OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Hairtrigger... I guarentee that plenty of my relatives have passed by your great grandfather... anyway... New Yorkers are everywhere... and yes you have to love NY. People who don't usually have not experienced all it has to offer. Most New Yorkers are nice people. The thing is that most of the "mean" NYers that give us a bad rap are actually outsiders living in Manhattan. I'm looking forward to going back over Christmas... nothing says Christmas like Christmas in Times Square...
Incidently I'm also a PADI certified diver... been to Hawaii, Caribbean, Bermuda, and the Galapagos... would love to hit the tropical western Pacific somewhere... but of course now have other priorities now... house, wife, reef tank...


When I look into my crystal ball, this is what I see.... in 30 years anyway.

That's twins set #45!
subtile sammy....


No, I meant subtile..... like ummmm....... below tile...lol ... I kan relly spel.... i have one of dem kollege dugrees and everythang....


Active Member
:eek: Benj, geez that's what I get for posting. Diane Keeton? and an old Diane at that? No wonder my husband's been spotted hanging out with another woman. I'm loadin up the tank and headin for Sammy's. We're gonna get tanked together.
Guy, NICE to see ya! Real Nice!;)


Active Member
Oh I know who Guy looks like! From the profile anyway. James Spader, hmm makes me remember the movie ---, Lies and Videotapes.


What? I said in like 30 years..... Is Diane Keaton bad or something? Hey, if your husband in dippin' his hands in another woman's tank, then it's his loss, but why are you picking sammy over me??? Is it because I can't spell???? Oh the shame.....:( ;) :D


Janine turner or Isabella Rossellini?

I'm 419 going on 420..... Actually it was my birthday a few weeks ago..... haven't received your gift yet.....


Active Member
Ok guys now you're just flattering me...but I'm not complaining:D but you didn't hit the one I've been hearing all my life. Sally Field, and Benj that would be her slightly younger than she is now. Kind of like you being only 419, BTW Happy Birthday ;)
Benj420 have you got a twin for my hubby?