OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


Active Member
Does any one paly computer games- The best game of all time is the Soldier Of Fortune2- im online playing all the time- it is by far the best first person shooter out there.


I figured it was something like that. A friend of mine used to race dirt track. It was really just a hobby, he would spend all week and his paycheck on his car and then go wreck it on Saturday. I sponsored part of the car for a few years and used to paint different things on it (heck, I bought it, so I had the right). I didn't really have a business to plug, so we used to paint things on it like "Kiss My Moonboot" on the rear bumper. The question would naturally arise, "Why did you paint that on there?" . The simple answer.... to (tick) people off... ok, we didn't say tick, but this is a family board....you get the idea.


damn guys...I cant believe this post got to 1000. Do you realize how much time we have all spent on this post in order to get it here....way tooooo much I am sure. No wonder my husband is Pis*y...lol :rolleyes:

pa reef pig

Ohh my gosh!, this is such a surprise. I totally wasnt expecting to win. I dont even have a speach prepared. First and foremost I have to thank our Lord, Jesus Christ for whom everything is possible. Thank you to my manager and producer. A special thank you to Broomer for his support. Thank you Wrassecal for helping me through the hard times. Thank you Rye Bread for your insight and creativity. You are so talented. Thank you to Benj420 for keeping us laughing. Itchy, cant forget you baby. Thank you to all the fans of this thread and to all that have logged on to this message board today. You make this all possible. I wouldn't be here without you.
Hey Giant Sponge, this ones for you baby!! YEAH!!! ;)


Active Member
Someone get a "hook" and pull reef pig off the stage !!
Time for a word from our sponsors !
Break to camera 3
Pan out camera 2
To black


Active Member
Can someome from SW. tell us the most replys to one post and that way we can pass it and ever one can see what the members to SW.com look like.


So it's all coming out now..... Sammy's marrying his sister.....
If she will get mad because you posted her picture, she's really not going to like this....
At least it's not Lurch...

For all you kiddies out there.... YES there was a TV show BEFORE the movie.....


Well, I could be wrong, but from the 50x50 image that is your avatar, it looks like she kind of has a Diane Cannon thing going on....

Also, why do I have the feeling that the pictures got X-Rated right after those two???