Ok, I'm going to bump this post back to page one with the stupid story of some of my fw fish. I got an Oscar recently, barely 2 inches long.... (I think we all know where this is going), now he;s still got juvenile markings and has more than TRIPLED in size!

And, of course, he's ALWAYS hungry. Everytime you walk by the tank, he starts staring at you, and if you put your hand up there, he moves back and forth with it. I think he's my favorite fish as of right now. He loves to chase everything else in the tank, except my little bitty cichlid. My cichlid just hit maturity less than a week ago and grew an eggspot, and he's mean and loves to chase my other fish around... including the Oscar. It's so funny to watch the Oscar backed into a corner by my little bitty cichlid, fortunately, my cichlid doesn't do it all the time.

Just thought I'd share this oh so interesting story with you and push this post back to page one.