Photo Journal


Active Member are really getting into this photography thing. How do you get the totally black background, highlighting your image so crystal clear?


Active Member
Almost each and every shot is staged, very rarely do I just walk up to the tank and start snapping pics. I figure out which coral I want to photograph, then I move the coral to a staging area inside my tank that has a black clean, black background and no visual obstructions like other corals, rocks etc... A lot of times I have to move the coral several times in order to get the correct lighting and profile of the coral. I also shoot at eye level.


Active Member
I also tend to shoot a lot of pics of each image, I like to play around with different angles, plays on shadows, depth of field etc.
Here is a study of some new paly's...I think I posted these a while back



Active Member
These Tubs Blues took me several trys to capture the blue color

Oh yeah, I frag everything onto old, busted up pieces of coral, thats why the base looks so clean


Active Member
Can't wait to frag this guy
I swear that you can see these from 20' away, the green is insane....

I have no idea what these are, or where I got them, not the most colorful thats for sure, but interesting to look at and they grow fast.

I swear that Acans have fangs, looks like it could shred a granite boulder with those teeth

Took me weeks and weeks to finally capture the details on this one, it's the little dots on the feather that were the hardest to capture in true color



Active Member
Holy freakin' smokes Batman.....they don't even have a smiley to express this one. Have you submitted these to National Geographic? I'm going to give you about 90 days to do so, or I'm going to be making $1K a pic. Very good job


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
Holy freakin' smokes Batman.....they don't even have a smiley to express this one. Have you submitted these to National Geographic? I'm going to give you about 90 days to do so, or I'm going to be making $1K a pic. Very good job

But great photos if only I could take some photos like that!


Active Member
Wow, these are some of the most colorful pieces I've ever seen! Of course, that could be due to the amazing camera-work, but either way, you've got great stuff there! Wish I lived a little closer to do some swapping sometime.


Active Member
Never thought about that, honestly, I have no idea what magazines are out there, what are some the names?


Active Member
google coral magazine and reefkeeping magazine, there are a couple more, cant remember the names.


Active Member
Hey max. I asked which Prodibio suppliment you were using in your other thread, but I don't know if you saw it. I was thinking about starting Reef Booster. What are your thoughts?


Active Member
Wow, that thread is from a while back, I gave up on it....Didn't notice much of an improvement and it kills off most of your macro algae


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
Wow, that thread is from a while back, I gave up on it....Didn't notice much of an improvement and it kills off most of your macro algae
Really? I've heard nothing but good things about it. Someone told me that it works best if you use the entire line up


Active Member
Just moved a pair of these Bangai's from QT over to the DT. I used to think these were hideous little creatures, but now I like them