OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


Active Member
Here I am, finally decided to post a pic. It's a snap shot from when I was hiking about a year ago--only pic I have on my computer. Considering I'd been hiking all day, I must say I look pretty good! lol I'm not conceited--promise! This is a great post, now if only I could remember all your faces later so I can associate your posts with your face!


Active Member
Why yes my friend.......that is a stupid question. My face is on my avatar so you see it in all of my posts........never forget. I reccommend that everyone does the same so that we never forget eachother (shedding a tear).


Active Member
lol, yeah that IS a good idea that we all have our faces as our avatar. I'm about about bonding! Yup, stupid question. I was thinking you had a solution to remembering everyone elses face, and thought maybe you could let me in on your secret. I already find myself scrolling through this thread to see if I can find faces of people posting in other threads.


Actually Ryebread, It kind of scares me every time you post. I scroll down and there your face is glaring back at me......gives me the chills LOL! Just playin, you know we love you (shedding a tear). This is a lot of peoples faces to remember. I wonder if we could get pics of the majority of the people active on the board.


We must keep this thread alive... let's see if we can keep it up for a full year! (Yeah right)
Actually, perhaps we could get a Mod to move it to the FAQ section.


Active Member
yeah i said it before rye, your pic with your crazy look and that creepy smirk on your face....its........its......mesmerizing.........i.........must..........eat..........rye.....bread..........sooo.........tasty......mmmmm..............oh god what have i done?????


Let's see if this works. Unfortunately the pic is a couple of years old and my latest job has forced me to cut my hair :mad: Needless to say the beautiful blond is Mrs. Melbourne LOL
Later, Paul



Originally posted by nolofinwe
galina, is that your name? it sounds familiar, like from a book or something.

Yeah, it's my name. =) It's russian.


This post is a great idea Blondenaso.......
You are too young to believe this, but when i was a kid, we would go the sand key and get clams from the beach. No condos,no nothing!!
How far out do you dive??


Active Member
Holy Psycho Ward Batman... is that a sea snake? It doesn't look like an eel. Man, that's a great picture. I heard those things were super poisonous. How did it let you pick him up? Furthermore... why did you pick it up. In all my years of diving... i have never gotten to see one of those crazy things. Nice. :D


I'm still new here, but I have to say this is by far the most informative thread that I've read thus far! Besides the thread to find out how everyone thought of their names.


When Benj420 sees this I'm gonna regret posting this pic.
You know what they say about guys with big noses don't ya?
........me either


Active Member
man i think the length of this post rivals taht of the sponge growing out of the tank!
great guys, keep it up, lets see more pics!
good luck