OT: Peace or war?

While I have always believed that peace is a good thing to have, I think that war now is even better. As ophiura said in another post, the Iraqi people need liberation and some peace protestors are unfortunately going way too far and, with all the news coverage on them, I'm wondering if anyone feels the same as me?


Go Jillian, Go Jillian...I Mean...I agree. lol
But on a more serious note.. My Prayers to all the millitary personel and their families. Thank you for your selfless acts of heroism.
I mean...no one likes war...but...sometimes..you just have too..
Looking up,


Active Member
I don't know. I'm for peace, but where do you go from there? If you want peace, you must prepare from war, but where do you go from preparation?

sunken ship

I believe that most people prefer peace. War is a terrible thing to have in the world, but i also believe that war is a necessity evil. I don't know very many people who want to live day in day out worrying about living into the next day. I also don't know very many people who want to live in a country where they are being oppressed and slaughtered like cattle. Therefor I prefer to live in peace, but if war comes knocking on my door I won't hesitate to fight the good fight and stand up for humanity.

sunken ship

My thoughts and prayers are with those who serve in the military and their families, and to the oppressed Iraqi people.


I miss read the poll & voted for peace, because I think only A fool would like war over peace. but I am very much in favor of this war, and support the troups. god bless the USA


Active Member
This poll offered me two choices with very little else to explain why I am even chosing ......peace or war?......I voted peace. The peace protesters are worthless idiots most of the time, and the lovers of war are worthless as well.....I walk the middle of the road I like to call " intelligence" and an "open mind". Peace or war? what kind of question is that? Peace. What you are missing is that those are not the two actual choices.....peace isn't a choice.....the actual choices are "war" and "ignoring the iraqi people". If we don't have war, then does that mean they have peace? Peace or war are NOT the real choices, but since they are the only responses offered in this poll, then I choose peace.


Funny how these tree-hugging peace protestors don't believe the US government that Hussein has weapons of mass destruction(which was given 12 years to get rid of), mistreats his own people, harbors terrorists and is a threat to the world. But when the government told them using gasoline or hairspray will break up the ozone layer and cause global warming they never seemed to question that. You know these stupid clueless protestors have no idea what is really going on in the world. When they block main streets causing a traffic jam(which I consider a violation of my rights!) you should be allowed to run their a** over!


Active Member
What are the responses of the Turkish people now that their troups are getting involved in the war? Do they now support the US since now they are involved, or, still against the war all togther?
As far as my vote... Neither. You can't really expect everyone to get along. It will not happen. Peace is a relative term. Relative to people geeting along or simply ignoring eachother. War is used as a tool to liberate or get what we want. War is never a good thing but in this case, it *might* have been neccesary. War is usually a resort used when no one can figure out another way to handle a situation.
I am all for the war to liberate Iraq, but not to push our values on them. (which I hope does not happen) Also, I know the responses I will get for this next statment but, if i were not oil we were after, why were the oil fields the first to get our attention??
I know, you'll say "To prevent enviromental dammage, and to allow the Iraqi people to have their resource intact".... But we will see...
So, War and Peace!!! Can you vote for both?


Active Member
protestors don't believe the US government that Hussein has weapons of mass destruction(which was given 12 years to get rid of), mistreats his own people, harbors terrorists and is a threat to the world. But when the government told them using gasoline or hairspray will break up the ozone layer and cause global warming they never seemed to question that
Now that is funny!!:D :D


Active Member
I prefer PEACE, but acknowledge the necessity of war/aggression at times. Saddam has got to go, and it has been proven peace would have never have rid us of his presents or threat regardless of whether he has weapons of mass destruction or not.


Active Member

Originally posted by sammystingray
What you are missing is that those are not the two actual choices.....peace isn't a choice.....the actual choices are "war" and "ignoring the iraqi people". If we don't have war, then does that mean they have peace?

This is nicely put.
I do not like war but I voted war, we are at war to bring peace.


Active Member
i vote for war only to get peace and that is what this war is about.My father and brother wher both in the USMC and i hoped to be one to, but life does not work out all the time at 17 i was in a bike crash and amy luckey to be walking today. the troops don't need to see all the a$$hole that are protesting the war on TV i think we sould take them and saddam and put them on a small peace of land in the middle of the ocean where they can see that what they have here in the US is peace and what is in Iraqi is a living hell.
Waterwolf the brake is on the right when you see them in front of you.
god bless our troops and bring them home safe and a prayer for the ones that are lost and the love ones of the losted.
I vote for war only to get peace and that is what this war is about
Well Put, war was the only answer to bring peace to the Iraqi people, and rid the world community of an emminent threat in Saddam Hussein.
I am so thankful for the fighting men and women that are getting the job done to protect freedom. I am also proud of the decisions that our president is making, and the way they are being carried out.
BTW, on the whole peace protest thing, why do these people resort to destruction, and hinderance of other peoples lives to get their point across? Throwing traffic cones into busy intersections, destroying property, keeping people from getting to work on time....absloute bull@#%!
Looks like they're the only ones allowed to disturb the peace!
I am for war, but if it didn't happen, I would not be screwing with other peoples lives! Just my .02


I also as others vote for war because it was the last resort and it is needed to free the people of iraq so they can have the FREEDOM to say WHATEVER they want WHENEVER they want as we here CAN.This is far from war mongering this is about removing a madman from power, liberating a country and giving them back what belongs to them as well as FREEDOM.When we saw the iraqi people celebrating when the troops arrived it left no doubt at least in my mind that the coalition forces ARE doing the right thing.JMO.God bless and watch over the troops.Well said Sunken Ship.


Staff member
Peace, peace, peace, of course. Who is ever going to prefer war to peace??? Its up to the Iraqi leadership to decide in this matter, however, not us. And, so far, they have decided for war.


The real choices should be freedom or oppression. Sometimes you need to fight to obtain freedom or overcome oppression.