Pet peeves


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Originally Posted by shogun323
I really hate when my neighbors call the cops on for walking out nekked in the morning to get my newspaper. What's the big deal? So what if I dont like to wear pants!!!!!


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Originally Posted by Drumachine09
And illegal immigrants who dont speak English.
Yeah, but what gets me is that when we(i.e. americans) go to their(i.e. anyone who doesn't live in America) countries, we expect them to speak english


Active Member
Originally Posted by KOgle
AMEN!!!!! Preach it brother preach it! No hablmos espanol!
No hablas espanol? Que lastima. Cuado vueltas al extrajero y hablas el idioma tu encontrarse mucha gente.

And America isn't always the best country to party in~In the carribean, for instance, it's legal for women to go topless....which my husband was teasing me when we went there for our 10th aniversary.


Active Member
-People who honk when they are in the wrong.
-People who turn left into the turning lane to clear one side of traffic.
-Listening to somebody eat.
-Tree huggers and religious nuts.
-Anyone for gun control, the criminals will acquire guns no matter what.
-Anybody who is not a skeptic, and believes the first thing they hear/read.
-Anybody who puts a religious or political bumper sticker on their car, you are only asking for trouble.
-Then vs. Than
-People who constantly play the victim.
That should just about do it, I am slipping off into an uncontrollable rage.


Active Member
Originally Posted by aandwrobert
lets see
any peacher that comes to my door just because I'm the only athiest in town
bush both number 1 and 2
war in iraq
war in afganistian ha I can finally spell that with out looking
my girlfriends dad,uncle,mother,older brother, younger sister and all of my brothers wifes family.
when people ask my why I am an athiest D**N it you F**king finatics stop bothering at work.
one second guys I need to go kill something.....


Active Member
People who chomp on there gum. People who take forever to tell a story. People who call clowns Nemo,Dory,Bubbles, the whole gang. People who talk on the cell when your talking with them.

ric maniac

Active Member
Ok, i probably do a lot of things that have been mentioned. hehe sorry if i have made anyone mad. but it really makes me mad when people say the moon landing is fake... ya sure, the government spent millions to fake us out , but the thing that makes me maddest is ILLEGAL IMIGRANTS! im proud to be an american and my ansestors worked hard for our freedom, what gives them the right to just waltz over the border. Its fine if they want to come to America, but do it legally!


Active Member
People who cover thier ears when something is loud.......what are you a 4 year old?
People who come over then tap on the glass because they want to see something that is hidden in the rockwork.
People that lisp when they speak. If a legitimate impediment then fine no worries, but to think its cool makes me want to punch them in the mouth.
People that put those huge spike collars on thier dogs and use tow chains as a leash because they think it makes the dog look tough.
People who take up double parking spots ARE actually begging to get thier car Keyed.
People that say Greenpeace is anything but a terrorist group


Active Member
One more-
The people when Im splitting lanes on a motorcycle through traffic and act like they are going to open thier car door get it kicked in. I dont play nice with that one.


Originally Posted by shogun323
I hate this soo much. I was comin across the causeway the other day and a lady would not get over and boxed me in doing 5 under the speed limit. When I got closer she brake checked me. Then I backed off for a minute and she still wouldn't move. I flashed her with my lights and she just threw her hands up in the air. She purposely boxed me the whole way across the causeway.
It took everything in me not to get her loose and put her into the wall!!!
I take it you are a Nascar fan!!!
I second that one. They need to have that law down here like they do in Mass. where you can not pass on the right and slower traffic keeps on the right.
My pet peeves are:
1. People who throw their trash out in our community dumpsters and don't use bags.
2. People not using signals.
3. Cops not wearing seat belts.
4. The voice automated phone service when you need to speak with a person to get the job done and have to wait for the voice to finally say the number you need. It isn't always zero.
5. People who leave their dogs in parked cars with the windows cracked.
6. admin who removed Smileys!
7. No battery level indicator on cordless phone.
8. People who don't come through for trades!
9. Still making huge vehicles when gas prices are hitting $3.20
10. Seeing huge vehicles carrying only the driver!
11. People driving and have their Bass set so it rattles my windows.
12. People who don't pick up the trash in their yards.
13. Having to see Spanish and English signs or having to select Spanish or English when they should learn how to speak English.
14. It should be the person qualifications and ideas for new political office. Not how much money they can raise.
ok that is enough and it felt great!!!


Active Member
Neighbors who need a therapist to work through their anger issues regarding your lack of lawn maintence.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tiberius
I take it you are a Nascar fan!!!

I hate that when I order a bacon, egg, and cheese bagel from mcdonalds I have to re-align everything before I eat it. It makes me crazy!! These people's only job is to put on some cheese, bacon and "nasa space foam" looking egg on a bagel!!! Is it that hard?!?!?!?!


Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323

I hate that when I order a bacon, egg, and cheese bagel from mcdonalds I have to re-align everything before I eat it. It makes me crazy!! These people's only job is to put on some cheese, bacon and "nasa space foam" looking egg on a bagel!!! Is it that hard?!?!?!?!

After working at fast food joints in college I find it hard to eat food from them.


Active Member
people u work with that have so much time on there hands all they do is try to get other people in truoble.
nagging wives
people that dish out advice left and right like there a god but wont listen to what u have to say
my neibors dog that barks for 30 minutes every morning at 530 am , i want to shoot that dog so bad
most of all hypocrites


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
people u work with that have so much time on there hands all they do is try to get other people in truoble.
nagging wives
people that dish out advice left and right like there a god but wont listen to what u have to say
my neibors dog that barks for 30 minutes every morning at 530 am , i want to shoot that dog so bad
most of all hypocrites
Wives don't nag...we give advice, "which is always correct"....oh, I'm sorry were you talking? Any i was saying...
sorry couldn't resist.
Oh...when you find a clever way to mute the neighbors dog please let me know. Our neighbor has 3 that do just the same thing.