Our 29 Biocube and story


my fuge helped out with trates immensely, using API kits (I know, I know), the level was 60, after going to my LFS for a water test, they used a Salifert and it showed 80. Thats where I went and bought chaeto, shaving brushes, the clams help a little and of course the refugium. Currently after all this the trates are in between 10 and 20 on the API card.
I've been doing the weekly water changes, at first did a huge 50% water change and then routinely thereafter. Monitored and tested every other day and watched the fish and corals actions. Everything has been ok and no loss in either the fish or coral dept. I am going to order the Salifert kits from SWF this weekend and also a trip to LFS. But I seriously don't trust the API kits. Most likely after I did the massive water changes it probably has sat at "0" and the kit is picking up false readings. I did read on here that someone posted the margin of error on API trate kits is +/_ 200. 200?? we are testing in 20 part increments..
This is also the reason for the sump system purchase. Alright that was too winded, I'll finsih on that note


so after looking up the API Nitrate color card (since I lost mine). My recent color has been the 5-10, not the original post of 10-20. Salifert here I come, unless you guys recommend something else..


Active Member
I use seachem test kits, never had a problem. Have heard good things about salifert, except for the price, and api I have heard mixed reviews. I know Mr. X, whom I trust very much, has said they are not the most reliable, fwiw.


Originally Posted by subielover
I use seachem test kits, never had a problem. Have heard good things about salifert, except for the price, and api I have heard mixed reviews. I know Mr. X, whom I trust very much, has said they are not the most reliable, fwiw.
The price can be pretty drastic, but I plan on buying just the Nitrate kit as that seems to be my only downfall.
Thanks guys for turning me onto nwdyr, I am working a deal to get torch, hammer and frogspawn. Thinking the frog in the 29 (maybe the clowns will host) and the torch and hammer in the 14 down below. Are the euphyllia much work, feeding, how often, how much??


Active Member
Nope, not much work at all. Feed them if you want them to grow, otherwise just put in a medium to low flow area and they will do the rest. Nwydr is a good guy to deal with, very reasonable and takes great care of all his corals. Only suggestion would be to read up a bit on brown jelly disease, or something like that, it is something that effects the likes of torch and frogspawn. I have no experience with it but have heard some horror stories. Other than that, they are great additions, I love my torch.


Originally Posted by subielover
Nope, not much work at all. Feed them if you want them to grow, otherwise just put in a medium to low flow area and they will do the rest. Nwydr is a good guy to deal with, very reasonable and takes great care of all his corals. Only suggestion would be to read up a bit on brown jelly disease, or something like that, it is something that effects the likes of torch and frogspawn. I have no experience with it but have heard some horror stories. Other than that, they are great additions, I love my torch.

Brown Jelly Disease, checked it out and yep, its pretty bad stuff. Seems like Kent Tech D and seachem's iodine dip are the treatment for it...


Originally Posted by subielover
Just wanted you to have a heads up
When are you getting the new stuff?
Still in the talking process, figured it would save money to buy all from him instead of one, especially shipping. His price seems fair with around $9 per head plus shipping. I should have more than enough room in a 14 for 2 heads of hammer and 2 heads of torch..right? Like I said the frog goes in the 29.


checking over the tank this evening and noticed that the Xenia already split onto a nearby rock. 3 days..
, boy this stuff really does spread!


ok, its official..
2 heads Hammer
2 heads Frogspawn
2 heads torch
On their way!! That was a tough sell to the wife....
..alot of begging!