Photo Journal


Active Member
Geez, didn't realize I had some many photos to update.
This is my nano tank and the inspiration for the new 215, this is what I want the tank to look like



Active Member
that last shot is amazing you prefer being closer to the subject and use macro or further and using a zoom?


Active Member
Wow, seriously, these new ones are even better than the others. I second the notion that you should send some off to magazines. Aquarium Fish International and TFH come to mind, but there was also one in my LFS that was called Reef Aquarium or something along those lines. My LFS also has a catalog that they take in pics from hobbyists, it's the big one in Lancaster, Pa.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
that last shot is amazing you prefer being closer to the subject and use macro or further and using a zoom?
I use my 105mm Macro lens for 95% of all the photo's posted, then If I need to zoom in I simply crop the area using pictureproject. I have PS2, but have no clue on how to use it..
Thanks for all the nice compliments on my shots, I'm almost obsessed with photography as I am with reef keeping....One of the main reasons for the 215g Starphire tank was so that I could expand my coral selection and not have the glass cause so much visual noise. One of the reason I never photographed any of the corals in the old 125g All-Glass tank was due to the problems with the actual glass that was used in the tank, for some reason it caused major color shifts and focus problems. I plan on shooting the 215g tomorrow so, check back for lots of updated pics.....Sorry to all those who have dial up.


Active Member
I just noticed that I have 570 images on photobucket, I'm not going to post that many on this thread, but still kinda shocked that I've uploaded that many, I really need to get a life....LOL



Active Member
This is my avatar, kinda cool when you see the larger size, notice the brittle on the bottom right of the frag...



Originally Posted by maxalmon
Heres another that I'm trying to figure out what the heck it is.

Red War Coral, nice pickup. usually 5 eyes of that will go for 100 bucks.


Originally Posted by maxalmon
Wow, I've learned a lot since the last time I update this journal....

the last coral is officaily my favorite coral ever how much do thoes things run for?
-edit- o and ur pics are amazing im am very envious!


Active Member
Thanks for nice nice comments

The coral your mentioning is called a "Tangerine Micromussa" and it's also one of my favorites as well, not cheap, but grows rather fast and I've been able to sell and trade lots of frags. They usually run about $65-$85 PER polyp...