Photo Journal


Active Member
Originally Posted by myzislow
awesome new corals
the duncans look great. Very nice and RARE monti as well. Great pics, your new camera is awesome. Seems with every new post the pics get better

Thanks...I'm almost addicted to photography now....I'm still using my 18-55mm lens, will have to wait for the VR macro lens.


Active Member
I can't believe how hard it is to get great photo's. I still can't master the "true color" photo's. Still using the 18-55 lens, some shots are with the 55-210VR which is great lens but focal length is too far to pics of the tank. Tripod, flow off.....There is so much to learn, Now I understand when people say that photography is a skilled artform.....Some day



Active Member
One thing I've learned is that "top down" pics are 100% more colorful. I'm trying to make a box that will float on top of my tank, that way I can get some clear topdown pics.


Active Member
Just ordered a Nikon 105mm MACRO AF-S VR lens. This lens should put the below pics to shame. It all comes down to the fine details, just can't capture it with the lens I'm using, macro will make a huge difference. Lens arrives on Monday!



Active Member
A few more....Might not be the most exotic tank or colors, but the selection of corals has has made the tank pretty much carefree and simple to maintain







Active Member

Macro shots are incredibly hard, camera movement creates lots of noise on the image, still trying to figure out what tripod or macro slider to buy





very nice, as always
You have some beautiful stuff and a great variety as well. Your display tank is stunning.
I just noticed from the pics posted on 9/20, in the last pic there looks to be some pest manjano type anenomes peeking out amongst the zoos. You may have caught this already, but just thought I'd mention it


Active Member
Originally Posted by myzislow
very nice, as always
You have some beautiful stuff and a great variety as well. Your display tank is stunning.
I just noticed from the pics posted on 9/20, in the last pic there looks to be some pest manjano type anenomes peeking out amongst the zoos. You may have caught this already, but just thought I'd mention it

A type of harmless rock anemone, I have a few of them happily living amongst a few zoa colonies....Very cool looking when lighting is correct, neon green mouths


It's absolutely awesome. I WANT SOME!

Originally Posted by maxalmon
This is one of my all-time favorit monti caps...Pale yellow with neon purple polyps


Active Member
Just found this photo on my camera, not the best quality, color is blah. This is a ric that's about 3" around and somehow has planted himself between the two bases of my huge colt, just seemed like an interesting composition...

Finally got a decent pic of my favorite fish

This guy got so freaking huge that half of the colony broke off
Used to be 32 heads, now I have two chunks one is 25 heads and the other is 7

This is actually my very first coral!!!! Or rather whats left of it. long time ago the colony died off, I was pretty bummed as it was the very first coral that I purchased, I thought that it was totally gone, dead etc...Then I noticed that there were a couple of babies and now look at it....


Active Member
Originally Posted by myzislow
Hmm, interesting. You learn something new everyday. They do look kinda cool now that you mention it.
I'll include one in your frag pack...


Originally Posted by maxalmon
I'll include one in your frag pack...
I can't wait for that! I spent yesterday cleaning and making room for the new additions. The tank is already to go
Very nice pics, once again! The purple tang is beautiful.