OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


dude, no guff, she's hot....good luck with that!
but, if you keep posting pics of her, you're just asking for all of the
lines from the guys! lol



Originally posted by plum70rt
Hey cuppycake your welcome to come and take a pic in front of my tank too:)

Sowry, I'm kinda fond of slothy's tank. But thanks for all the welcomes! :p Does this mean I have to go back through 15 pages to see who everyone is, geez playin catch-up is no fun! heehee


Active Member

Originally posted by sammystingray
Slothy, if you go, let me know what time you won't be home!:D

ill trade her for some maxima clams ! hahaha



Originally posted by slothy
ill trade her for some maxima clams ! hahaha

:eek: Clams??? Man these better be some pretty expensive clams. Geesh!


This is crazy! Two hot girls since I last checked the board.
Plum, that's it I am not talking you anymore. I thought you were my boy and all cause we are from FLA and stuff, but ummmmm.....I guess not. You know why.........CAUSE YOU DIDN'T ENVITE ME OVER WHEN KATHY18 WAS THERE!!!! I would have drove down to hang out, especially now that I saw her pick! Is that REALLY her or just one of your hot neighbors?? I did look like her discprition. Anyway, I still can't believe it.
X-box is awsome, but like you guys said they need to come out with games to take advantage of its capabilities. And the reason I like it compared to the comp is cause you can have 3 buddies over drinking beer and playing Halo head to head all night. Can you do that on the comp???


Active Member
Benj420 , Get ready thats going to be a pony, a friend had one ,great dog , Good luck,
blondenaso, Invitation is open, things happen quick on this board you know that, next time your invited, that is Kathy18, not my neighbor, a very nice girl, too bad im 20 years older and married


Kathy18, you better believe that I am going to take you up on your inviatation next time I'm in Miami ;) You are VERY attractive :)


Active Member
The blondes are taking over, guess I better get a dye job.
And I want to play too, I like computer games, I"m a whiz at free cell:) and you ought to see me play handheld yahtzee!:D
Brian, did you decide what my prize is yet?


Active Member
yeha my favorite game to play is probably pocket pool.....damn it i gotta friggin quit typing this stuff out loud. cuppycake, your hot, slothy, you are a lucky guy.
rye, gotta love the tie!!! thats great.
so we went form cops, to cars, to gamings, and now back to hot chicks.
"Its a vicious cycle" fat

from AP 2
great stuff, and were now over 1000 posts, this is fan-friggin-tastic!
good luck


Hey Sammy,
I certainly hope your "sister" doesn't read this board. She may get a little upset to hear you hitting on all the women here!!!