OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


Active Member
sgt_york I'll up the bid on you to $2.00 if you'll change my husband from Cledus Judd to at least Toby Keith. It was pretty scary to see that first thing this morning when I got on here:eek:


Ok, here are a few more. If you aren't in this batch, I'm workin' on it.....

Melrose Place

---- VanDkye

I have no idea

"Excuse me mam, what kind of music do you normally have here?"
"We have both kinds.... Country AND Western"
- Elwood Blues and Bar Maid
That $2.00 had better be mine..... by the way, Sammy's "sister" still hasn't shown up.....(peering out the window...)


Damn read all the new post last night and went to bed...woke up this morning to a

....lmao. Okay now my husband says he knows I have lost my mind. Wrass, sammy and benj looks like you guys had lotsssssssssss of fun while I was away. All this talk about tanks made me go check mine out lmao.. Ummm I think I might be a little jealous here.:(
Hey Wrass that must have been a long drive for ya to Sammys house....guess what he is a lot closer to me!!!!!!;)


Next time we will ask you to come out and play with us. With another female in the mix I will stand a better chance against Sammy's silver tounge.....
So......... how ARE your tanks? LOL :D :D :D


That funny because I'm having trouble cycling mine. I must be getting old.... Maybe you could come over and help me by getting your hands wet in my tank......:D :D
Seriously though, I am having some trouble understanding my water tests. Check out my post titled "Water Tests?"
Which guy do I look more like. I have to post another pic. I will go to my brothers tonight. He has plenty of pics of me in his computer.


You are Soooooooooo Ty Pennington

Gimmie a one or two more and I will see what I can do...... I should start chargin'....:D


Damn Sammy that tongue issue is a personal problem lol..I am a nurse and can't say I have ever seen anything like that before. :eek: But I must say there is a first time for everything :D
Hey Benj, I will read your post on water testing....I am having trouble with a new tank that will not cycle. Ammonia hasnt even spiked. New tank, substrate and LR from established tank, filter floss from established tank to help seed new filter...so hell I am way confused. It has been up and running for a week


With all of the stuff established, you may not go through a cycle. But obviously I'm no expert. Did you use "used" water too? If so I think that your setting up of a new system was really the equivalent of a water change on an established tank. Everything else was already up to speed.


What do you have in your new tank that's a source of ammonia to start your cycle? Do you have a fish or two? Have you put a cocktail shrimp or two in to decompose?
Even with that, your cured rock and sand may mitigate the normal effects of a cycle......you'd have a little one that you could miss unless you watch really carefully.


Is it just me or does Pa Reef Pig look like Eddie Montgomery from the country music group Montgomery gentry? Just my 2 cents. Maybe Benj can find a pick of the group and put them side by side.