OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


pa reef pig

Sorry Blondenaso1 for leaving you out of my speach. In case I missed anyone else, this should cover it.
Thank you Rickt4du, KMatysek, fishycouple, jessicarabit, nasotang00, Dave Flood, fishfreek, denny hunter, dad, dfimble, COOP21, clownfreak, goldfish, Q, Zack Schwartz, jwtrojan44, mrswv1956, BHAV_88, Javajoe, dockery07, madd catt, jjboods, chainsaw5vent, mlm, tallyho, rover61, jodeman, tangster, BigEyedFish, Mini-Reefer, jim672, yello tang, Drew_tt, MichaelTX, BigOCubed, gregzbobo, jason weber, Yammer, 10k, bluefish, 2boyz, dgbnyc, cadbury, aznxcheapbasta3, spyderreef, cowfish, Ags, RichieRich2000, saltwaterdave, Azonic, TheRed, channah, UVMfish, saltyrich, killyah, fishie, turbo21, trompet3, j21kickster, PB Here, slick, falcon63, mightyoxjuice, m.rogers, coral boy, hkgar, Hearn, DigitalBK1, ClarkiiBoi, Teewin, Worm, cmack, RoGeTa, fishlovr, Jake22, gotmytan, plum70rt, shrade, overanalyzer, mg1197, entice59, HNF2K, eclipseagent, DB, Buzz, Sheree, ntvflgirl, glinton, mercedes, tired_boy_mike, itchy, FireEater, yetex, Eddie G, charlestonfish, TigerShark, vasilithegreek, seaham358, Kathy18, fishkid1000, eng50, Tim, reefsoul, saltaddict, fishman88, elcid, Mossad327, jedininja, infanterene, Benj420, magic, evilss, ReefersX2, Snowbear, Jarrod, tracklighter, Spruce, AC, danho, owlett, Snakes'n'fish, Karlaloveskrabs, zafirablanca, lightfoot2, Aly, GSXR750DGO, Pete Nunez, Beefcake, joesox, ScubaFreak22, joeywatts, scamp99, EBuck, p.hodges
and if I missed anyone else, its just beacuse you werent log on when I wrote this.:p


You guys are great with the picture "enhancements". The problem is that there are entirely to many guys and not enough chicks. Lets see some more of you!
To change topic again, anyone play Medal of Honor Allied Assault online? The game is awesome IMO for a first person shooter and its free after buying the game(unlike X :caugh: box)


Yes, Console games 'suck' in performance benchmarks when compared to what high end PC's can do.
Xbox is basically a P3-700 with an Nvideo2 video card.
HOWEVER..they are optimized for their game play; without the need of the huge operating system that loses system resources and crashes. IN addition - they are more friendly for having friends over and multiplayer playing. Nothing like a good 16 man HALO party on 40" + screens!
And Xbox definately blows the other console platforms away in terms of performance. What they LACK is the availability of quality games that utilize it's capabilities - but then again, they were last on the block - and are QUICKLY catching up with their availability of games.
As far as ONLINE play - NOV 15th was the premier of XBOX LIVE.
It cost $49.99 which includes a microphone and 12 months of online use. They had originally talked about $5/month usage charge - but decided to bundle it in an annual package.
The SADEST thing - is that HALO isn't offered ARG - but HALO 2 will - won't be out until next summer tho.
HOWEVER - recently released are mechassault and Ghost Recon (Tom Clancy series) which are excellent - shoot em up games.
Other games Available on Xbox Live right now -
And one of the nice things about the console platform - is everyone is on a LEVEL playing field. You don't have to worry about your 1.7 Celeron being overwhelmed by the kid who's dad bought him the lastest P4 3.0 Ghz machine - with an ATI Radian 128meg Video Card that is faster than yours. Everyone is on a level playing field.
And the voice feature (kit comes with a microphone) is a nice touch. Anyways - don't get time to game a lot - but as part of the gaming generation - i'll be around there on occassion - if anyone is into Ghost Recon or HALO.
I'm also an AVID spades player on the zone (www.zone.com) - part of a team spades ladder as well. Maybe will see some of ya there :) Could always use a few more spades players on the team. :)


