Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
How long will the tank be by itself, or do you have someone looking after it?
it will be 3 weeks. but i want to set up a tank at home so i can bring my stuff with me on my break. but wouldnt the zoas be okay with just lights? you dont have to feed zoas?
and 6 months? thats def not true i dont think. correct me if im wrong but that is more for an anemone or like sps


Active Member
I have heard 6 months before too. Unless quality live rock was used, the tank is far from being established. Spanko the other day posted some great information about what is considered an establised tank. With that being said most people don't wait that long.
As far as the zoas needing just lights. 3 weeks is a long time. How would you top off the tank? If it is not topped-off your salinity could be through the roof by the time you get back, it may kill the zoas it may not, but why risk it?


Active Member
Yeah you could go ahead and put some inexpensive coreal i there to get something done if you wanted, but for 3 weeks with no one to do top offs you would kill the tank me thinks. Got to think of lights too. Got them on timers? If you are taking everything home with you I say just wait the three weeks. I really think the tank won't survive even without any livestock in it if there is no top off going on. The salinity is gonna go through the roof.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Yeah you could go ahead and put some inexpensive coreal i there to get something done if you wanted, but for 3 weeks with no one to do top offs you would kill the tank me thinks. Got to think of lights too. Got them on timers? If you are taking everything home with you I say just wait the three weeks. I really think the tank won't survive even without any livestock in it if there is no top off going on. The salinity is gonna go through the roof.
okay well thats all i needed. no coralsfor me!

i will just have to wait it out. i will post pics tomorrow of the lights.


Active Member
okay so here is another question. am i pretty much s c r e w e d on any thing in my tank for the three weeks? if i leave my lights off to keep from evaporation will my snails die? or should i try and set of a tank at home. i have no money so i dont know how that will work.


Active Member
okay so im on my way to pets mart to see if i can get a cheap tank to put here at home. this way i can put stuff in there and hopefully bring it back home with me. over the break


Active Member
here is a pretty easy auto topoff unit.
First of all, you need a food safe container with a "snap-on" lid. The largest I could find was a 4 litre container, but you may be able to get bigger.
I then drilled a hole on one side to take a 22mm 90 degree tank connector from B&Q. This was siliconed in place to ensure a water tight seal (VERY important!).
I then measured the distance from the connector to the surface of the water in the sump and cut a piece of 22mm plastic pipe. This pipe is inserted into the 22mm tank connector. The pipe is sufficiently tight fit to be waterproof, so is not glued into place. This means that the pipe can be removed and shortened if needed.
Before you use it, you need to make sure that air cannot enter the container by any route other than the end of the pipe. Otherwise the water will just leak into the tank.

How to use
The container is then filled with RO water. By placing my finger on the end of the pipe and carefully lowering it into the sump I can ensure that the pipe is below the surface of the water before removing my finger. The container rests on the edge of the sump. When the water level drops, air enters the container and water fills the sump!

Parts list
Parts required:
Container - £5.99
Tank connector - £1.80
22mm pipe - already had a short piece, but about £4 for a 2 metre length
Silicone sealant - already had this, but would cost about £5 for aquarium safe sealant.
Total cost:ca. £8 to £17
A valve on the pipe would mean that I wouldn't need to place my finger on the end of the pipe, but have not had time to find a suitable plastic 22mm valve yet. A valve would also mean that I wouldn't have to wait until the container is empty before I refilled it!


Active Member
okay well thank you for that lay ou but i dont know how i could do that in my dormroom and im running out of time to do it. i might have to try that next semester tho. i went to wal-mart and picked up a 5 gallon all in one kit with a filter and all so i now have a home tank to set up. i wont set it up till next weekend but this will allow me to bring my fish rocks snails and corals home over the break!!
so now that i dont have to worry about that can i get some zoas this weekend?


Active Member
dude it looks hot as hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and ima steal that ideal that spanko gave you!
lights are hot


Active Member
Originally Posted by nissan577
dude it looks hot as hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and ima steal that ideal that spanko gave you!
lights are hot
haha fine with me man i think i might try it sometime next semester. and thanks man i freakin love them!!!
i've seen something similar used for nanos using a waterbottle for a hamster. Same concept just better for a smaller tank. Great idea