Our Future?

sign guy

Active Member
the earth is heating up but who has a shred of info that humans have or can change anthing with the earths temp. in fact mars tempiture is rising as steady as the earths, so what makes people think that its mankinds falt? The avrage volcano emits more greenhouse gasses than all of mankind. Just dosent add up to me.


Active Member
I strongly disagree with one of my teachers but he makes a good point. They are making a religon out of it. Search Google for global warming. More stuff then if you typed in a sports team.


Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
I strongly disagree with one of my teachers but he makes a good point. They are making a religon out of it. Search Google for global warming. More stuff then if you typed in a sports team.

Thats creepy I never belived Global warming as a religious idea


Active Member
I don't think its a religon but come on, have u googled global warming? Are you concerned that if more people don't change the earth is going to burn? How many people are on each of those sites? Millions! Wow I have never googled that before and now it scares me that they are still concerned.
I like Sign Guys point also.


Has anyone heard about the bees? The honey bees are abandoning their hives at a ludicrous rate and they are not being found. Honey bees pollunate 90% of the crops. No honey bees, no crops. Was it Albert Eienstien that said when the honey bees dissapear the world only has 5 years left?


Active Member
Originally Posted by myreef05
Has anyone heard about the bees? The honey bees are abandoning their hives at a ludicrous rate and they are not being found. Honey bees pollunate 90% of the crops. No honey bees, no crops. Was it Albert Eienstien that said when the honey bees dissapear the world only has 5 years left?
now thats interesting but why are the bees leaving?

mr. guitar

Ok one thing for everyone to take note of. If global warming is real we aren't gonna die from it. Just read Revelation in the New Testament. Everything you ever wanted to know how this world is going to end is in there.


Originally Posted by reefreak29
now thats interesting but why are the bees leaving?
They are getting a virus in the hives or something. The bees are leaving and they do not know where they are going, they do not know if they are dying etc.

There has been like a 65% decrease in honey in upper N.E. states and again, they cannot figure out where the bees are going. I do not know if it has anything to do with global warming or not.
The Northeast states say that they are not experiencing global warming as they are getting the snow storms of a lifetime etc. Well, that too is some of the effects of the G.W. because it changes weather patterns, sun does not shine like it should or is shining to much etc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
now thats interesting but why are the bees leaving?
supposedly because of all the cell phones


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar
Ok one thing for everyone to take note of. If global warming is real we aren't gonna die from it. Just read Revelation in the New Testament. Everything you ever wanted to know how this world is going to end is in there.
that's all well and dandy for Christians/Catholics. I believe they just made a movie about it as well... The day the world ends is the day the sun implodes or expands too much. and all of our great great great great great great great great great great great great great ... ... ... grandkids will be dead before then.


Active Member
Mr. Guitar that is one reason I also don't think the world is going to end because of global warming. But from a Christian standpoint, God gave us this earth, so we should take care of it. I think that we do need to decrease our wasting, but I doesn't require making all of America treehugers.
How much is required to stop global warming? Has anyone googled global warming yet?


Hmm...I'd like to add my two cents worth on global warming:
1. Is the climate changing? -Yes
2. Did man cause it? -Not likely, the highest carbon ratings were before man even had cars; I'm not saying that humans haven't helped it along, mind you.
3. Can we do anything about it? -I haven't heard anything that would work, refer to nuber 4.
4. Did you know this has happened before? -In the middle ages there was a period (that had just followed a freaky cold cylce) that scientists call the Warm Median (or somthing like that) then, for 200-300 years (ending in 1850 or so) there was something called 'The Little Ice Age'. Then the weather got warm again. So, why are we surprised that the earth might be having another cycle? We have data from a cool period, to a very warm period, to a little ice age, to a warmer one; I don't know about you, but that's pushing coincidence a bit far, I'd say it could be a pattern.
5. How much do we know about the earth's inner workings? -Jack crap; we can't even figure out how the human body works and we can watch humans be born, die, and cut 'em up to see what's inside.
6. Have we treated our planet poorly? -Of course we have, but no amount of fear will change that.
7. Do scientists really agree on 'global warming'? -No, and they get really steamed when someone quotes stats that aren't real.
8. What can we do about it? -The same answer for everything, live a cleaner, better life, and take care of your fellow man.
So, all in all, we have a seriously hot political issue. And we have only scientific data from one earth, for only 250 years at best. You could ask any scientist, "Can you tell anything from only one specimen if you don't know its birth/beginning?" They'll say no, and we frankly, no far to little about our quaint little planet than we think. And since we have no celestial bodies to compare it to, it's a game of wait and see.
I refuse to be cowed into thinking the world is ending, but I will continue to research it, live better, and extend my personal sphere of influence to help those around me. It's past time (too late, probably, but when has that ever stopped me?) that humans began to take responsibility for their actions, and just maybe if we stop fighting and screaming we can help our planet. We are supposed to be the most itelligent creatures on this planet, let's act like it, shall we?


Active Member
Originally Posted by firefish9
The caps melting will change the oceans flow which will kill the reefs :scared: No more hobbyists like us

Did you know there is a fossil reef 6,000 ft on top of a mountain in West Texas/New Mexico? Did you know most of Texas used to be under water (and much of the rest of the "US") and that there were just DIFFERENT reefs in DIFFERENT areas? Is that bad, or normal?
THe planet changes, it always has - far more than we can possibly imagine. Especially considering the continents weren't even what they are.
How dare humans assume that they have ANY control whatsoever over this
Fess up and admit you prefer clean air. But never presume you can "save" the planet.
Spend some time learning about actual geologic history and stop watching marketing movies that are designed to push an agenda, which IS to scare you. That is where the money is.
But please do actual SCIENTIFIC research into what has happened already to this planet. CLIMATE CHANGE is occurring, as it has ALWAYS occurred. Just that humans are now here to whine about it, and in their purely egocentric style are focused entirely on "ME ME ME ME" and the money they can make out of a CLIMATE of FEAR.


Active Member
texangel and Ophiura, you provide wonderful points to the discussion. As always, thanks for bringing some rationality back into the conversation. Ophiura, I totally agree with you and I think it is very selfish for humans to think that they are the ones who control what happens.


Active Member
Yes, thank you for adding a lot of good points into this discussion. The earth has gone through many stages, and who knows what will happen till its over.