Pics of my 600 Gallon Being Installed!!!!


im still looking around for stores to buy from...if anyone has any stores in the south jersey area that they know are good and wouldnt mind sharing could you please let me know...bill you arent to far from me i dont think...if you want to you could come over and see the tank if you want it wouldnt be set up yet and what not but just let me know...
as for the water i have 2 300 gallon tubs in the basement filled with ro water and i have a pump and like 100 feet of hosing to run from my downstairs to the tank so i dont physically have to move any water...and as for getting rid of the water the property to the side of me is all woods so ill just put a pump in my tank and pump the water out my bathroom window (the door in the picture is the bathroom) over my fence into the woods

bill f

Thanks Frank, its tough for me to get out, 4 young ones under 8yrs old and something is always going on. But I may have to make a trip.
Where in Burlington Co. are you?
Local stores, there are two right in Burlington Co. around Olga's diner (circe of rte 70 & 73). The one on 70, Aquarium Center, is right around Desimone BMW and the one on 73, Living Color, (just re-opened with new owners is brand new but looks awesome) its next to the party supply store by Burns Pontiac. I'm gonna go this weekend sometime. There's also a really good store on Blackwood/Clementon Rd. in Gloucester Twp. ( I forget its name, yellow pages)
The Hidden Reef was a great store in Northeast Philly (easy to get to) but it burned down after Christmas. I hope it will reopen soon. Great prices and quality. They have a web site, full name of store .com.


Spending 25 grand at LFS to stock that thing sounds a bit pricey if you ask me. I'd try to find a "supplier" that can make you a deal....
I'd bet if you worked with someone on a "package deal" you' be able to stock it for less than half what you might think.
1000# of rock? That seems a bit much doesn't it? You want room for the fish to swim aye?

The reason I mention "supplier" and "package deal".... as mentioned before. My friend from way back when, used to do it something like this.
Someone would have a monster tank they'd want to stock. So he helped them put together a package. Then he'd order the stuff for them through his supplier and it would ship directly to their house, instead of his shop. Since he didn't have to mess with stocking his store with it and wait for it to sell, he could give the person a LARGE discount.
He also arranged orders to be spread out so things arrived as needed... i.e. Sand and Rock... then clean up crew after cycle, then fish.
I'd check into it. You may save thousands.


Active Member
dam, u really planned this out well... good luck with it all, and please get 3 blue tangs so they can swin together or 5... lol


Active Member
Nice Tank.I wish i could fit it in my house,I had a hard time fitting a 210.Im probley 45 min from you and love to see it when your done or help if needed.Im 20 min from seaside beach need any help let me know.I have a friend who owns a LFS here Im sure he would order anything you need, Real nice people I got another member here on the boards going there now.Plus I know a few places that i cant name on the site to get real nice stuff Mail order though but execelent quality.Email at or AIM chiasteve2


thanks for all the advice i plan on getting a couple blue tangs....will take some more pics tonight of other components on the tank...yeah the builder/designer of the tank gave me the name of a person who could pretty much get me corals and fish for wholesale prices like he buys that stuff for wholesale prices and then re sells it to stores and such so he said he could get me a pretty decent discount on that type of stuff...


i think im going to start a website for my tank and everything so if anyones interested i can give you the link once i get it up and running probably should be tonight...


Frank thats simply that coolest thing that youve done, not only adding a nice addition to your house increasing the value, but you built it around a 600G tank, priceless man.
And I think 1,000lbs will be just about perfect, alittle more then 1.5lb/G.


New Member
very nice. if u want to give me your 150 that would be great lol. just kidding.Maybe one ill take a ride down to see it im in manalapan.Great tank


New Member
nice great time for you I bet, I am just now looking to get into hobby, and am trying to figure all the language out, Please post pics and keep us informed, any one have advice for good books ***) ***)


Active Member
Beautiful tank you presently have set up and awesome is the only word that comes to mind with the one you are in the process of setting up.
I'd be interested in the link as well since I'm thinking about upgrading now my master bedroom tank to the 300 + mark.
I used to live in in NJ, and loved living in Cherry Hill many, many years ago. No one around me is into saltwater fish so the only tanks to really envy are those my LFS has.
Denise M.


Active Member
Thats my dream tank. My LFS has a 1000gal reef not including it's 300gal sump but its an awesome tank. I would look into getting mated pairs of stuff which would hang out together. Id get like a pair of jawfish, firefish,clowns,reef safe butteflies,angels and of course a school of tangs. I think some cleaner shrimp would be cool. I'm also not sure about this but theres a person who has a shark in their reef. Good Luck and lets see some pics of it when its done. I also have a question...I'm 15 as a kid now how could I land a job like yours when I'm an adult. Awesome tank, keep up the good work.


thats is very nice. its crystal clear you must keep clean the walls everyday


Originally Posted by Frank2005
this is the tank i have now...

very clean. i see you have 2 YWG from the pic i thought it wasnt good to keep to gobies in one tank. Do they get along fine?