baby home by limo...being as this is the last one.:D :) now to get the 2 yo adjusted to being a big brother.