Photo Journal


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Originally Posted by oneradtek
wow those are some amazing pictures u have taken, i wish i had the camera and patience for that.
Thanks, I swear I have to take 250 pics to get 1 good one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by myzislow
I can't wait for that! I spent yesterday cleaning and making room for the new additions. The tank is already to go
Very nice pics, once again! The purple tang is beautiful.
I did the same thing, I sold off about 15 frags plus a couple redundant colonies for lower price than I would normally part with stuff just to get them the heck out of my tanks to make space for the stuff coming in my frag pack from max. I think I am just as excited as you. I'm like a kid at christmas waiting for santa to show up knowing he wont untill I fall asleep but cant sleep....


Active Member
LOL...Just to keep the suspense going, a lot of the photos are of the items you guys will be receiving.....


Active Member
Acropora rosario that's healed rather nice, the polyps on this acro are insane green, body is light purple. Only new growth has the correct color.

Blue cloves


wow amazing tank love the purple tang and all the frogspawn and love the coral pics


Active Member
I hate you.........................Absolutley make it look so easy........i could look at your stuff all day, its like looking at prize winning photograhs.


Active Member
Thank you......It's mesmerizing when you start to see the details of various corals, I'm almost as hooked on photography as I am marine tanks...
My next frag tank will have a dedicated area for staging photo's. It's almost as important to "stage" the coral as it is capture details..


Active Member
Heres a pic of my "war coral" finally found a spot whre the true, deep red color is starting to show. I'll post more detailed photo's a little later

just messing around with this one.


Active Member
Wow, looking back on the first photos I posted with this new camera, at the time I thought they were awesome, now I think they look like crap....I'm seriously my own worst critic.....
Most of the images on page 1 and about half on page 2 were taken using the "macro" setting on the camera along with autofocus on the lens. I think I'll reshoot all the images and post before and afters.