Active Member
sgt__york - must be a spokesman for xbox hehe.. i agree about when ya have people over though.. hard to huddle a round a pc heheh



Originally posted by mightyoxjuice
I was told that Microsoft (Greedy Bill Gates) will be charging

i wish he was CHARGED with grand theft finances...
I understand MS's need to stop piracy - but with the amount they charge - seems they are making it harder for people NOT to desire pirating things.
Consider a report recently released - Microsoft has lost money on "every single" internet based project they have attempted - including the Xbox. HOWEVER, their operating system and software run at an 85% profit rate. That is HUGE - for any product or service.
Is there any wonder he is the #1 richest man in the world? That 3 of the top 5 richest men have been at Microsoft?
Could their product BE overpriced?? hmmm nah..
Well, consider XP's new registration techniques of REQUIRING phone or online registration. This forces every MS XP application to be unique on every machine. Gone are the days when you cuold buy MS OFfice for $350 and install it on your machine "AND" your spouces or childs machine. Nope, it's $350 per machine.
Has always been that way - but comeon - within a househould or limited to like 3 machines made the price 'barely' bearable. Granted, companies installing it on 10 and 20 machines need to be cracked down on. Companies putting it on every machine they sell (ie, 100's of times) are legitimate as well. But why not have the 'richest man in the world' with one of the largest profit margin based products give the guyz in the middle a break.
Their ruthless busines practices of PAYING a company to stay in business, just so they write code against their platform (apple recently bailed out) or PAYING a company to "TAKE" a product off their hands (money - while they tried to buy "quicken") have long earned them a reputation for questionable business practices. But why not offer a little RELEIF in the form of site liscencing for a "home"? Any product can be installed on machines within the same household???
Sorry for venting. Just had to buy a new machine. Upgrading an old one for wife - and thought i'd upgrade our 2nd machine to put in the garage - as a glorified jukebox and such. While doing this - thought i'd buy the new OFFICE XP as well. $330. And now to find out if i wanted it on all 3 machines - will cost $990 - just for the convenience of having WORD or EXCEL on the other machines to be able to work in another room or in the garage. Expensive convenience. Begin'n to become cheaper to get a laptop - and carry it into the next room.
I'm Glad to pay the $330 for the product. But i'd rather pirate a way to put it on the other machines "I" would use - and put the $660 into a new skimmer and a few new corals. *grrr* Trickle down economics - Bill gates gets the money - the coral reef doesn't get new roomies. lol



Originally posted by slothy
sgt__york - must be a spokesman for xbox hehe.. i agree about when ya have people over though.. hard to huddle a round a pc heheh

lol.. nah.. Xbox is (in my opinion) the best console platform out from a hardware perspective. But I play on it maybe 2x a month - and usually when invited to Xbox Parties. About 2x a month - we get 10-16 guyz together to play HALo - that's about it really.
In the past, i have been an avid PC gamer tho. From Doom, to Warcraft, Age of Empires, Quake, Rogue

series, and a few others. Always had to have the latest/greatest video card and a high end machine. I kinda gave that up with the onset of the Xbox tho - and so many Software gaming companies beginning to write for it - instead of the PC. Hard to justify the high end pricing anymore.
Then again, maybe i'm working more, and playing less. LOL
And i play spades frequently with some friends. hard to justify a $300 video card with 128 Meg ram with SCREAM'N refresh rates - just to play spades. ROFL


Active Member
ya i agree max payne rocked, you outa try mafia.. 100x better..
u see that noone lives forever 2 is out ?



Originally posted by sammystingray
I prefer the puter and free games, but ps2 has an internal clock speed of 294 I think.

