OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


Active Member
OMG!:D This is unreal. I haven't looked in a few days for fear of Benj and who he would compare me with. (Of course I'm lmao at all the others)
Maury - I definately remember you! I think I asked you to marry me when I saw your new tank;) Uh....nice family you have there. Seriously, though you need to post a new pic of the tank since it's been running a while now.
Sammy you still get my vote for male hottie of the board!
Did I miss it somehwere or is BANG GUY missing from the group? If so we need to start a movement to get him to come out from hiding.
Broomer5, SO cool you put the pics on a website. : :cool:


You are kind of hiding behind 'ol blue eyes in that picture, so I couldn't really do much with it. If you want to post another one, I will be kind, I promise ;) , even though in YOUR opinion I'm not the sexiest guy on here:( ...... LOL!!
I don't know if there is any truth to this or not, but I'm told that these are the only two known photos of Bang Guy and I have them here for you as an exclusive:



Active Member
I wasn't hiding, she can't sit up by herself yet. I'm usually the one taking the pics around here but I'll see what I can find.
Bang Guy looks a little older than I thought, I wouldn't have put him over 65.;) He better show up and redeem himself after those or Broomer5 is likely to put that first one on the web:eek:


OK,,this is me,(formerly "learninbutlovin),Sheree. I decided I really like this forum and am getting to know some names and faces, so I wanted to be "me".Hence my first post:D
Amazing that this thread is still going. Everyone else that has not posted a pic, drop the shy act and put up a pic. There are over 8,000 members, so a lot of you are still in hiding.


Active Member
i agree. i wonder if we can copy the post and place it in all the other forums, so those who dont come here often can still post. i wonder if thats possible at all???? sharks????
good luck


I think that is a good idea jonthefb. Who is going to post posts in the other forum telling them to get over here and throw up their pic? If I have time later today then I will do it.


I am part of another online community (golf) where there is a seperate page with something like "Behind the names" or something. It had the onscreen name and a picture and a little bio.


sorry, didn't know how to attach more pics than 1 at a time.. lol.. i think it's interesting to see some of the same ppl - under diff ppl's first impressions as well. I think BJ's got this down to an science tho.


Active Member
Nice Jaws. It's a perfect likeness. :D
Divedog-- I just checked out some live aboards around Mexico. Man, they look like the way to go. You just can't go wrong on those things it seems like. Now... have you ever heard of any going to Bikini Atoll or Midway. I want to dive the military ship wrecks all over the place there.
BrooklynJ- Nice to see someone from NY. I live in Ga now, but was born in the North Bronx. I'm also Italian. Family is from Costenza and Colabria. Ever hear of the Cotton Club that was in Harlem back in the 30's? That was my Great Grandfather's place. He also owns 721 Club, Silver Dollar, The Dexter, Moulin Rougem French Charlies, Blarney Stones, and a couple others. Gotta love NY. :cool:


I'm so old my son has "our" digital camera at school with him. No pictures of Jim to kick around!! Probably better for most.....after all, Haloween is over:D


To get multiple images on one message, you have to use the "IMG" button in the "vB Code" part of new message. You have to first post the images to someplace on the web, and then you type in the link to the pop up window. This way it uses my webservers bandwidth and not swf.com's. This way you are not limited on size or number of images per post. I just use the free 5MB that comes with my account.
Hope it helps.
Some of mine are right on, and others you have to have an imagination, but you are doing a good job. Keep it up.