OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


Yo mamma's sooo fat, she wears a sign on her back that reads CAUTION: WIDE LOAD
Yo mamma's soo fat, you have to roll her around in flour to find the wet spot!


New Member
Class Clown,
We go out to a place called Port Orlando.... it is nice and some places are upscale and some are not. You can either throw back some beer and play darts or go to a Martini bar around the corner. That is why we like it:::::: plus it isn't too touristeeee if you know what I mean.... :)


Time for nonsense, it appears... You were warned earlier that if you failed to keep this going I would begin...
Go get the canary and mow the lawn. Of course, only on a tuesday with doughnuts and pizza. Hoopersnatch the singing donkey likes parfait and cheese, and monkeybutt salami, but only if it's orange, so don't try to get him to eat the blue stuff, oh no, he will only eat monkeybutt salami if it's orange. Green just will not do, and neither will yellow or red. It absolutely has to be orange. If it isn't he will become angry and refuse to eat it. So don't even try any other color. However, he will eat any kind of parfait.
In conlclusion, I'd like to thank Bob the Builder (can we fix it?), Joe Shmoe, and all the good people who work down at Office Supplies, inc. This rediculous message would not have been possible or as rediculous without their existance.


Active Member
Woah. Bhav. I am at a loss. I just don't know what to say to that. But, does a canary really do a good job at mowing lawns?
I used to have a parakeet. He just made a lot of noise.
I might try drinking my tank water. Back in college I drank some other contaminated water once. Didn't taste so good, but it sent me to the moon. Although, we were already on the way there. :D


No no no... Of course the canary can't mow the lawn! Everyone knows canaries can't speak French! I don't know what came over you. However, if you are looking for a good lawn-mowing bird, try the flamingo. They just love to push the mower around your yard. The only drawback is that they won't work unless you feed them Dion's pizza.
The reason you have to get the Canary to mow the lawn is because of a biological issue. See, the canary extrudes an aura of canaryness which adds to your lawnmowing power. Of course, this is a moot point because it is winter or nearly so, and grass doesn't grow in the winter, unless it's crab grass.
Crab grass is a bit annoying. It likes to pull hapless pedestrians into its gaping maw (Yes, crab grass has a maw) and digest them over the course of a day. This can be handy for fending off door to door salesmen, but if you have dogs or outdoor cats it can become problematic. The only way I have found to remove it is to lob molotov cocktails onto the lawn. Crab grass doesn't like fire.