Sorry Wrassecal, thats why you dont remember me helping you with the pics. Cause it wasnt you! How embarrasing.
Well you are right. You are the beautiful brunette. I should have done my homework on that one.
Anyway, here is the tattoo Sammy is wishing he got.
I was told that Microsoft (Greedy Bill Gates) will be charging a pe month fee to play their games over the net. Is this true? Somewhere in the 10-15 dollar range per month to play games online.
Which games can be played?
Plus you have to shell out $50 for the accessories to be able to play online.
CONSOLE games suck mexican turbo snail balls....
your pc is capable of play those games, plus 10000 other things.. plus why pay for another internet connection, when you pc has one that you are paying for already...
back to topic... post pictures lol
good rt. plum. mine was the same year but definitely beat up on the exterior. great motor and tranny though. makes me kinda sad that i had to get rid of it. i think my next one will be a '70 gtx or roadrunner.
fire.eater. you're lookin' pretty buffed out there do your staff guys love it when you can find time to work out on duty? and thx for covering my back. we'll try to invite you tx f/f's on our next big brush fire
Sammy i an cleaning it at the time you can see me and my son looking over the dsb i lost count of how deep i made it and the gallons are um,um,um,um, i for got that to there are to many filters to get on one post.
Hi Guys,
I want to post a pic, but apparently all of my file are 'too big'. These are just regular photos that were scanned. I have tried saving them as all different file types which hasn't helped. Any suggestions?
go to start then programs then accessories then paint then open a file where your pic is at and open it then click on image and then stretch/skew... then make your h and v 30 and 30 then you should be ok to post them you will have to save it to
Here is another image resizer. I don't think it could be any more simple to use, but here is the link and a short list of instructions for the truly computer illiterate.
Go here:
and click on download now
it's small so it shouldn't take long.
when its done, double click it.
click on "step 1 open"
then once you have one open, you will see it's size in the "Options"
set the width to 400 and the height will set itself (400 is good for posting to
quality = 100%
filter = none
click resize
click save as
das it...
Jarrod, that doesn't look like Elvis to me.....
OK Here Goes.....
This is me and my husband after a day of waterskiing. Isn't Minnesota Beautiful in the summer? OK, so its only for 3 months....
Sorry Benj420 lol! It's Steve Kinser aka King of the World of Outlaws. I'm a dirt track racing fan, plus racing has been a family tradition. Brother is currently racing factory stock.