Pics of my 600 Gallon Being Installed!!!!


Originally Posted by Frank2005
im a corporate controller for a major family of companies dealing with construction...
so you're in the mafia???ahahhaha
j/k don't put a hit out on me....haahhaa



Originally Posted by Agent707
2 tons? Salt water alone weighs ~8.5 lbs/gallon. -600gallons, there's 5000lbs of just water.
Replace some water with rock and you can crank that up a few notches...
I'd say the whole thing will weigh at least
3½ tons. (7000 lbs for the math challenged).
That much weight on a wooden frame? :notsure:
I don't see "THAT MUCH" wood underneath it myself. Look at this pic.

Notice the small piece of wood between the doors. That's it?
Frank, I don't question the guys Stand building skills, looks beautiful! However, I do think maxalmon brought up a good point. I would at least have an engineer look at it before I filled it with water. It may be indeed sturdy enough, but the pictures we can see don't really show that.
Certainly wouldn't hurt to have a second "expert" opinion. That top tank alone WILL weight in excess of 2½ TONS.

Yep Frank didn't show the braces behind each door frame or along the top and sides of the stand. They were hidden prity good from sight when Todd built the stand. I live close to Todd and visit him often..... Too often my wife would say..
If Frank could post a few Pic's of the inside of the stand I'm sure it would speek for it's self.


If there are any concerns regarding the structural integrity of the wood frame please send me the dimensions of the side panels and any support beams that run the length of the tank, cross beams, etc. and I could give you some free advice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by superH
If there are any concerns regarding the structural integrity of the wood frame please send me the dimensions of the side panels and any support beams that run the length of the tank, cross beams, etc. and I could give you some free advice.
i would personally have some 4 x 4's popped in.. to be sure.. if that gives way, tons of money on the floor! and a flooded new room!


Active Member
Don't want to rain on your parade, but I would be concerned with the frame, from the photos I just don't see any structural support, consider if you get a little more rock or sand to one side and your load is R o L biased, if it's not perfect in level I could see the tank shifting to the R or L and with no cross support...It's an awesome looking tank, but it's freaking huge and weight a LOT. I would atleast put in a few 6x6's (3 front and 3 back, or maybe 4 per side)....Granted I have no experience in cabinet design and if your designer say's it ok, then ignore me...LOL...Again congrats and can't wait to see the tank up and running..


Active Member
IMO being made out of 1 1/2 engineered plywood it is plenty strong enough.Im sure who ever built it knew what he was doing.
you do bring up a good point with the weight being displaces more to one side or the other,but I would think as long as its glued and screwed corectly I wouldnt see a problem


HOLY FRICKING SNIKES!!!!!! I believe that is well worth the two hour drive for me tell me when you get it set up I would love to see it.


Active Member
Frank, will you please get that freakin thing up and running and stocked, the anticipation is killing me....LOL


Active Member
hey Frank.. any chance of us seeing shots of the inside of the cabinetry?? I would like to see what type of supports there are.. I am sure we all would like to see that actually..