OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


Ohhhhhhhh...... When you said "do you have a twin for my hubby?", the first thought that came to mind is "Even if I had a twin, I don't think he would swing that way!".:D :D :D
The Fying Wrassecal

Alternate caption: You like me!!. You really like me!!..
Why are all the good ones taken?
I'll work on hubby's twin. Let me ponder a bit.
BTW Sammy, who's that you are all "hugged up with" in your Avatar?


Active Member
Wrassecal - This is your life in pictures!
My husbands twin thing, I almost fell of the chair laughing. I haven't had this much fun on a Monday night in a long time.
It's good to laugh since here in the Sooner Nation we are in mourning.


Ahh, Monday... some of you are having fun, anyway. I just get to sit here and visit with my cat who for some reason gets her own lounge chair next to the computer.


Alright, you can have 60%, but I get to Produce, Direct, and of course Star. She had better bring her tanks too, that's all I have to say....


Active Member
Sammy no more beer for you tonight. You might start liking the way I look in the Flying Nun outfit and then a mod would have to delete us.....oh wait you are a mod.:D


Active Member
Noobie just scroll back through the pages, there's probably a JLo here somewhere for you.;) I gotta sign off and head on over to Sammys now, it's a long drive.


what's with Monday night?? Is everyone loosing it? I think you guys have all gone crazy....and how do I know this cause Sammy still thinks he is the hottest guy on this board. ;) And Sammy you want to hear something funny...."cleaning the fish tank" use to be a code for something with me and my girl :D


Cletus T. Judd - a country icon and emblem of status :) If Cletus hasn't been in ur video yet - you just aren't somebody.


OMG.. i can't beleive i'm gunna do this - but hell, if i'm gunna offer some likenesses of others - I gotta be willing to endure/enjoy the same eh? LOL Here I am.
oh well, here goes. Will he go hotty or spotty. And we start the bidding at $1. Do we hear $1? LOL



Originally posted by sgt__york
Val Kilmer and Elisabeth Shue in "the saint"
OMG, we have celebrities on the site.

oops..pic helps.. LOL