Pics of my new 125! YAY!!!!


I agree crox, I've never been a fan over stacking a tank with LR. i like to leave open space for the fish , especially tangs who require lost of swim space


Active Member
your rock loks awesome!
how in the world do you keep your sand so white?
its beautiful! :joy:
add a scopas tang if you can


Originally Posted by Crox
I would not add any more LR. Looks great as is!!!

Yeah I like it how it is too. I just have 45 LB more curing and might as well use it. The more bio filtration the better I guess. Thanks! :joy:


Looks awesome! I finally got the 180 filled last night. I'm going to start on the sump tonight and build the canopy this weekend.
Man it's funny how small your corals look in the 125 becasue they looked huge in the 55.


Active Member
your tank looks awesome!!yes we diffenetly want to see pictures on your progress,,,have a great day...


Originally Posted by KOgle
Looks awesome! I finally got the 180 filled last night. I'm going to start on the sump tonight and build the canopy this weekend.
Man it's funny how small your corals look in the 125 becasue they looked huge in the 55.
I know! Isn't that nuts? My anemone is hiding in the cave in that picture. Remember how massive it looked in my 55? It looks like NOTHING in this tank when it comes out.
Congrats on the 180! Can't wait to see it!


Active Member
How many lbs of LR would you say you had in there? Unless I missed it in one of the postings...Your tank is AWESOME!!!! And hope mine can look as good one day...right now i am building a room for it (a 135 gal) and am wanting to get it up and running in the next couple of months (wife permitting....ha ha ha ha.....she's the one financing it..LOL)
I have a 42 gal (and before I start getting beat down....I know now, butdidn't when my son brought it home with wife from ***** a couple of months back as a surprise gift) and it is a fish only right now....with a yellow tang, two chocolate clowns, a neon goby, and a pink tip haitian anenome (believe that's the name)
And I too am wondering what kind of lighting you are using...I am piecing all of my stuff together right now.


Originally Posted by bkvreef
Nice set up!!
What are the dimensions of it?
What lighting do you use?
Hi! The dimensions are 72x18x24 and I am only using compact lighting. I have 4x96 watts on the tank. I don't plan on getting any SPS or high lighting creatures. Just softies and a few LPS.


Originally Posted by maelv
How many lbs of LR would you say you had in there? Unless I missed it in one of the postings...Your tank is AWESOME!!!! And hope mine can look as good one day...right now i am building a room for it (a 135 gal) and am wanting to get it up and running in the next couple of months (wife permitting....ha ha ha ha.....she's the one financing it..LOL)
I have a 42 gal (and before I start getting beat down....I know now, butdidn't when my son brought it home with wife from ***** a couple of months back as a surprise gift) and it is a fish only right now....with a yellow tang, two chocolate clowns, a neon goby, and a pink tip haitian anenome (believe that's the name)
And I too am wondering what kind of lighting you are using...I am piecing all of my stuff together right now.
Howdy! What are the dimensions of a 135? That will be nice! I love upgrading (except for the moving part. That is SO stressful!). I have about... 130 LB in there now and 45 LB upstairs curing so I will have 175 ish LB when I am done. The lighting is (as stated in my last response) power compact 4x96 watt bulbs 2 being 10K and two blue actinic. I have a little more than 3 watts a gallon which is the bare minimum, I know. But hey, it has worked for me and my animals are thriving. (I had three watts per gallon in my 55 tank)
Thanks and keep us updated on the 135! :cheer:


Active Member
Eaglephot, The guy I bought my tank from was a real jerk...and I was told it was a 135...but I guess I had been fooled yet again.....bast*****. The reason I say that is because they are the same dimensions as yours. 72x18x24, so I guess it is a 125....still plenty big for me. And I am new at this, do power compacts need ballasts, or are ballasts just for MH set ups? Perhaps I will get the kind of lighting system you have until I have everything set up and upgrade later. Do you have pictures of your lighting set up? So I can try to get ideas...Thanks...Will update on my progress.


Originally Posted by maelv
Eaglephot, The guy I bought my tank from was a real jerk...and I was told it was a 135...but I guess I had been fooled yet again.....bast*****. The reason I say that is because they are the same dimensions as yours. 72x18x24, so I guess it is a 125....still plenty big for me. And I am new at this, do power compacts need ballasts, or are ballasts just for MH set ups? Perhaps I will get the kind of lighting system you have until I have everything set up and upgrade later. Do you have pictures of your lighting set up? So I can try to get ideas...Thanks...Will update on my progress.
No. Compact light doesn't need a ballast. Its really just a strip light with compact light bulbs.
Now here is my thing about tank size. The store that I bought mine from said it was a perfecto 130 but with those dimentions. I called perfecto to ask something about the warrentee and said I had a 130. The lady on the phone said they don't make a 130. So maybe the guy had the same experience but didn't know that it really was a 125.
As for getting what I have and upgrading later, I would figure out what you want to do and keep in your tank first. I decided on only softies and animals that only need low to moderate lighting. If you want to keep soft polyp stonies or clams for example you would need the MH. Do some research before you buy the light. It makes it easier and cheaper if you buy the equiptment you are going to use for awhile at the start. Thats my advice.


Active Member
Thanks for all the advice Eaglephot. I will keep all that in mind when I go out to buy lights...


Woo Hoo! My rock cured and is now in my tank! I had a big problem today. My anemone decided to move from its spot and settled in a spot that it would sting my corals. So I had to move a lot around and stressed everything out. But, I made it work with the anemone in the spot it chose. It better not move again or I will be very mad.
Wow. There is a tone of thunder outside.
I will send pics when everything is settled and open.


Your tank look very good.I have that same pagoda coral it looked better at the store under the halides it had neon polyps then when I got it home the neon was gone.I still like it though
.Anyways let's see those pics with the rest of your rock.