The Xbox runs at 733 Mhz with an Nvidea card at 250Mhz. 64M ram with runs at 6.4GB/sec.
The PlayStation2 only runs at 300 Mhz with a 150 Mhz video card. 32M of ram which runs at 4.8GB/sec
(about 1/3 of the way down the article)
Likewise - every aspect from 3D polygons per sec - Xbox is simply a superior consol. Not a fan of MS. Not a speaker for the Xbox - just the technical facts. :) lol


yea.. mods and such are fun.. no doubt. But they are bringing in that kind of stuff into the Console arena. Notice the Xbox has a harddrive you can store and load things to. And yes, you can current change music, skins, and various customizable things.
I agree tho - PC gaming is BEST for performance. And if played online (when alone) it's the best - just very difficult for LAN Parties - getting so many monitors and stuff together.
I've enjoed the Rogue

(Tom Clancy) series.
Looks like i'm going to have to buy the GHOST RECON in "TWO" formats - for the PC (to play online) AND the Xbox - for lan parties. LOL


hmm... back to subject of pics from chicks... this one should make you sick..
I run 4 Fantasy Football leagues. Each owner has a pic (logo) by their name - in their franchise area. A couple guyz have a cheerleader or something. One guy his this gal.


Active Member
benj you didnt answer me, i saw your avatar and realized it was the clown from graphix, while i never had a graphix i did have a nice jerome baker piece, fully worked...ever hear of jerome baker?



Originally posted by sammystingray
sgt__york, I meant internal clock speed....most puters at 133 or 100, not the processor speed. I completely smoke xbox going by processor speed. I have 512 DDR ram running at 266, but some games still choke. These are the games I love!!!! I love graphics.

Oh i understand, and beleive me, i'm a huge fan of the PC games as well. Loved Quake, Rogue

and such PC games. Can't wait to get my new machine so i can play Ghost Recon :)
The problem with DDR ram tho, is like you said - it runs at 266 (altho they have 333Mhz available also). That is about 60% slower than the FSB (bus) speed is.
This bottlenecks your system if it doesn't run at LEAST as fast as your FSB (bus speed) does. Normally for a good gaming system, you want ur RAM speed 1 - 1.5x the FSB speed.
The P4 2.0 - 2.4 Ghz systems have a FSB of 400Mhz. So to put DDR ram (of 266Mhz) - you end up with a bottleneck everytime you access your RAM - which EVERYTHING does.
I just ordered a P4 2.54 Ghz system for that reason and got RD ram (512 Meg) instead. The 2.54Hz system is the lowest end whose FSB speed is 533Mhz. And the RD ram runs at 800Mhz - which is right at 1.5x the FSB speed. Should be a good marriage for a good gaming system to last for many years.
I wanted the new ATI Radian 128Meg Video card - but hard to justify the $350 for it. So settleing for the 64Meg ATI Radian 9000 one instead.
Should get it next week. On the way home w/it - i'll swing by and pickup Ghost Recon. Dont plan on seeing me for a few days after :) hehehe


Active Member

Originally posted by sammystingray
sgt__york, I meant internal clock speed....most puters at 133 or 100, not the processor speed. I completely smoke xbox going by processor speed. I have 512 DDR ram running at 266, but some games still choke. These are the games I love!!!! I love graphics.

266 hehehe thats so last month lol.. :) 400ddr, with serial ata :)
sounds like it time to get a radeon 9700 pro :)


Active Member
ya its 3cds.. but well worth it.. slow game at first, but then it gets really good.. the ending is the best.. took me about 2 weeks to beat it.


Ok everybody your making me feel stupid for buying a ps2.:p
Considering I started out with an atari I guess it's still pretty cool, even though I only have 2 games for it. What's sad is I still have my atari and it still works lol. Best graphics in the world! :D


Active Member
Alright you guys..........enough game talk. Time for some more pictures.
My little brother's tie was cooler than mine so we traded.



Originally posted by HNF2K
benj you didnt answer me, i saw your avatar and realized it was the clown from graphix, while i never had a graphix i did have a nice jerome baker piece, fully worked...ever hear of jerome baker?

Must have missed it.... Yes, I have one Jerome Baker, a Dichroic Marble. They are just so darn expensive and my dog is so clumsy that I don't take it out much. Special occasions only. I have several Graffix and some Matrix. I have a few Chong's too, My personal favorite, but also expensive.
Nice Tie

I believe the rule of thumb is "tip of the tie, bottom of the belt"....