OT: getting to know the people behind the posts



Originally posted by sammystingray
Don't worry.:D I'd have to go by DINHOUSE anyway!:eek:

Oh the irony of this tonight... hahaha
RIP lil lettuce guy :(



Originally posted by Benj420
Am I the only one here that thinks that slothy and CuppyCakes are the same person?????

No we're 2 different people. He introduced me to the site this week. He's mah sweetie though. I'm Jill!



Originally posted by Cuppycake
No we're 2 different people. He introduced me to the site this week. He's mah sweetie though. I'm Jill!

Nice try slothy.....


Active Member
Looks like a good match to me sammy.
Slothy and Cuppycake are not the same person.......good theory though. The reason that I know this is because...........I AM CUPPYCAKE!!
........er, No I'm not. Sometimes I wish I were her.............he is dreamy.:eek:


Well thats...scary rye...lol and Broomer i do believe my lil ol' head is missing..lol...you guys are fun to read..but i'm off to bed...night all, Bye


Active Member
damn Benj420 does that mean i cant wear my skirts anymore ? hahahahah
believe me if i was slothy/cuppycake i wouldnt leave the house lol (if ya know what i mean)



Originally posted by slothy
damn Benj420 does that mean i cant wear my skirts anymore ? hahahahah

That all depends upon what you have on underneath....:D
You know, I don't even remember making those two posts last night. Jim Beam is a man's best friends (until the morning after).:( . There are pictures, but I can't show 'em here ;) :D


Sammy> who are those two that you are comparing us 2?? heehee :pwow thanks!
Goldfish> I'll just wrestle slothy :eek: heehee
You guys are hysterical! :D


Well, well, well, the truth comes out Slothy. Please share with all of us what you did with "your flute". Surely it will be an eye opener for everyone!!! Woo hoo!!!


Active Member
Ok.... since everyone is posting a pic of themselves to get made fun of... I will follow along. Have a blast with this.... I get Karate Kid all the time, so try and be original with me. Sorry there's no tank in this. I am still working on acceptable pics on that end. Oh yeah, this pic is about 5 years old too. Gives you the idea though.