OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


Active Member
Okay BHAV_88 and itchy
This one's for you guys. Thought I'd try my hand at this silliness.
Don't get me started LOL
Here's Bdubbya Defoe


Active Member
Broomer5 we knew you couldn't stay away! Now it's going to get really interesting!:cool:
And Dan, Ty Pennington is right on!


Active Member

Originally posted by sammystingray
heheheheheh lol The only trouble is that I also have a rare medical condition.....very sad really.........it seemes my tounge swells up to about eight inches long and another rare spasmatic muscular condition causes it to vibrate........what to do, what to do

LMAO !!!


Active Member
Sammy I think I'm going to have to let Itchy have you. Bang Guy's pic has re-appeared on page 7 and I'm really into his ability to appear and disappear at will. Plus, that 900 gal refugium is quite a plus;)


Active Member
This has been driving me crazy for days, but I got it. I was flipping channels and there was Sal T Nutz! He looks exactly like David James Elliott on JAG :)
P.S. Has anyone started a 12 step yet to help us pull ourselves away from this thread?


no wrass I haven't heard of any program yet but my husband is QQ'N. I have spent way to much time here and he is starting to feel left out....:rolleyes:
Sammy I see all you guys ahve the same fantasy.....lmao


Active Member
You have bben right on in this post so far but I think that PAReefPig kind of has a Russell Crowe/Gladiator thing going on there!

bang guy


Originally posted by Wrassecal
Plus, that 900 gal refugium is quite a plus;)

Hmmmm... Wrassecal... wanna make some waves??? :p


Wrassecal, Obviously you didn't see my new plans from another post:
I'm thinking about just flooding my basement and making it into a reef tank. By my calculations that's about 75,000 gallons..... Beat that Bang Guy!! LOL
Make waves? You could get lost at sea!


Active Member
LOL Benj, 75,000 gal That is really BIG .........................makes me think...........
that you are going to need a lot more sand than I advised you to get on your dsb post:D


Hey sammy, I don't know bout no camera now..........ummmm
Last time I let people take pictures they stuck around for a LONG TIME. (and that was spring break 1990 in Daytona and yeah they were still up on the bar wall 2 yrs ago.) Try explainging that to your hubby...it wasn't fun.
Now as for you Benj....inbreeding is only in certain parts of KY. so watch your tongue buddy before I have to give you a lashin'...lmao