Photos of Fragging the Beast!

cayman isl


Originally posted by NVMYCJ
why did you wear gloves while fragging your colt? I didn't think they stung.

Lots of slime! I got a better grip with the gloves....


New Member
I may have missed it in the thread but,
How long did take for the frag to attach to the rock?
Only one of my many attempts did and that was luck. The piece floated away and stuck/grew out of a rock at the base of my tank. Didn't even know it was there till 2 months later.


what a beautiful reef tank. I hope my little tank can get that nice.
Oh yea , I have a pair of pants to be hemmed, could you help me with that??


nice job !
I have a question ... i m using toothpicks and rubber band ... put the base on the rock and tied the whole thing up with the rubber bands.
but it looks like it's splitting where i pierced it wirth toothpick ...
how can i prevent that ?
I split in 3, now in five because the foot kept splitting.

cayman isl

Hi ChingChong,
On of my frags did that also. I found that I had him in a high flow area and it was causing too much turbulance.
If you can move it to a very low flow area it should do better. Also, make sure your rubber bands aren't real tight. You don't need to apply pressure from the colt to the rock, just something to gently hold it there until it takes hold.
Good luck, let us know how it turns out...


Cayman, there are still splitting... I m wondering if the toothpick is too large now ... if i use fish string ... should i just tie them to the rock slightly ... i m running out of idea? they arent as big as yours...

cayman isl

Yes, tie them down very lightly to the rock and move them over to a very low flow area, maybe in a corner or something. All they need is a chance to get just a small foothold on a part of the rock.
I ended up using plastic toothpicks on the one frag because the fishing line kept slipping. Once I moved it to low flow it grabbed hold and I could remove the toothpicks.


Active Member
Cayman -
This is such an excellent thread and widely cited. When we changed over to the new format, the pics were lost. Would you happen to still have some? Some of these threads we are trying to "repopulate" with their lost images. And this is one that would be a great benefit I think. :yes: So if you still have even some of them, could you repost them?


Staff member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Cayman -
This is such an excellent thread and widely cited. When we changed over to the new format, the pics were lost. Would you happen to still have some? Some of these threads we are trying to "repopulate" with their lost images. And this is one that would be a great benefit I think. :yes: So if you still have even some of them, could you repost them?
Great minds think alike, Susan! LOL
I was looking for this to see if we could get Cayman to get the pics back up so we can archieve the thread. It is a great info thread.


Staff member
No one can see pictures....that is why we are asking if Cayman can repost them. :D

cayman isl

Hi Everyone,
I have the photos burned to a CD and since we are in the middle of a move to Florida, they have been boxed up. If I run across them, (and have the time), I will put them back in the thread.