Yeah mon, I work at CNN Headline News, it's the "hip, edgy, younger, real news fast" version of CNN. At least, we are trying for that image. Which is part of the reason I got hired, fortunately. CNN is upstairs. They tend to be more stiff shirted, consevative iceholes.
Down here people are pretty cool. I work overnights, so they tend to be really quiet. Besides that, no worries. But, yeah, it is interesting. Never a boring day in this business. I am super ADD so I need something new and different each day. I started as a crime reporter in North Carolina three years ago. I never want to go back to local after working here. You should check out news photography man. My pops made a name for himself as an Associated Press Photographer in Vietnam. His pictures are FU**ING amazing. Scary stuff. Unbelieveable. He is in broadcast now though, that's why I came to you for the camera info. With the pictures you take, you could carve quite a niche for yourself in this business.
Iceburger... I can't run across the screen one day because, unfortunately, I am usually on it. Don't watch too closely though, my ugly mug might blind you permanently.
If I ever get tired of this job, and someone pays me enough, I might flash the country for my last report. But, then, I would probably make the FBI's most UNwanted List. That and everyone elses too.
Naaaa, it's good times here. Allows me to buy corals instead of saving for my future.