Ok, I have some catching up to do so here goes. Jon, I was gone cause me and my bf didn't pay our internet bill, so it got taken. (oops!) I own a 1999 Pontiac Grand Am, that is my first car that I got a few months ago (weird, huh?, so does everybody else here). My favorite tv show as a kid was My Little Pony. I loved them. Even now, I still collect the little ponies. I watched Ice Age the third time the other day and now officially declare it one of my favorites. Slothy, you have good taste. My overall all-time favorite cartoon is Garfield, it sucks now, but I still like it!
On another note, my birthday is coming up (the 26th of Dec), and my bf is going to buy me a 55 gallon tank. I can't wait! Yeah!

Now, I KNOW all of you guys are going to send me gifts....

Also, PLEASE don't call me JillianAyers, it freaks me out! I always see it and think of when my mom used to call my full name.... when I was about to get whupped. Ok, I think I've brought myself up to date on everything. Peace out!